I slept about 3 hours today. Partly due to the stress of the past few days and partly due to the stress of having to go for a run.
You found out that running is more mental for me than I could have ever imagined and I love that I "harden my mind" by running.
So I ran out, but I really didn't want to meet anyone today.
I chose the old route that I used to run before I got sick with covid and before many other health problems.
The trip was fine, but I had technical problems.
The podcast stopped, stopped playing in the headphones (AirPods) and no matter what I did, it could not be turned back on. So I restarted the whole phone, but I didn't realize that this would stop my monitoring app. So I don't have the record today, or rather, I tried to negotiate it and add it up manually. Damn technology! ๐ก
Done today anyway. And I'm already afraid that I'll be running again on Wednesday. It's interesting, the run itself is pretty cool. But the torment in my mind... that's the real battle!
I have a few questions about running that I don't know the answer to.
But I will try to write them next time.
I'm writing all this because it might help someone
Thank you all for your support!
Happy running!