Lonesome running, I love it …. Does anyone els... - Couch to 5K

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Lonesome running, I love it …. Does anyone else? Asking for a friend! 🏃🏽‍♀️

Runforthedress profile image
48 Replies

Good morning all. Having graduated a week ago I’ve been thinking about what next. I know I have consolidation to do first but it has occurred to me that one of the biggest things I like about running is the Solitude.

I love running where I want, when I want and for how long I want. I think I’ve become quite protective over this time. It’s become my ‘me time’ my ‘self-care’ and if I don’t get out after 2 days I’m itching to get out and a bit irritable. I’ve even had to turn down my partner who wants to come with me!

I am a very sociable person but I’m just not sure I want to share my running time? It’s my time to de-stress, be contemplative or just listen to the music, the birds around me or enjoy the chink of morning sun coming through the trees.

Anyone else feel the same? Are any of you solitary runners? I’d love to hear your thoughts 🤔

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48 Replies
ChannelRunner2 profile image

Well, enjoy those solitary runs then, Runforthedress ! Absolutely nothing wrong with that in my book! I've been happily single for many years now, so I can absolutely relate 😊. I do think there's a lot of pressure to do things in couples and/or groups and it does take a bit to get that out of our system. Since it sounds like you're so much enjoying this time by and for yourself, I'd say, keep doing it! If and when you want something else, you can always change things up again...

I've decided to try out a park run soon - and will keep at least the other two runs solitary. I, too, am enjoying that very much. Since I have a lot of "me time" otherwise I do crave a bit connection and maybe by mixing things up a bit I can find the best of both worlds...

M0use profile image

Me too, I've done a couple of Parkruns which were fun but nothing can beat solitary running for me. 🏃‍♀️😊

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrAmbassadorGraduate in reply to M0use

I don't mind running myself or with around 200 at parkrun but the thought of running with 20,000+ runners at an event to me is a bit too much.

M0use profile image
M0useGraduate in reply to AlMorr

I don't mind Parkrun but I'm so slow I'm always running on my own at the back anyway 🤣🏃‍♀️🐌🐢

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrAmbassadorGraduate in reply to M0use

That's interesting MOuse, don't worry about the time, as long as you enjoy the run, that's the main thing, at parkrun this morning I was running on my own with hardly anyone behind me, however, looking at the results there were 75 running/jogging or walking, I came in on position 38 which is just a tiny. bit over half way, that's my best position in a parkrun ever, I am usually 3/4 position in a parkrun, enjoy your runs at parkrun or yourself 😊👍🏃🏾

M0use profile image
M0useGraduate in reply to AlMorr

Well done on the Parkrun PB 👏👏👏

Runforthedress profile image
RunforthedressGraduate in reply to AlMorr


AlMorr profile image
AlMorrAmbassadorGraduate in reply to Runforthedress

Hi Runforthedress and MOuse, thanks but it wasn't really a PB (that's 30:09) but is the highest position I have ever ran at a parkrun, at position 38 and just above half way is the highest ever for me at any parkrun

Dendev75 profile image

I ran the whole of ct5k alone, I then went to try a 5k distance with a running friend and really enjoyed how quickly the time passed as we were chatting. I then got asked by another friend to run the long distances together on the magic plan and I do miss running alone with my own thoughts. I do still get to run alone so have the best of both worlds as those long runs are really hard when I’m alone.

nowster profile image

Most of my runs are solitary (apart from parkrun). I like the "me time" it gives me.

Mummycav profile image

absolutely!!! I love being alone when I’m running and apart from parkrun I've only ever run with someone else twice & that was GoGo_JoJo both times which I absolutely loved 🥰 but I know where you’re coming from…I’ve run laughing, grinning, crying & wondering…because I can x

Runforthedress profile image
RunforthedressGraduate in reply to Mummycav

yes!!!! Freedommmmm 😁😂

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrAmbassadorGraduate in reply to Mummycav

Sorry about the crying part Mummycav, I hope those crying runs don't happen again. 👍

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to AlMorr

there’s times of the year, every year when I run and cry …and sometimes in between…but it’s ok, I can disguise it with the rain x

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrAmbassadorGraduate in reply to Mummycav


Oldfloss profile image

Loads of us...loners. .sometimes with an occasional meet up for a special run.

My rambling running posts, of which there are many, reflect the joys of solitary running ...which offers so much more than the run itself.

