Get your shimmering sunbaked medals here - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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Get your shimmering sunbaked medals here

111 Replies

Closing comments on this post, please find the latest badge request post in the pinned area:

Many congratulations for completing the 9 week Couch to 5K training programme! You can now run for 30 minutes continuously - you are a superstar!!!

We on the Admin Team feel enormously proud of you, and privileged to award you your richly deserved badge. We will try not to leave you waiting too long as we know how great it feels when your badge arrives - but please bear with us! We will give you your badge as soon as possible.

We hope you will continue posting here in the Couch to 5K community, sharing your experience with the new runners working through the programme, and updating us with your progress as you consolidate your 30 minute runs.

Speaking of progression, we have a monthly CONSOLIDATION CLUB just for new graduates like you! Doors are always open, why not pop in and say hi, to discuss plans and problems, triumphs and tribulations, Iannodatruffe is your host there this month.

Also, do not forget to check out the guide to post C25k running, linked below

If you would like a GraduationCertificate then feel free to download this one

designed by RunaroundSue.

Please note that our badges are visible if you are logged into the Couch to 5K community via a web browser, but unfortunately not in the Health Unlocked app.

Keep running, keep smiling….

Imc50 & the admin team

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111 Replies
Lazydays1 profile image

Hi I graduated 31 July 2021. Now to move onto consolidation ☺️ Thank you

in reply to Lazydays1

Smashing performance well done 👍 have fun in the consolidation club

Sully01 profile image

Hi I completed my week 9 run 3 yesterday, I’m super proud as never thought I would get to this stage

in reply to Sully01

We're super proud of you as well 👍 well done runner 👏👏👏👏👏

Graduated this evening 😄😄! Ready to check out the consolidation club now 😁😁

in reply to

Fantastic stuff, that badge is yours 👍

Just graduated! Hi , I finished the final Couch to 5k run this morning. Please could I have a graduation badge? Thank you!

in reply to

👍🥳✨ that badge is yours well done

😀 Thank you so much!

Wheel_chubs profile image

I finished C25K this week, absolutely mind blown that I can now run for 30 mins.New challenges are to see if I can speed up a bit and maybe even venture outdoors... dun dun duuuuuun!

in reply to Wheel_chubs

Badge in place magnificent running 👍🥳

Wheel_chubs profile image
Wheel_chubsGraduate in reply to

Thank you! X

CraftC25K profile image

Can’t believe I am saying the words… but WOW…. just finished my week 9 3rd 30 mins run… so please could I get a graduation badge…

in reply to CraftC25K

Deserved I reckon one polished badge is yours 👍

Post-Op-Jogger profile image

Just finished W9R3 and can't stop grinning! On to consolidation club next.

in reply to Post-Op-Jogger

Enjoy consolidation club, look after your badge 👍🥳

Post-Op-Jogger profile image
Post-Op-JoggerGraduate in reply to

Thank you!!!!

Hypatian profile image

Chuffed and surprised to have finished week 9! Can I have a badge please?

Screenshot of graduation page on C25k app.
in reply to Hypatian

Ohhhhh go on then as you asked nicely and you're a superstar 🥳

CressidaB profile image

Hi there, I did my graduation run this morning 8/8/21. Very proud - never thought I could do this in a million years. Thanks guys 😊👍

in reply to CressidaB

Yooz a star, you're brilliant and yes you're a runner, be proud of yourself, we are 🥳👍👍

CressidaB profile image
CressidaBGraduate in reply to

Thanks ever so much. Very excited to see graduate by my name. 😂

Nailectric profile image
NailectricGraduate in reply to CressidaB

We did it! Doesn't it feel great?!

CressidaB profile image
CressidaBGraduate in reply to Nailectric

Congratulations. It's blooming marvellous, isn't it? 😀 👍

daisy0001 profile image

Hi, I graduated today. Please please please can I have a graduation badge 😀

in reply to daisy0001

A sparkling shiny badge well done you 👍🥳🌟

Friso72 profile image

Hi! I graduated August 9, 2021. Will be checking out consolidation club!

in reply to Friso72

I guess that means you'll be wanting a badge 🥳 go on then you deserve it 👍👍🌟

Friso72 profile image
Friso72Graduate in reply to

Yes, sorry I forgot to ask you... 😜 So great to see the badge next to my name!

This evening I'll go for 'W10R1'...

Nailectric profile image

Hi, I did it!! I completed Week 9 Run 3 just now 11 August 2021! So flipping chuffed and looking forward to consolidation. Thanks to everyone on here for the camaraderie and support. Looking forward to getting my Graduate badge please when the admins get time. 🙂

in reply to Nailectric

Brilliant result 👍🌟🥳

Nailectric profile image
NailectricGraduate in reply to

Thank you! Took it slowly like you said and here I am! Happy dance!

