This is about running... and absolutely not ab... - Couch to 5K

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This is about running... and absolutely not about running...Coach Bennett.

Oldfloss profile image
46 Replies

Hello and... WHITE RABBITS!

Here I am... not in the Corner, but sitting quietly musing...The last Catch Up Corner post was all about the Three As...Acknowledge, Accept and Adapt...

I've had a fair few messages asking for a link to the original Three A post , so, here it is.

Re reading that post... at this current time and in the position I am in, it does seem very relevant. Many of the things that we apply to our running is so relevant to our lives too; they are almost interchangeable... and the rules and strategies we implement for ourselves can help in both scenarios.

As loads of you know, Mr OF had a heart attack last Wednesday...he is home and is doing well... and he and I will be getting some walks in together as he builds his strength up again. Thank you for all your supportive messages too x

I am going through a tricky time right now as I have been having a few anxiety and panic attacks.. something I have suffered with in past years. Massive overthinking and over worry. So... I am really having to take on board loads of my own advice... use the support strategies from previous occasions and...

Work on those THREE As !!

Take on board also... that every finishing line is a new starting line... and although things are a bit unsettled right now, and runs are not possible...they and I will wait.... we will be patient, and we will get there!

So..... here is a bit of that Original post...I am using it to relate to the NOW that is mine currently!

“I have been thinking. Probably a tad too much, which has brought on these musings. I have read a lot of your posts this week and am in awe, as ever, of the way you are moving through C25K, either for the first time, or as a repeat, Following the plan and taking each week as it comes. You are doing brilliantly!

But as ever, also, we have quite a few, worried posts.

These are very, very uncertain times for us all, and for us as runners, there is a long, long list of things which may be impacting negatively, on our runs and taking some of the enjoyment out of this great plan!

We may worry about the pandemic, the news, bad weather, illness and family; about not being good enough to run, not running fast enough or far enough, and even, failing ultimately.

So what are we able to do? Well, I was lying in bed thinking, and I came up with three words.




Having had those pop into my head, what followed was;

Acknowledge + Accept + Adapt = NOW

Weird eh? But to me it makes perfect sense.

We are in a situation, and basically, that is it.( Here that situation is our running). The situation is as it is, we are doing what we are doing, and overthinking, and over-worrying is going to change that, not a jot.

How then do we handle it ? Well, those three words may help to make it simple.

Look at the photograph.

I acknowledge that it is wet and cold ( rainy and foggy too) .

I accept that I need to run.

I adapt to the fact, by wearing my wet weather gear, and I run.


So, applying the three words here;

If you are following C25K , whether at Week 1, Week 5 or Week 9, it is simple; you just follow the plan.

You acknowledge the plan that is C25K.

You accept that each run will move you onto the next and to Graduation.

You adapt, to wind and weather and to any obstacle that may occur, but always confident in the knowledge that you will move on at some point.

This is running in the NOW.

The Now is the thing .

You take each run as it comes.

It's all about being focused; on each run, acknowledging the run, accepting what is happening, ( good or bad), and adapting.

I don't want to use words like mindfulness, or in the moment, but I suppose it is a bit like that.

It's about each run and the NOW of that run.

Each run may have similarity in the now, but in some the, now will be different.

Is this making any sense to anyone?

Yesterday, I was in a situation, not a running one but a very tricky one. It all resolved, but I think that was where all this kicked off.

I suddenly realised, that what happened, in that sort of situation, was going to be a permanent thing, which would always happen, so, I acknowledged, I have not accepted, yet... that is going to be hard, but I will and I will then, adapt.

Some runs will be like that. E.g.

There may be pain or a twinge, so, acknowledge,( listen to your body)

I landed awkwardly, the ground is lumpy, accept.

Ease back, take it gently and stretch well, post run, adapt.

The more difficult time to do this, will be if you become distracted.

Try to just focus on you, your body, and your mind too, on your aware of you, running in the now.

