so I went out just now to do my week 8 run 3. Have managed the two previous runs without an issue but today I just felt from the start I was going to struggle. Tummy felt a bit off, and I felt so fatigued got all the way to the bell ring and just thought I give up. The idea of running all the way back feeling like I did was impossible. Question is, I know I can do it so how long should I leave it to stand a chance? Could I try tomorrow or should I wait a few days? I know everyone is different but I also don’t want to leave it too long or I might start feeling I can’t face it again! Luckily my walking pace is pretty fast so although it added about 10 minutes to my usual time I’m still not happy as it wasn’t a proper completed run! Thanks all
failed run!!: so I went out just now to do my... - Couch to 5K
failed run!!

We don't use the F word round here. 😉
It was a practice run. Take a rest day and try again on Friday.
Everyone has off days.

No f words was a run...and you did exactly the right thing . You listened to your body, which is clearly not happy. A day's rest can work wonders and another day if you don't feel back to full strength
Your body is telling you that.
Rest up, hydrate well and, know, the runs will wait.
We will be here waiting too.

Sometimes we just have off days. If I felt like you did when you were setting off I probably wouldn't have bothered at all, so count it as a success you got half way. Take tomorrow off, even if you feel better. Eat tummy friendly food on Thursday and get a good night's sleep. I bet you'll manage the run on Friday no sweat 😁
Oh, and if you don't feel right by Friday take another day off. Feeling washed out can be the body's way of telling us to slow down and rally our strength.

🍏🙈 The only failure here is the use of that word!! It’s banned 🤣 we never ever fail if we put our trainers on and go out for a run. However some runs are difficult and don’t go to plan for whatever reason so we call them practice runs. Have a rest day or two & do it again. If you need time out take it, if you feel ready to go again on Friday then enjoy taking it slow and easy especially the first 10 mins of the actual run.
All runners have runs that don’t go to plan sometimes. No one is exempt! We look forward to hearing from you! Xx
thank you everyone! I feel a Bit better now hearing these comments. Looking at my stats I think I did go out a bit too quick ( faster than usual and I’m normally very similar with each run) so I think that might have also contributed. I do feel off as the evening is going on so I think I might have something brewing. I got half way and almost did 7k total even if half was walking! Thanks all x

Am I right in thinking that you did nearly 7km, of which half was walking, in 48 minutes? (38 minutes overall w8r3 plus 10 minutes.) If so that's one heck of a lick - an average speed of 8.75kph. Wouldn't call that a fail by any stretch of the imagination!
According to Strava average pace was 7.48 and distance was 6.82k.. I think my fast walking helps with my results…. I don’t ever feel like I’m really going that quickly tbh… I don’t imagine going much quicker as I think it would be too much I think atm
Yes, obviously a faster walking pace will give you a faster overall average pace. Your age, gender and terrain you're running will also have an impact. 7:48/km is just under 7.7kph, so somewhat slower than the 6:52/km I'd calculated, but still seems very decent to me, certainly not a fail.
I'd agree that there's no need to try to go faster now - there's plenty of time to do that, if it's what you choose, once you've completed and consolidated C25K. Happy running!

Hi Treacle, I'll just add, that if your 'tummy feels a bit off'....don't head out. "Runners trots" can come on suddenly, far from any toilet facility or bush. Just sayin'! 😬😆

Hi Nowster, I read your Monday post shortly after replying to Treacle...oh golly, I can relate. I can't drink alcohol or eat any oily food the night before a run....asking for trouble! 😱

I think we have all had times when we are just not feeling it or something. Give it a couple of days and go again. You got this