Or parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme as we say in English. As try as I might I cannot think of a pun, word play, joke or anecdote about parsley.
Therefore for the purposes of this write up I'm ignoring the P word.
Yesterday was the mammoth rosemary planting session. Two seventy five metre by four metre escarpments to be covered in weed suppressant material, and at least six hundred plants to be planted. The world famous Le Marche curry club (what do you mean you've never heard of us?) assembled to help out our friends. Twelve people in all, average age 63 ish, various medical ailments amongst us, including prostate cancer, broken back, quadruple heart bypass, dodgy back, no hearing in one ear and general stupidity - the final affliction being mine.
Seven hours later, two hundred and eighty five plants put in one escarpment. Twelve tired but happy people, although another three hundred and fifteen plants to go. Other injuries - one cut finger, one 'cricked' back , one twanged hamstring.
So I've decided to ignore the P word, Deciding not to be a sage and use my brain, as I was the hamstring twangee..., I thought today would be good to do the run.
Alarm set early, but it is also my birthday so I wrestled with the eternal conundrum to run or not to run? The curry clubbers are coming for an English High Tea with bubbles tomorrow for my birthday, therefore if I don't run today it's another day of rest and for sure I won't run tomorrow, meaning a three day gap may be perilously close to me being a flaky runner.
After much vacillation the running kit was put on. Then I had a major session of faffage - dogs in or out? Out - remote control missing - found remote control - remote control not working - change batteries and test, still not working - curse a lot. Open up garage, open up car get out other remote, lock car, garage and try to set out. Bobster the Monster decides this time would be a great time to start a dog argument with his sister, he stands on her very sore beef burger meat paw, she howls, there's blood, sort out the injury, lock the house go to gate and get out.
Start all the apps, Spotify, Map My Run and Jo Cool. Am sticking with my 90s mix, but I think Chesney Hawkes is stalking me - this is the fourth time at least he's told me he is the one and only. And if I'm truthful I prefer Prince or in my more reactionary moods Eminem.I'm doing the Slope of Hope downwards, up the Hill that Kills, onto Lovers' Lane, down the forbidden field, onto the Bendy Scary Road and hopefully some running back up the Slope of Hope.
The hamstring twang hasn't made its presence felt, but I am running like Dick Emery's Mandy. It's wobbly, slow and comical. The Hill that Kills was slow and ponderous, and I got more into a groove on Lovers' Lane, as had a lot of other folk judging by the evidence left there.
Hooking right into the forbidden field, the grass has grown quite considerably and my run involved really having to lift my feet high, not great when you're approaching the terrible tens. Onto the Bendy Scary Road and this was when I felt yesterday's exertions. Hamstring fine, but I really had an achy bum - sorry TMI, but it's true. I received a Ciao Bella from a passing cyclist and my friend Mark passed and shouted Happy Birthday. Jo Cool had been suspiciously quiet, but it wasn't a gremlin, she just doesn't talk so much now.
Approaching my turn up to the Slope of Hope, I knew I had too much thyme to kill - sorry very bad pun still... and I wimped out and decided to stay on the Village via on the flat until Jo Cool took pity on me.
Finally she did as The Shaman asked me if I'd got any salmon. I have absolutely no idea what that means...
Parsley - I've got nothing to add -except in French is it persil? If it is, then my run ended up being clean, not squeaky clean, but clean enough for a washing powder
Sage - was it really a good idea to run after a rest day planting what seemed like a million plants?
Rosemary - enough said
Thyme or Time - just about held on to run the full 28 minutes
Salmon - still no idea. But today was my birthday and I did a birthday run mainly out of guilt, but a teeny bit out of desire - that's got to be a sign that graduation is close hasn't it?