Let thoughts come, and they will come, thoughts about speed, distance, style or pace, it's perfectly natural, but then, let them go, or label them and put them in your memory jar and then try to re-focus again on you and your run.

If this has made any sense at all to any to you, the message here is, for all of us, not just our new runners, positivity not negativity, trying not to over-think or over-worry, trusting in the plan and believing in yourself. “

End of original post....

The message too here for me, now and I feel, maybe for some of you, is, that all this can be applied to our personal situations...with the same success as with our running …. perfect!

Happy, safe running, everyone.

Oldfloss x

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Oldfloss profile image
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46 Replies
David_G profile image

Thanks for posting (or rather reposting) this Oldfloss 👍 I’ve been avoiding HU for a long time, as I suffered a heart attack and cardiac arrest in April and it’s thrown everything up in the air.

I’ve had tremendous support from friends and family, and I’m starting to come to terms with my new situation.

It’s involved looking at my whole life and re-evaluating what’s important to me. I’m lucky in that I’ve been able to take time off from work on full pay and that I don’t have any huge financial worries hanging over me. I have decided to go down the route of early retirement, although I know I’ll get a reduced pension from work. I’m very lucky also that my manager at work and other colleagues have been hugely supportive in helping me come to this decision. I’ve also had great help from people within the NHS in coming to terms with how things are.

In terms of the ‘Three A’s that you’ve mentioned, this is how I see it applying to me:

-Acknowledge that I had a heart attack and my life has changed,

-Accept that I can no longer do what I used to do, in the same way I used to do it, and

-Adapt my perspective to concentrate on what I can do, rather than on what I can’t do.

I hope this makes sense and writing it here will help me remember what’s important to me as I move into the next stage of my life.

Best wishes to everyone who’s experiencing a life-changing event, I know how hard it can be to find some positives in an otherwise difficult situation.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to David_G

Huge thank you for this reply, David... I do feel many folk reading this will value your comments.

I know that after MR OF's heart attack, I really value what you have said x

It was so good to see you coming back from your heart attack and even better to know now, that the decisions you have made and are making are going to enrich your life after crossing a new starting line.

Many, many thanks... and do, please, keep popping in.... the Catch Up Corner is closed until September... but you are welcome here at any time xxx

Elfe5 profile image
Elfe5Graduate in reply to David_G

David, thanks for sharing your experience. You may not have started retirement in the way you planned/hoped to, but with those 3 As, retirement can be the "new adventure". You will find your way forward - do what makes your heart sing - metaphorically of course, but for you there is in extra twist in that!!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Elfe5

He is on his way most definitely...😉

Cmoi profile image
CmoiGraduate in reply to David_G

David_G , while I know we catch up on Strava from time to time, I am so, so pleased to "see" you here.

If I were in your situation, I'm sure I'd have been avoiding HU too. It can't have been easy for you to have posted. Doesn't matter how lovely and kind and welcoming people here are, or how much your contributions are appreciated, I can imagine that HU must feel associated with your "before" rather than your "after." I hope it will again become part of your future, for which I wish you all the very best 🤗

David_G profile image
David_G in reply to Cmoi

Thanks Cmoi you’ve hit the nail on the head I think. HU seemed like part of my ‘old’ life and I didn’t feel I had anything to contribute 😢 Hopefully now things are beginning to come together and I can see a future for myself, I’ll get back out running again and post more too! 🤞

ChannelRunner2 profile image
ChannelRunner2Graduate in reply to David_G

Well, look at the contribution your comment made, David_G ! Maybe how you show up on HU also needs a dose of 3 As 😉 I am, for example, grateful that you shared your insights here! As Coach B says - it's not about running and it is about running (slightly adopted...).

Cantstopmenow profile image
CantstopmenowGraduate in reply to David_G

Thank you for posting David. Thank you too for sharing your activity on Strava. Sending you my very best wishes. X

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Cantstopmenow

He is doing wonderfully !

