Anyone running with sciatica?Absolute pain in the a**e quite literally!.....I'm doing all the exercises, and additional yoga......I haven't run for a couple of weeks, but I don't want to aggravate it?
Wise advice is appreciated 😊
Anyone running with sciatica?Absolute pain in the a**e quite literally!.....I'm doing all the exercises, and additional yoga......I haven't run for a couple of weeks, but I don't want to aggravate it?
Wise advice is appreciated 😊
Runner’s World had an article about it some years ago ( ) which might be of interest.
But I have no clue otherwise but sending loads of healing wishes your way!
Ouch ! I had a trapped sciatic nerve... which impacted on the piriformis ... pain! But I did not run with it. I could hardly move...
A friend on the forum.. an awesome runner gave me a set of exercises link. I did these and things improved dramatically. I will try to find the link for you,
Simple and so effective for me anyway.
Here it is... hope it works.
If that does not ease things. do go and get some expect advice maybe?
Hi Oldfloss,I should have said, I've seen a physio and been doing the some yoga ones, on repeat! 🤣🤣
I've seen a huge improvement, still got the odd shooting pains down the leg thing, now and then.......
I'm just kind if hoping it won't flare up again.......I'm going try a gentle jog later in the week.......fingers crossed I guess!
I have been dealing with sciatica for years. I take Pregabalin 150 mg 3x day and Ropinirole 3 mg 1x day. It is the best medication/s combo that I have tried. Also had injections to the aggravated discs/nerve which worked well. I started off on 50 mg of Pregabalin, then increased to 100mg and finally 150 mg 3x. It worked well for a while but when added the Ropinirole started with 1mg, then 2mg and settled on 3mg. And it has mostly culled the nerve pain. You can talk to your doctor about it and see what they think. I hope this helps.