Oh my lordy. It's so humid here. I'm not used to Ozzie weather yet. The runs around Albert Park in Melbourne we're a piece of cake compared to this 🥵 This is the track near my daughters house. I need to get out at first light really, to beat the heat. Good to experience runs in different places. Hope everyone isn't too cold. Keep running
First jog in Nundah, Brisbane : Oh my lordy. It... - Couch to 5K
First jog in Nundah, Brisbane

From heat to cold, in the UK the weather is very cold, - 16C the other night in the North of Scotland compared to the heat you are having in Melbourne Australia, good run for you Oldwoman65, enjoy your runs in different places and keep cool by running just as the sun rises.

As Al says, heat isn’t a problem here. Enjoy it! We only see it on the TV. Hydrate well, of course.

Just started snowing here again...overnight there was a slight easing up... but quite heavy now
Make the most of the humidity. That looks a super location and you are going to have a wonderful time experiencing all those different run locations. Please keep sending us some photographs so we may share the warmth!
Well done you!
Great place to run! It’s cold here but the snow has gone and the ground is ok underfoot-that’s always my main concern! Running in the heat is really tough. Take is easy and enjoy your beautiful surroundings. ❤️

Looks amazing there! Yep freezing here in the UK! It is lovely to get out before it heats up there too much, plus I guess it is a lot quieter too.
Hello and welcome to Australia. I am in the Riverina area of NSW. I aim at running about 20 to 15 minutes before sundown. It is a beautiful time of day. It has been about 27 to 30 at that time but not in direct sunlight. I could run in the early morning but never seem to be organised enough. I have only ever seen snow two or three times. It is wonderful to think there are Couch to 5k runners everywhere.

Hi , we were there last March / April. We were In Ferny Grove, just outside Brisbane. Staying with my stepdaughter to see my partners first Granddaughter born during Covid! I used to go out about 6.30 am , still warm and humid , but enjoyable. I did two park runs whilst there, Ashgrove and Mitchelton Their start time is 7 am as opposed to our 9am, great atmosphere and friendly as all Park runs are, but were especially welcoming and chatty. We spent a couple of nights in Noosa and it was great to run early morning along the beach with the sea only yards away. Enjoy you time there, wonderful part of OZ

I’m off to Adelaide in three weeks, looks like I’ll be having some early mornings!