Cantstopmenow profile image
CantstopmenowGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

He certainly is

Elfe5 profile image

Thanks for your wise words OF. I like the way that you acknowledge that the step from "Acknowledge" to "Accept" might take a bit of time - but it's a step (along with Adapt) to aim/work towards - waiting to help us through our running/situation.

Go gently & be kind to yourself xx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Elfe5

Words easy to say...but not always easy to adhere too! But we will move on gently....thank you xxx

Elfe5 profile image
Elfe5Graduate in reply to Oldfloss

Don’t I know it!! 🤗

skysue16 profile image

Thank you for posting/reposting OF - wise words as always. So sorry to hear about your husband, I do hope he is feeling better very soon.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to skysue16

He is on the way...slow and steady! Are you enjoying the hols??? XThank you x

skysue16 profile image
skysue16Graduate in reply to Oldfloss

Well……..I have had a cold for 2 weeks and still congested 😡 Hubby has had flu!! So not a good start but looking forward to trip to the Highlands soon 😀👍

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to skysue16

No! So many of these pesky new colds around...the ZOE foundation are saying it will become seasonal like flu ! My daughter and son in law had it, and she had a cough for over three weeks...

That trip to the Highlands will set you both up wonderfully!

ChannelRunner2 profile image

Thank you for posting this, Oldfloss ! I wish you and Mr. OF successful acknowledgement, acceptance, and adaptation - and good recovery! I wish you that, too, David_G ! Wow! That's a lot to take in for all of you...


My fall in mid June is minor to those life changing events - and it also forced me to practice this, even though I didn't have the words then.

Acknowledge that the fall hurt my knee.

Accept that I will have to take a break from running and start again slowly.

Adapt my running plans accordingly (restarting Couch to 5K rather than working on faster 10K time...).

And, in my case, do this a few times until arriving at full acceptance 🤣. Actually! As I type I am realizing that there's something else I want to work through:

Acknowledge that I am slower using heart rate to train.

Accept that my sexy pace is between 09:00 and 10:00 min/km.

Adapt my mind set. 🤔 I think I am still working on accepting...


(On the "sexy pace" see this wonderful article: )

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to ChannelRunner2

Hello.... yes, that David_G is really a superb advocate for moving on and adapting x

Your use of the three As is absolutely fabulous and how well you are getting so much benefit from that! I love the sexy pace!!! I am going to be looking a lot more closely at that one!!!

Good to know you are feeling better and that you are back on track... maybe a different route, but definitely there ! Acceptance will follow...x

Thank you so much!

dijep profile image

So sorry to hear about Mr OF heart attack, I can well imagine the shock, stress and anxiety it caused for you both and the rest of your family. A speedy, gentle recovery 🙏As I see it your three As are a great rule for all that life throws at us.

Recently I know I've been (but not really acknowledged) that I've been stressed by an upcoming wedding. Ridiculous as it's obviously a happy event, but plans keep changing and I do like to be(too) organised. Anyway after my run on Monday where for every kilometer I chanted a positive wedding message I felt so much better.

Anyway take things easy and look after yourself as well as Mr OF.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to dijep

Go you!!! Wedding stresses are up there with moving house!!!

You have used some great strategies to help you with that and incorporated that into your running... Perfect!

A HUGE well done to you and thank you so much for the good wishes.... we are moving on and the support from friends here is helping so, so much x

Dexy5 profile image

So sorry to hear about Mr OF Oldfloss . It must have been such a terrible time for you both. Being back at home so quickly must be a good sign. Best wishes from me and UpTheStanley and lots of gentle hugs being sent your way, 😘🤗

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Dexy5

Thanks you...they did an amazing job! Thank you for the hugs...gratefully received xxx

Dendev75 profile image

Oh I’m sorry to hear about Mr OF, what an awful shock that must have been for you both 😢. I’m glad he’s on the mend and that you can get out for some walking exercise together 😊.

