Wk8 r2. Failed but succeeded 🤷🏻‍♀️ - Couch to 5K

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Wk8 r2. Failed but succeeded 🤷🏻‍♀️

Puffed-out profile image
22 Replies

Hi 👋

Just got back from a wk8 run. Kinda, I didn’t manage to complete it. I got to 10 mins and just thought, I really can’t do this, took a walk across the road and carried on to the park, where my trainer said, I’ll let you know when it’s halftime, and that was it-I was completely defeated ☹️ I felt I couldn’t t go anymore, I stopped the app, plonked myself down on a bench majorly disappointed and sat for a few mins thinking, I’m just gonna have to walk home now.

But then I thought, what if I just carried on, do my own thing, at my own pace, and talk walking breaks if I need to. I’m here now, may as well. So that’s what I did, took my earbuds out (music and podcasts are just annoying me atm) completely took the pressure off myself and j just ran until I wanted to walk, then ran a bit more and just kept going like this. I thoroughly enjoyed my run doing this and I feel so much better than I would have if I’d just walked home.

Turns out, both the c25k and my freestyle part made it up to 28mins anyway.

I know I’m starting off a little fast, and I’m desperately trying to start slowly, I want to start around 8:30min/km, but I’m doing around 7-7:30 and don’t know how to slow down-although I manage to slow down at the end of the run dramatically 🙄

So if anyone has any tips to slow it down, pls let me know.

So yeah, feeling good and started to enjoy it the 2nd half. I think with the pressure I’ve put on myself to get to the end of each run regardless of how I was feeling made it really unenjoyable for me. Gonna try and complete the course still, but take off all the pressure.

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22 Replies
nowster profile image

Well done! You have done the sensible thing. It takes many people a long time to learn that.

Are you by any chance over-striding? This might be helpful:


We do all have a natural running speed and keeping it below that is difficult.

Puffed-out profile image
Puffed-out in reply to nowster

Thanks for the info, I feel like I’m already doing a similar style to the lady in the vid. And I’m conscious about landing body over foot after watching these vids at the start, always good to keep it fresh in the mind.

IannodaTruffe profile image

Well done.

Slowing down to the recommended easy conversational pace makes it more achievable and for most, more enjoyable.

Counterintuitively, it is an easy conversational pace running that builds your stamina and endurance, not fast running.

Say this sentence out loud to yourself "Am I going slow enough to enable me to speak this sentence in one out breath?" If you cannot, you are going too fast.

Liono profile image

This resonates! I'm at a similar stage (W8R1 is next) and having the same issue with pace. I'm finding what feels like a comfortable pace (identical to yours) that I can maintain but am getting more puffed than I was and am not enjoying it as much. I'm also starting to get little niggles in my knees and calves, which may be normal with the increased distance but it's worrying me and I want to slow down but can't seem to be able to! I've only just started tracking my runs and kind of wish I hadn't! I'm actively trying not to over-stride and to go slower but the stats are the same every time. Nowster's link is very helpful, will try to shuffle more! Being tall doesn't help as I think I must naturally have a long stride.

Let me know if you find anything that works!

Puffed-out profile image
Puffed-out in reply to Liono

Yes! I’m tall too, hadn’t even thought of that. And my calves/calf’s?? Become really tight after about 15 mins and feels like I need to stretch them out, I feel like I get a longer stride when I walk and it feels really good on the calf muscles when they’re like that. I may need to hydrate more 🤔Only tracking runs to see how I’m getting on with distance. I’m signed up for a race for life 5k on Sunday and curious to see how far off I am. Think I’m gonna do intervals for it though, it felt so much better today doing that.

Liono profile image
LionoGraduate in reply to Puffed-out

Hydration makes a massive difference to how I feel when I run. And I'd do whatever works for you, especially as it may be even more difficult to reach a good pace with lots of other people running at the same time. Good luck on Sun, not that you'll need it - you sound like you're being very sensible! 🙂

Fionamags profile image

Whatever you do - keep on! Well done for run/walking that second segment - that wasn't defeat, it was adaptation. 😉 I found making myself slow down to a point that felt slightly ridiculous did the trick for me. But you will find what works for you. Don't be disheartened - this might have just been one of those horrible runs that crop up from time to time. The next one might be fab!

Puffed-out profile image
Puffed-out in reply to Fionamags

Yes, going to keep at it. I enjoyed todays session, after my little wobble. Will try again, I’ll get there in my own time. So close, I’m determined to finish!

Cmoi profile image

if you want to slow down Puffed-out , you can try talking (or even singing) out loud, and/or going uphill. I'd also suggest you forget pacing by numbers and focus on running by perceived effort instead.

Bear in mind that the first ten minutes or so of a run are usually tough for any runner. It's the "Toxic Ten" where your body is wondering what on earth you're doing and is letting you know that! If you're not properly hydrated, that won't help either.

Finally, if you tell yourself that you can't do it, it's highly probable that you won't. If you tell yourself that you can, it's much more likely that you'll be fine. (Exception: running through pain, as opposed to discomfort, is not a good idea.)

Puffed-out profile image
Puffed-out in reply to Cmoi

Ahhh, I completely forgot about the toxic 10 today 🤦🏻‍♀️ I have full on arguments with myself about being able/not being able to carry on. Funnily enough, my last part of my run is always uphill and I find my breathing is fairly easy, as this is the part where I am REALLY slow. Maybe slower than I want to be really- it’s just my legs at that point have had enough of carrying me 😐

Cmoi profile image
CmoiGraduate in reply to Puffed-out

It sounds like you've got it right at the end of the run then, even though you're going slower than you would like!

