Hi all,
Started on Couch to 5K back in August as a sedentary, overweight 47 year old. Managed to conquer 5K about 6 weeks ago (which seemed like an utterly impossible milestone back in August) and have since ran several park runs, now down to a PB of 24 minutes. Firstly, just wanted to say to everyone embarking on this journey and finding it tough, I know EXACTLY how you felt. It does get better and also more enjoyable, to the extent I now really look forward to my Saturday park runs!
My 17 year old son has been a great support and, having ran lots of 5k's with him, as well as 6k's and an 8k, we're going to go for a 10k road run tonight (which would have been the stuff of wild dreams only a few short weeks ago). Can anyone who's tackled longer runs tell me if these carb gels are a good idea to take with me? I've no idea if 10k will feel like uncharted waters after 8K, but I'm open to advice on anything I should do differently - not looking to break any world records, getting round in under an hour would be fine for starters!
Thanks in advance guys.