Well done you..x

Runforthedress profile image


Cmoi profile image

I love running alone, especially in the forest. I've run with others precisely twice, during the two events I've done, and even then I was able to get in several km solo, especially during the first event, where I was almost last.

Wavy-chick28 profile image

yes yes yes, love the time on my own with my own thoughts or a fantastic podcast.. laughing, smiling crying it’s just great for the old mental health.

Tried Parkrun but I just didn’t like all those people getting under my feet 😂😂 have done some charity runs but that’s different.

Nothing wrong with running alone 🙌🏻

Week7 profile image

Another solitary runner here! I love running alone-my speed, my thoughts , my time . It's strange as previously I have never enjoyed exercising alone. I often listen to a podcast on longer runs-always comedy so I cut a fine figure toddling around the town alone cackling away to myself- Fortunately running has given me the confidence to go it alone and not to care how I appear to others.

I have run in a couple of events and really enjoyed them - friendly sociable events.

Seems to me running can be whatever you want/need it to be. I love that it can give me the best of both worlds!

Frenc profile image

Totally agree about solitary running. I love the headspace it gives me where I can just pootle along with my own thoughts and dreams. I think it’s mentally very healthy. 😊😊😊

Funbugfan profile image

Hi Runforthedress

I feel exactly the same way when I run, I really enjoy just to focus on the run and whatever thought process goes along with that. I also enjoy the freedom to do what I want, how I want. I’m not sure why but I find it really difficult to listen to my partner talk (he’s a very capable and fit runner) and focus on what I’m doing at the same time! Sounds weird I know. I say keep doing whatever it is that brings you joy with running.

GoGo_JoJo profile image

The vast majority of my runs are solo. In fact I resisted running with anyone for quite a long time.

I do like an occasional "social" run with one or two pals, and I even pushed myself out of my comfort zone to an Xmas group run last winter which was lovely but on the whole its about headspace for me, enjoying nature and calming my soul.

Especially long, long runs, are so cleansing, being "out to play" all day, just literally running about. Can't beat it!

Wawacito profile image

I could have written the very same post. Word by word! ❤️

I run accompanied by my phone for music and the Strava app to track distance as well as pace. Imagine how happy I was when I discovered that I can put the phone in airplane mode, still get the music and Strava - but will not have any calls, WhatsApp messages etc getting through! Depending on my running plan: 20 - 60 minutes of just me, the road and nature. Pure bliss. As Week7 wrote: My thoughts, my speed, my time. My brain really shutts off when running. Like it's suspended on something and is just in pause-mode for the duration of the run. My body takes over, falls into what ever pace is okay for the individual run and that's it. I love it!

Runforthedress profile image
RunforthedressGraduate in reply to Wawacito

Wawacito great minds think alike! 🙌🏻👍🏻

Reggiegirl profile image

I also run mostly alone, which I love. I belong to a running club that meet once a week after work and I enjoy this too. But I suspect that’s because most of my runs are alone. Great time to think, listen to my own choice of music/ podcast/ nature and think about something or nothing 😊. Cherish it

Folkylass profile image

Hi Runforthedress. I’m with you on this one ….most definitely!

I don’t like to share my running time at all. I love the me time ,quietly contemplating life in general. It’s good thinking time and I can listen to the birds etc or music ..it’s my choice.

I too am sociable and have done park runs and will be doing some more soon and I’ve already entered into the Hereford running festival next year I’m running in the 10 k race and maybe I’ll enter a HM ? However all that said I just love to run along side nature ! It’s beautiful! Enjoy! 😂😂😂

Swimming24 profile image

This might seem an odd response Runforthedress re solitary running but I have 2 runs left before I finish the C25K. I shall do 1 tomorrow and am saving the final run until after a family funeral. My intention is that I need to be running on my own and dealing with my own thoughts. Also having a goal of finishing the programme will help with the healing process. Me time is invaluable for your own well being so go for it and enjoy 🏃🏻‍♀️

Runforthedress profile image
RunforthedressGraduate in reply to Swimming24

Swimming24 I think that is a lovely idea, a chance to take some headspace for yourself. Good luck for your last 2 runs and look after yourself x

Crolla profile image

I run by myself. When I first told friends I'd completed the C25k, one immediately started suggesting park runs and reeled off people I could run with (she had quite a bad injury at the time so offered her husband rather than herself!) Another started talking about going to Pilates or Yoga together. I said a polite no because I've never liked exercise classes, and much prefer to do my own thing without worrying if I need to slow down, speed up, or keep up a conversation with my companions.