I really would focus on running comfortably and forget the numbers. There's plenty of time to work on speeding up (or not) once you've completed and consolidated C25K.

Brixcos profile image

Well done for carrying on and getting to the end. That was a successful run IMHO!

I've just returned from the same W8R2 and found it tough. Really didn't think I was going to finish at several points, and I already shuffle run so can't go any slower or I'll be walking 😂. Good luck for your next run. I'll be there with you in spirit...

Puffed-out profile image
Puffed-out in reply to Brixcos

Yeah, it felt like a successful run after I changed my mindset! Although I didn’t do 28mins without stopping, I really felt I’d still accomplished something. I’ll repeat the same run- because it wasn’t completed properly. And I’ll be doing that tomorrow 😊

Whiskey profile image

I’ve had a very similar experience to you, I managed to complete week 6 and was quite pleased with myself and thought all was going well - until I tried the first run of week 7! Then everything went to pieces, I just really didn’t enjoy the run and had to stop before I’d even done 10 minutes. I felt such a failure and convinced myself that I wasn’t meant to be a runner! I walked home feeling really deflated. However, my husband (bless him) encouraged me to keep going but not to pressure myself or beat myself up if I couldn’t run as far as the app suggested. And so I’m now running 3 times a week and stopping to walk when I need to. I’m hoping that if I keep going like this it will gradually get easier and running will become more natural. I’m at the stage where I can run for about 15 mins without too much stress. You never know, I may one day be able to run for 5k but it could take me some time!

Puffed-out profile image
Puffed-out in reply to Whiskey

This is exactly how I felt when I stopped that first time-really deflated. But taking the pressure off and just doing my own thing after that really helped to go home happier. Knowing that I’d done more and not just stopped. It’s great you have a supportive partner, luckily I do too 😊 I’m going to try to complete the programme but take each run as it comes and take walking breaks as and when I need to I think. Once I took the pressure off, I did enjoy it so much more.

Kirst13 profile image

Lots of good advice here already. I kept repeating weeks, until I could do the run comfortably. I probably worked through much slower than I could have, but it worked for me to build up more gradually. I also still "trick" myself by saying I can have a 12 minute run today if I want and once I am through the toxic ten I am able to keep going and do a longer run.

I also "ran" beside my walking daughter last week and realised that I could run slower than I had thought 🤣and I thoroughly enjoyed those really slow runs.

Roxdog profile image

Well, you did your own thing to stop yourself feeling disappointed, so well done.I would repeat the run, but definitely slow down quite a bit. That pace is almost certainly the reason you ran out of steam. It takes a while to recognise the best pace for you to sustain a run. Setting off too fast is a common problem. I'm repeating the programme, but even after over 2 years of running, I had to remind myself to slow down!

Good luck.

ArthurJG profile image

Yes it’s easy to say slow down but not easy to do or at least that’s what I found as a beginner. I can start slow now - speeding up is the problem now 😂 - but for a long time I find that know how do it. I’ll tell you two things that helped me: (1) to begin with, start at whatever pace seems natural and consciously slow down when your watch buzzes the first km (or 5 mins or whatever). For some reason I could do that even though I couldn’t start slow. (2) slow down by shortening your stride rather than by reducing your cadence: that is to say take shorter strides not fewer strides. That was advice I was given for running uphill and it’s great in that context but it seems to work if you want to slow down on the flat too.

Totally non-expert advice: just what worked for me on a trial and error basis back in 2018.

Puffed-out profile image
Puffed-out in reply to ArthurJG

Some good tips there thanks. I’ll try on my next run 🏃🏻‍♀️ only problem I think for me is that I already have quite short strides 🤔 I feel like I’m doing a walking stride almost. I’m going to give it a go though. So thanks 😊

GoGo_JoJo profile image

You didn't give up completely, you carried on, albeit run/walk so no need to be too deflated.

Tight calves on a half hr session screams of poor hydration to me. Get that under control, your muscles really need that water now for sustained use.

You mention you slow down for the uphill, can you reverse your route and do that earlier to help control the pace?

As mentioned singing/ talking really helps slow you down, as can slower tempo music if you're listening to tunes. I use different music for different types of runs to dictate pace as well as having more sing along tunes on my slower playlist.

Keep on keeping on, that's the main thing 👍🏻😎

Puffed-out profile image
Puffed-out in reply to GoGo_JoJo

You’re totally right about hydration-off to the kitchen for a pint of water.

Can’t really do the hill first as it’s at the start of my route, so gotta go down before I come back up, the other hilly parts near me are country roads, narrow and high speed and I really don’t feel comfortable/safe doing those.

Music and podcasts seem to have been really annoying for me recently so I think I’ll try the next run without. I did without for the 2nd part and seemed to be better without the noise.

GoGo_JoJo profile image
GoGo_JoJoGraduate in reply to Puffed-out

🤔 you could try walking down first and starting by going back up before coming down. Or start at the bottom of the hill that way you don't have the downhill assistance pushing you on at the start. It's very easy coming off a downhill to start racing away.

Good luck with all the potential options. It's always good to try new things/shake things up.

Keep up the good work 👍🏻😁

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