Jo Cool suggested that regular running and committing to a proper day is the way to go to keep up momentum. I haven't done that exactly but have committed mentally to running every other day, weather and little legs permitting.
Breakfast walk with Fibi Fardashian, Bobster the Monster and Mr JCR - I say breakfast, you'd have considered it late for brunch probably, but we had coffee and croissants at 12 noon. Not sure c and c are the ideal fuel for running, but it is an occasional treat, so happy to do it.
Lesson learned from last time out, do not overset expectations. I'd promised myself that I'd go at the classic pace of snail minus 1 and if the need arose drop to snail minus 2. Eventually at 2.30pm I actually set out - I'm trying not to get hung up on a precise time of day, just committing to the day instead. I was seriously close to not going, so I may have to rethink that tactic.
I changed my running track to Retro Runners - Numbers, thinking that a change of track for a new week's running would be a nice idea.
I set off on the warm up walk on the Slope of Hope, through Mill Lane and onto Lovers Lane, which is where the first run began. It was fine, snail minus 1 the perfect pace seemingly. Onto the Science Museum lawn, and turning back to Lovers Lane, second run absolutely fine, I didn't make the mistake of changing down a gear and accelerating, I just pootled gently. Lovers Lane done, although I got passed by a classic Runner's World PonyTail lady, all swooshy and long limbed looking quite cool - but she was only walking and I am on Week 2 of C25K, so me looking sweaty and short limbed is to be expected. She was also about thirty years younger than me, so comparison serves no-one here!
A left hand hook into the Hill that Kills, as the Proclaimers sang about 500 miles and at that point in the distance I saw a mobile traffic jam. Four people on a. walk with a pram, coming towards me. Now sensibly I could have stayed at snail minus 1 and judiciously recalled the lesson from last time out, which is not to overset expectations.
Guess what I did, yup you got it, I decided a mini sprint up the Hill that Kills just beyond them would be fine, so I speeded up to snail pace, they were walking down the hill and they watched me as I 'sped' past, and wished me buon pomeriggio. That courtesy added to the foolish pride and I kept up the faster snail pace over the crest of the hill, until I was out of sight. At this point Paul McCartney was singing about being sixty four, which is my age, so therefore I ought to know better.
The walk was a welcome break, and the next two runs followed at snail minus 2.
It was fine, I recovered no harm done. Does anyone else get stage fright and change their running style/speed when they are in view of someone?
Outnumbered by an audience, The Proclaimers and Paul McCartney and let down by silly runner's pride or to be specific mine...
Out of breath needlessly - next time I'll do better I promise