Like you, I am a fairly sociable person, and I also live in a busy household, so I really appreciate my alone time plugged into some music and my own thoughts.

Runforthedress profile image
RunforthedressGraduate in reply to Crolla

Two peas in a pod! Love my alone time 🙂

RunMN profile image

Hi, yes me too. I need the time to unwind recharge, with just the elements. I do run with my my dog, which I love !!

Runforthedress profile image
RunforthedressGraduate in reply to RunMN

RunMN me too - check out my picture! My labradoodle could run all day!

Knittingrunner profile image

I feel exactly the same. It’s my me time. I do Parkrun but as I’m quite slow I’m still running on my own but get encouragement from others passing me. I do occasionally run with a running group but to be honest I’m much happier on my own. So enjoy your time. It’s precious.

Runforthedress profile image

Thank you for all your lovely comments - it looks like I am definitely not alone and it makes me realise besides all the lovely physical stuff how important it is to keep me in top condition mentally. I often just feel like running out the door - it’s like giving action to my fight or flight!

Yesletsgo profile image

I did C25K alone and loved it, then ran for a few months enjoying the total freedom of singing along to what I was listening to with no judgment (no people around when I run lol). Then my husband decided to join me. It's a different sort of run.

My 'alone' running is now Parkrun. I stay near the back with my headphones on and don't often talk to anyone. Husband can run fast without me nagging him to slow down, I can run with just my thoughts. Fantastic.

mrrun profile image

I have nearly always run alone, with just two notable exceptions. Home/away/abroad, always alone, including marathons and a baby ultra (50km), when I carried my drinks and relied on myself only. 😀 Will I ever run in a group, race or park run? The way things stand is - never. Why? Because the feeling of calmness that I get from lone running is priceless. 😉

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to mrrun


Runforthedress profile image

mrrun Love this! 👍🏻

Taddi profile image

I’m completely the same. My run time is ME time. I started off c25k by myself as I was too self conscious to attempt it with anyone. (I’d be holding them back, I’d be a horrible sweaty mess, what if this happened etc etc) but this is my 6th attempt at c25k (I broke my ankle in week 4 run 1 on the last attempt!), and now about to start week 6, I wouldn’t change it for the world.

People always ask me if they can join me/why I run alone/why I don’t join a group/club. And the self conscious reasons are still there (I’m still a blob panting along at snails pace) but it’s because it’s time for me. For my mind to be free, to only have to think about myself and my surroundings right then (mindfulness!!!)

For me to be out of the house, doing something that only benefits me, not putting the kids or husband first like with everything else!

And I’m lucky enough to live rurally, so I run down single track lanes, so one of the few times I don’t have to worry about people judging me, as I very rarely see anyone, just the occasional car or cyclist passing!

I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to enter a 5k or anything because of my lone runner status, but honestly, I don’t care.

Leotigris profile image

definitely prefer to run on my own - can set my own pace and not have to worry about being too slow!

Amiee-Leigh profile image

I totally get it. You sound like a mirror image of myself. I do enjoy Parkruns though, no pressure to keep up and I decide if I want to go for a personal best or not.

Runforthedress profile image
RunforthedressGraduate in reply to Amiee-Leigh

I work on a Saturday and haven’t found any park runs near me on a Sunday so can’t do one yet…. Not ready!

Valentina98 profile image

I definitely prefer running alone. I don't mind doing a park run with others as once we start I'm left alone

MissUnderstanding profile image

I’m another antisocial runner. I like setting my own pace. I like choosing the route. I like the flexibility of going out on a whim. I like the feeling of independence and being alone out in nature. I’ve run with other a few times and I while I’ve enjoyed it, it’s never going to be the main way I run.

I do absolutely love talking about running with other people though!

Hedgehogs123 profile image

I absolutely love running on my own. Its my 'me time' and is essential to my staying sane!!. Im do a job I really don't like and have a stressful life at the moment with some personal issues, so sometimes I just can't wait to get out and run on my own. I do run twice a week with a running club, and thats fun too, but I much prefer my runs on my own.

I'm with Mummycav , I sometimes have a cry on my run as my release and when it rains, yep even better as it disguises the tears!🌧️

squodge profile image

There's no way I could run with anyone else. I can't speak when I'm running and I go fairly slowly.

Frenc profile image

Oh running solo every time! I can destress, zone out, swear, sing, just be me really. I love it when you get to that point during the run where your mind goes quiet and you don’t think about anything much at all.

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