Daisymay125 profile image

Please may I have my graduation badge. Finished my 3rd run of week 9 run tonight I am super happy!😃

in reply to Daisymay125

Yooz a star ⭐ well done Daisymay125

Hungaryblue profile image

Can I request a badge please, not sure if I've requested it the correct way last week.

in reply to Hungaryblue

Great job 👍👌

Sleepysand profile image

Graduated April, up to 9k now & doing a print triathlon race in 4 weeks Eek!

in reply to Sleepysand

Excellent and good luck on the race

D25K profile image

I completed w9r3 this morning and am revelling in my success! 😃 Thank you all for such brilliant support. Now on to consolidation 👍🏼👟

in reply to D25K

Magnificent running enjoy that shiny badge, and that link you'll need it's attached 👍👍

D25K profile image
D25KGraduate in reply to

Brilliant, thank you lmc50! 🤩

Milly6q profile image

So pleased to say I completed my week 9 final graduation yesterday

in reply to Milly6q

As it's my job this month I'm proud to pin on your shiny badge, off you pop to see IannodaTruffe across in the consolidation club, this is where your running becomes so much more fun ,👍👌⭐🥳🥳

MrBassmanjazz profile image

Hi. Completed W9R3 on 19/07/21.

Carried on 3 X 30min runs for the last 3 weeks. Now have Plantur Fascitus! Rest recommended. Don't really want to stop. Skipping a couple of runs and will try again on Wednesday.

in reply to MrBassmanjazz


Runninggirl59 profile image

Hi, I graduated last year and got my badge but it seems to have disappeared! Can you help please? Thanks. Liz

in reply to Runninggirl59

Panic not Runninggirl59 it's still there

Runninggirl59 profile image
Runninggirl59Graduate in reply to

Thank you 😊

PATON2009 profile image

Graduated this morning and 9 weeks ago couldn't run the length of the room! It was bloody hard but I'm chuffed with myself. Can I have a lovely badge please? 😀

in reply to PATON2009

One lovely badge is all yours 👍🥳⭐ well done

PATON2009 profile image

Thank you so much!!

Itsamiracle profile image

Hi, hopefully I’m on right page now! By some miracle I have completed Week 9 run 3. Please can I have my very unexpected graduation badge.

in reply to Itsamiracle

One badge duly issued well done 👍🥳

roadeoclown profile image

Finished my final C25K run on July 25, 2021 but just found this group. Requesting badge and continuing with consolidation.

in reply to roadeoclown

One badge all yours 👍

bgreener profile image

Finished Week 9 Run 3 August 17, 2021 after a couple of starts-and-stops due to injuries. Thank you for this wonderful program and thanks to coach Laura! I will miss her lovely voice and all of her helpful encouragement.

in reply to bgreener

Have a shiny badge you've earned it, and why not check out the consolidation club with the kinda wonderful, sometimes groovy IannodaTruffe He'll keep you on track with more running tips, to get you established as a runner

OldShuffler profile image

Hi, I completed the programme this morning and couldn’t be more proud. It took 12 weeks in total with 2 weeks off after an unrelated injury and 1 week repeated to get back into the programme - something I would recommend to anyone who has to pause for any reason,

in reply to OldShuffler

One badge and it's all yours 👍🥳 well done

bronwynb profile image

Hi, just graduated. Looking forward to continuing on this running journey.

in reply to bronwynb

Yep you definitely deserve a badge, well done 👍🥳

Here's the link for the consolidation club to take your running to new levels

Tiljip profile image

Hi, completed my run 3, week 9 today. Feel amazing

in reply to Tiljip

Yep you're amazing 👍🥳🌟 and deserving of a badge well done and keep on running

AmySherlock profile image

Could I please get my badge please. Finished week 9 on Friday and did my first solo run today!!!

in reply to AmySherlock

Brilliant stuff AmySherlock That badge is yours 👍

Julie54321 profile image

Hi, can’t believe it but I’ve graduated. It was hard work but worth it and very proud. Please can I have my graduation badge? 🏆🥳

in reply to Julie54321

One shimmering shiny badge pinned on place well done

FlorenceDombey profile image

Hi. Can’t believe I’ve done it! Just completed Week 9 Run 3 and I’m here asking for my graduation badge, please.Turns out that old dogs can learn new tricks!! It was hard but so worthwhile 😀. Thank you.

in reply to FlorenceDombey

Magnificent stuff FlorenceDombey you're a runner that badge proves it 👍🌟🥳

278cat profile image

I graduated last Friday , can’t believe it

in reply to 278cat

You're a real runner have a badge 👍🥳🌟

Player87 profile image

Hi I graduated today, can't believe I can actually run for 30 mins......thanks for all the support

in reply to Player87

Yep you smashed it well done have a badge 🥳👍

Mrsrun profile image

I have finished ... Thanks to all the support of the wonderful people in this community . A huge thank you to all... I truly could not have done it without all your support.

in reply to Mrsrun

That's one well deserved badge, magnificent 👍, so you want to run further? Faster, stronger for longer let's gets you across to the consolidation club, pop along give the door a tap, the bell doesn't work. You'll find the quite brilliant IannodaTruffe on hand with all the advice you need to take your running adventure to the next level...

