That’s week 3 completed and something happened on W3R1 that made me think. I had just finished the run in my local park and I was having a conversation in my head. That was harder. Yes, but I did it. Why do I get so out of breath? I’m going to have to do TEN TIMES this long! Yes but you’ll be ready, remember what they all say on the community forum? Yes, but… At that moment, just as I came out of the park I saw her. She was in her late twenties I suppose, I’m not great at judging age, but she was considerably younger than me. She was being pushed in her wheelchair and I suddenly thought – after calling myself something very rude – what would she give to be able to whinge about being scared of a few minutes running?
I want to remember her when I’m getting tired and out of breath. Yes, it’s getting harder but I’m doing it just like everyone else and now I’ve been reminded how fortunate I am.