Couch to 5K

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CATCH-UP-CORNER... WEEK 2...HERE WE GO AGAIN... Please, come on in...

Oldfloss profile image
9 Replies

Here we are again. The month moves on. Summer is here... Really? Has anyone told the weather:)

Welcome to the Corner!

The cushions are ready, the sun is beginning to shine and the more summery snacks are available... Smoothies bursting with goodness and some very tasty new, chocolate and orange protein snacks!

The cushions are waiting, for YOU, so slip off the running shoes and stay a while.

This week has been an odd one... and we have been aware of a few odd things happening, All the forums had a weird few days with messages not appearing and error messages showing. The regular number of post has dwindled massively. and some indication that there may be some glitches occurring,,. particularly for our NEW runners.

More about this later!

Another week and another set of runs. Looking at your posts over the last few days, there is so much going on, new folk beginning this great programme, and a fair few folk reappearing, after starting it but not finishing it and even more folk repeating it after illness or injury or just life happenings!

I am beginning to get back on track with my running.... nearly a year since Mr OF had his heart attack and everything went pear-shaped.

I am one of the many who used C25K to build back to my running, ( not for the first time either). Progress was slow and steady, what else? . C25K, is one of the very best ways to come back safely from a set- back, as well as being a great start to a running journey.

Having reached Re-graduation, I moved over to Bridge to 10K and made my steady way to 10K.again; very satisfying for me, but now... I am moving into a different phase of my runs... I am running in the way my body and mind are telling me too and if you read my post on Bridge, I am learning to re-find the joy in my runs.

Now, the whole point of rambling on and in sharing my running experience with you is this.

My mantra is and always has been, slow and steady. It works for me. Folk have laughed at this, but it matters not... it works for me and for many!

My 'slow' pace, has, of course, quite naturally, increased over the nearly nine years since I began running, but it still is, my, slow and steady. My slow is not your slow, my slow is not the slow of some of our forum friends, who move much faster then I, it is my happy pace, and wonderfully we all have our own ! My speed is mine and mine alone.

I wrote this in a post two years ago..

“I have read many posts which have, somewhere in the title; “...going too slowly”, or “ nowhere near 5K “, or,”... not fast enough”. This sort of post appears a heck of a lot. And I often think that we ought to compile a library of those posts and the answers to all of them.” I have, as have loads of others on The Admin team and other runners, written oodles of posts about speed and time and distance, over the years. “Posts intended to encourage and hearten anyone who feels that they are not succeeding with their running, or not doing it right, or somehow, dare I use the word we really do NOT use on the forums... FAILING ! EEEK!”

The simple answer, to all of the questioning, self-doubting, anxious and sometimes distressing posts, which contain the message, “ Am I too slow...”, is the same.

No. You are not.

In this instance... too slow, does not enter the equation. YOUR running happy pace is YOURS and YOURS alone.

This post, written by our late, great IannodaTruffe...says it all.

You are running through the C25K programme. It is structured, well-planned, and designed to get you to 30 minutes continuous running, steadily, safely, injury free and enjoyably.

For some, it may enable them to reach 5K in 30 minutes. For some, not all, and in fact, the polls we have run on the forums over the years, indicate that the majority do not reach 5K. It is not a requirement to Graduate from the programme. YOU do NOT have to reach 5K nine weeks... things I and the other Admin's too, have noticed? That posts and replies are written, but not read. The experiences and the advice are often ignored and the worry and the uncertainty continue. The answers are there, but not heeded...

When we read a post, we maybe need to re-read it... I have to do this all the time!

I look at who wrote it, see how long since they graduated... are they a NEW runner, or someone, more experienced , who is RETURNING to running. That makes a huge difference.

Their experiences will be very, very different than those of a new runner... every single forum member has their own experiences and their own perspective and they are all valid and important. But, they are different.

Read other folk's posts, read the posts of more experienced runners, pop in here and read what other folk are feeling or doing. But, be confident in the knowledge that if you trust in and follow the plan, week by week, ( even if it takes you longer than nine weeks), then you will, find, by finding and settling into YOUR own happy pace, you will reach the Graduation Podium., able to run confidently for 30 minutes... injury free, relaxed and happy runner! There is the important bit... a happy runner...feeling the joy !

Time for you now... so, grab a drink and a snack, settle down and let us all know how it is going with you.