PHalliwell profile image

Hi Everyone! I started C25k hoping to run for 5 or 10 mins but got hooked and on 21 August 2021, I completed the last run of week 9. I can’t believe that I can now run for 30 mins!

in reply to PHalliwell

You can You are most definitely a runner 🙂

Feather7 profile image

I finished c25k this morning please could i have my graduation badge Thank you 😊

in reply to Feather7

Only because you asked so nicely 👍🙂🥳, and if you promise to keep it shiny and keep on running 💪

ViWe profile image

Did it today! This program works like magic...

W9R2: non-flat run, avoiding some holes, tree trunks and slippery, wet places. Good fun.

5,26km - 33:26 - avg heart rate 139 - avg cadence 172

W9R3: flat run, wasn't able to keep my heart rate low, but otherwise good run

5,24km - 31:04 - avg heart rate 160 - avg cadence 169

Moving to consolidation.

in reply to ViWe

Brilliant enjoy consolidation club

SoosieSoo profile image

Just finished run 3 week 9. So chuffed.

Can’t wait for my badge. 😋

in reply to SoosieSoo

Wait no longer 👍👍

katemellors profile image

Hello! I graduated this evening and can't wait to start consolidating, thank you for all the support and tips on here 😊

in reply to katemellors

Have a badge you've earned it 👍

And for that further encouragement pop across to the consolidation club

katemellors profile image
katemellors in reply to

Thank you 😊

K25K profile image

Hey, I actually graduated sometime in November (2nd time) but never asked for my badge. Lots of wobbles with my head between them and now but have been going out off and on and doing intervals when my head wouldn’t let me run. Yesterday I braved a 5k. First time since April. Just shy of 37 mins. AND I then did an extra 1k because I felt able! Head was obviously kind to me yesterday! Anyway, would love a badge if you can organise for me! Off to runfest today for the weekend and may even try a little shuffle there!

in reply to K25K

Run or shuffle it all counts 👍 badge issued

PJRunner profile image

Just done my w9r3 run. Sweat not even dry yet but desperate for my hard won badge of honour. Thanks.

in reply to PJRunner

Badge in place grab a shower 🥳

Borobi profile image

Please can I claim my finishers badge.

in reply to Borobi

You can well done that badge is yours 🤠

Over60sRunner profile image

Hiya, I graduated just this morning. Obese, diabetic and 62 - if I can do it, anyone can 😀

in reply to Over60sRunner

Brilliant, fantastic and well done

in reply to Over60sRunner

Brilliant, fantastic and well done

Saint2233 profile image

Finished my w9r3 this morning, could I please have my Graduate badge. Thanks

in reply to Saint2233

One badge well earned 🥳👍👍

Bendymion profile image

I completed week 9 run 3 earlier this week. I took a few extra weeks to make it through, with a few minor injuries in the way and am happy to have met my goal at last.

in reply to Bendymion

Enjoy your badge and keep on running 💪😉

Argonaut8 profile image

Just finished!! So glad to have completed the entire programme! 😊

in reply to Argonaut8

Well done you're definitely a runner 💪👍🥳

Benben21 profile image

I've just completed W9R3 and I can't quite believe it, but please can I have my BADGE!!!

in reply to Benben21

Cracking job well done 👍👍

Katger profile image

Hi I completed c25k a few weeks ago now and I'm really enjoying the consolidation phase!

in reply to Katger

Brilliant achievement well done with the consolidation 💪

-David-G profile image

Finished my secret C25K journey yesterday and feel super proud, to think all those weeks ago I hated running for 90 seconds 🏃🏻‍♂️🏅

in reply to -David-G

Well done but....... but.... But don't keep it a secret shout about it!!!

You're a runner 💪🥳🌟

ElephantRunner profile image

Hi everyone I finally graduated today! Couldn’t believe it as I really struggled two runs ago. I will consolidate for the next few weeks and I have the London marathon on the 3rd Oct!

Kerry_78 profile image

Hi I've just completed the challenge tonight! Never thought I could run for 30 mins!! may I have my graduation badge please?

in reply to Kerry_78

Firstly well done Kerry_78 the post you've replied to ? Is my old badge posting earlier in the year, may I redirect you towards roseabi and her current badges posts... it's just nice to keep it all current and correct 👍👍

Kerry_78 profile image
Kerry_78Graduate in reply to

Oh sorry yes will re post 👍

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