Reading this post and as often after reading your posts really puts things into perspective and resonates with me. So thank you - yes the runs will wait until we are ready - take care xx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Dendev75

Thank you xxx

SueAppleRun profile image

I'm pleased to hear Mr OF is recovering, it's such a worry when those we love are unwell and especially the heart. Your posts are always inspiring .

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to SueAppleRun

He is doing so well, thank you... hard to believe that it was only a week ago... slow and steady as we move on. and learning to take it gently,. without over-worrying about him! Thank you x

Wavy-chick28 profile image

such an inspiration Oldfloss, hope your hubby continues his recovery and that old adversary anxiety removes itself from your shoulder! Sometimes it clings on no matter what we do we just accept we are life’s worriers 😘

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Wavy-chick28

That pesky anxiety... like a dark shadow just hovering sometimes... but a very real thing... and one that although it comes, will also go. We are all one step away from the , 'what if' scenario and focusing on positivity is the key.

My husband is making steady progress and together we will move forward...Thanks you x

Zev1963 profile image

Sorry to read of your difficulties OldFloss. Your words are very wise. They put me in mind of the coach on NRC, I imagine the english coach on NRC says similar things to the french one (I am in France, so the app speaks french :) ) He seems to have a very similar philosophy to your own. He talks about you being the runner who is running today, not the one who was running yesterday, and not the one who will be running tomorrow. He talks about running at a comfortable effort. He talks about being patient. I no longer use music when I run, I now much prefer the philosophical words of wisdom from the coach, and the silent periods of reflection in between. I no longer want the constant rhythme of music trying to dictate my pace. I want to run at the appropriate effort level for how I feel, the distance I'm running, and where I'm running. You are so right that learning this way to think about your running reads accross very well for your approacch to life in general. I agree with your approach 100% Coach OldFloss, coach Lucien (NRC France), coach Bennet? (NRC England?) , fonts of wisdom for a contented life.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Zev1963

They are his words... Coach Bennett.. :) Loads of sense on those podcasts! CB is so good for the head as well as the running... and yes, very similar phrases... and supportive and motivational...

I love running without music... taking every thing in...just soaking up the sights, sounds, smells and sensations...then writing them all up in my running diary log and posting some on here. Just the act of being out there... you and the world.... perfect.

Huge well done you!

Thank you so much for your kind words and your good wishes... the support of friends is so precious x

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5Graduate in reply to Oldfloss

Coach Bennett said hello to me at the start of my 1 hour run yesterday and then disappeared. I think he must have packed his bags and gone to visit you instead.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Dexy5

I think he did, because the post I am putting out today, does include some of his pearls of wisdom ! Plus, I am his favourite old snail! x

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5Graduate in reply to Oldfloss


RunningJ123 profile image

Wow, you have been through a lot... I hope your husband makes a good recovery.. Take care of yourself too... Thinking of you

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to RunningJ123

he is on the way... new starting lines... always an adventure...thank you x

Sammyyy profile image

Very wise words! Thankyou

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Sammyyy

You are very welcome x

Cantstopmenow profile image

Have you ever written, or thought about writing a book, maybe illustrated with your paintings? I would certainly read it. Sending more hugs your way xx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Cantstopmenow

I have one nearly ready... but publishers in the UK... are still inundated since the pandemic! Thank you though,,, and those hugs.... they really are helping me x

Getfitok profile image

Hope Mr OF is soon on the mend.Sending big hugs your way x

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Getfitok

Hugs gratefully received... they mean more than you know! x

Sulley101 profile image

Sending healing thoughts to Mr OF. 💐

Thank you for sharing your thoughtful post and words of wisdom. I also love listening to Coach B when I need some support and inspiration.

Best wishes x

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Sulley101

Thank you so much...he needs a lot of those right now...he is quite fatigued because he had a heart attack prior to the procedure... he is moving around, making a gentle start to exercise x

Mum22boys profile image

So sorry to read about Mr OF but so pleased to hear he is on the mend 😊 look after you as well as your patient x

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Mum22boys

Thanks you so much x

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