If you are struggling for any reason, then share that too. I, sometimes, forget to share my problems , and that is a mistake. Someone here will have felt the same, is feeling the same, or maybe. is going to feel the same, and we can help each other by giving our support and our advice too:) I do know that I got a huge amount of support to my last post on Bridge and it really impacted my runs this week!

A problem shared, is a problem halved:)

Looking forward to seeing who calls in, welcoming you and sharing your runs.

Oldfloss x


Due to some of the the odd things seemingly happening, over the last few days, I will be putting out a post for our NEW Couchto5-kers and for anyone else who has not been receiving notifications or finding messages in the junk is a link to a past information post.

PLEASE watch out for it and do take a look.

If you have had any issues... tell us. Please.

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Oldfloss profile image
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9 Replies
Xedweb profile image

Hello Oldfloss, loving the helpful advice - really does make a difference! Completed W7 - 3x25 mins, each run different & overall tougher than I expected. I think I’m starting to become more aware of how things impact on my running- time of day, quality of sleep etc. and I guess the next 2 weeks will help me understand what works best for me. Anyway, still enjoying C25k, really pleased to have reached 25 mins - next stop 28 mins 😃

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Xedweb

Hello and welcome... Plenty of cushions and plenty of snacks too! You are coming on beautifully... listening to your body , taking notice of it too!

We learn so much about ourselves and not just in running! As it all evolves, we do, as you are saying, learn even more, and that never really stops:)

Enjoyment is the thing... having fun, learning from small setbacks and using them to move forward ! Relax into the longer runs, they really are perfect for it....

Meanwhile, stop a while longer and just breathe... good to have you here , and thank you for popping in... x

Wavy-chick28 profile image

On my return to running after my blip I have the great privilege of running on trails, I must admit I’ve waited a long time for them to dry out. I worried about being slower and my stats but have come to the conclusion this week it does not matter!! I am not in a race with anyone just out in nature enjoying moving my body and it feels like heaven 🌳

Going to purchase trail shoes so I can run all year long in this beautiful place, let’s just enjoy being able to put one foot in front of the other and become strong xx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Wavy-chick28

Hello... sorry for the late reply... notifications not showing!.. I love your perspective on your running... and just being out there, and enjoying is so, so important :)

There is, truly, the joy...thank you for popping in and sharing your experiences:)

drl212 profile image

Thanks for your post! I'm loving slow and steady!!

Sometimes it's tough and you want to be able to go farther or (for me) faster. But when I think that, I try to make myself go back to the start of the C25K and then compare what I was doing in Week 1 with what I am now doing a month after graduating.

And you know what...the distance and the speed are coming with consistent, three runs a week.

I've improved by 4 - 5 minutes for that 5K distance!!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to drl212

Faster, comes as slower, does... Slow and steady gets you to the most amazing places, but... importantly, having enjoyed it and stayed injury free.

You are still a fairly new runner and the more you do and the more you listen to your body and your mind, and refuse to be ruled by all the tech bit, the more it will evolve... and when you can master that, the rest seems to follow , unnoticed... suddenly you have gone further in a shorter are feeling at ease, the steps light and the breathing steady... you are in a place you thought you would never reach...

The feeling is indescribable... When I ran my first 10 miles... I thought I was first HM likewise...but that is where slow and steady got me....

You are doing well... carry on and enjoy !

drl212 profile image

Thanks so much!! I am very pleased with the slow and steady improvements that have come my way...

grumpyoldgirl profile image

Hi Floss, another slow & steady pracitioner here as I coax my battered body towards 5k (or, more likely, 30 minutes). Much as I might wish to be able to trot along as I did before my injuries, I am mainly just thankful that I am finally back out there. I'm still a little behind week 7, which is where I was before norovirus struck (did a wk6 r1 this morning) and although the first 5 minutes was tough, my breathing was good and strong for the last run section. I even kept going for a couple of minutes longer, and all well. I'll just continue on with the program from here, I think. It's going to feel like groundhog day when I get back to the 25 minute runs! Hoping I'll actually move past them this time (whispers in case gremlins are trying to hear).

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to grumpyoldgirl

Hello... and well done... slow and steady will help the coaxing... you have had a rough time! Just take it gently and do exactly what you are doing... listening to your body ...

You creep slowly back to those 25 minutes...and those gremlins... they will simply fade away . left behind you...

Please do keep us posted and catch up here with us , anytime... you are always welcome:) x

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