CATCH-UP CORNER... APRIL... WEEK 1... Spring C... - Couch to 5K

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CATCH-UP CORNER... APRIL... WEEK 1... Spring Cleaning Time in the Corner... Everyone welcome !

Oldfloss profile image
53 Replies

"...Spring was moving in the air above....….Small wonder, then, that they suddenly said “Bother!” and “Oh dash it!” and bolted out of the house without even waiting to put on their coats" !:)

( But they did put their running shoes on)!

Hello there running friends:) Yes. It's me...again! Welcome into the Corner!

A new Season, a new month and a whole lot of new runs to be enjoyed.

Happy April!

I always get a little buzz at the start of a new Season and at this time of the year, I get a tad twitchy. I want to get outside, into the garden, start to sort and tidy and more importantly get out into the wide world!

I think this month is time for us all to take a bit of a look at ourselves and our running and maybe, just maybe, make some plans, to help put a Spring into our steps!

So... time for a Spring Clean.... No...not in the house.... A Spring Clean of our running plans! :)

If you are a new runner on the C25K programme, then you know exactly what you are going to be doing in each of the weeks, as they come along, but... you can, even within those runs, use some strategies to keep you, strong, healthy and happy. That is the idea of the programme:)

You will, of course, have read the pinned post on How to Run C25K, but these little hints are intended to support and enhance your running through those weeks.

The evenings are slowly drawing out, the sun is shining a tad more, and the temperatures are, ( or should be), rising; so finding the motivation that may have had a habit of hiding over the darker weeks, should be a tad easier :)

Now, we have had some dark days and some dark times, so. ease in gently, take it at your own pace, make the most of your warm-up and your cool down; so much to see, smell and absorb. Everything!

We need to look after ourselves too, mind and body.

Yes, we are running but, in order to do that we need to train to do that running. Listen to your body, ( yes I am always saying that), but it is a great advisor. Treat it well; a heathy eating regime and great hydration.

Pop across to the Strength and Flex Forum too, for some super ideas to maintain your core-strength and stamina.

We need also, to try to relax when we are running, not just our body, but our mind also. For me, I look around ( sometimes a tad too much) I soak everything up; it almost an automatic part of my running now.

A relaxed mind, is so helpful in relaxing our body, so gentle steady breathing and a steady pace to match can help. A short mantra too, may be helpful when you feel yourself tightening up and pushing too hard. Mine of course , most folk already know, is slow and steady. It works for me.

I may image the stress of the days, floating away behind me as I run... I leave them... or I tuck niggly things away, to be handled at another time when I am feeling refreshed and recharged.

I focus, not intensely, but gently, on my body too; more a general awareness of what is going on....relaxing my face and around my jaw. Relaxing shoulders and arms, shaking my hands out, if my arms feel tense; my hands unclenched, ( think holding a bag of crisps, not wanting to crush them), I try to land lightly, I call it , kissing the ground with my feet.

It sounds like a load of stuff to think about, but with each run, if we take our time, it just becomes second nature:)

So... a few ideas there, and you could add some things yourself?

A change of route, a piece of new running gear, running with a friend, and of course, if you get chance, giving yourself some quality recovery time, to recharge and reflect, on just how amazing you are.

Many of these hints apply to all of us, whatever level of running we are at. We may be returning to our runs after illness, or injury; repeating C25K, or bits of it, but we still need to take care of ourselves:)

So there we are... we have made a start... we have dusted away a few cobwebs, polished a few things maybe, and we are thinking of moving forwards with energy , enthusiasm and confidence:)

We need to hear from you now. Whether you are just beginning, somewhere in the middle,.. in sight of the podium, or here for a re-run...

Slip off the running shoes and pull up a cushion; let us know what you are up to:)

Oldfloss x


Apologies to Kenneth Grahame.... I love Wind in the Willows x

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Oldfloss profile image
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53 Replies
Greenrunner47 profile image

Hi Oldfloss thx for another lovely msg, am pulling up a beanbag for a bit of running advice from you and any others who may wish to reply. I got a bit cocky after week 5, as I found it so unexpectedly easy and repeated the run twice to build up my fitness. But week 6.1 was a shock and unexpectedly hard. I failed 6.2 - my first failed run :( and had to repeat today, but was going so slowly, with your words slow and steady in my head so thx for that it got me though. also the accepting / adjusting post from a couple of weeks ago came to mind and I just wanted to let you know your posts are so helpful and made a difference to me today, so thx again! I am feeling a bit coldified now do wonder if that’s why my energy had been down this week. Plus need to make sure I’ve eaten enough before i run as my metabolism is insanely fast! Like you say the most important thing is to relax and enjoy so I’m going to try to do both on Sunday when I do run 3.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply toGreenrunner47

Good morning to you. A tad nippy here this morning, but dry!

You are doing so, so well and it may help to know that in the Week5/6 scenario you are not alone.

Many folk have found and will find, that after Week 5, for whatever reason, they may be upended on Week 6.

I am so pleased that you felt able to just accept and run through, in your own way, and not give yourself any grief over a tricky run. :) So glad that some of the experiences I have had and that I share do help.

That is what we are here for isn't it? To support each other.

It sounds as if you were or are carrying a horrid cold bug and yes, that would impact on your running, and fuel! Oh yes... do make sure that you are putting enough fuel in for those runs... we learn too late sometimes that we haven't been doing that! ( October 2020... that happened to me)!

You are really on top of things though, listening to your body and responding to it and when you are over this cold or whatever bug, you are going to be ready to move on steadily!

Enjoy today, and set out tomorrow, relaxed, refreshed and with a Spring in your step.

Well done you!

Tbae profile image

Wow Floss what an inspiration you are.Uplifting read.All good wishes.🌟💪🙏💫⚡️❤️

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply toTbae

Thank you my friend... I do hope that things are easing a tad for you. From your last posts I know things have been tricky, but as you said yourself, no need for pressure or over thinking. You and I both know, so well, that those runs are patient.They wait for us:)

LiisaM profile image

I love this: "I may image the stress of the days, floating away behind me as I run..." and I love the picture. I noticed the cozy bed so near the fireplace--something from times of old--and it looks like there is someone IN it!

I have hit a big bump in the road; I have not run nor have I done muscle exercises--so I promise to report next time that I'm back on the muscle exercises. I went to the dentist thinking I had a cavity for sure but it turned out to be a sensitive tooth root (Yay for that--that it was not a cavity!) I had not been to the dentist for more than two years because of fear of COVID. Even so, my unvaccinated son living with us has put himself in isolation just in case I get COVID and am asymptomatic since I've been boostered so should be okay myself(?) So what does this mean? It means I have no one to watch Hubby whilst I do my running for a couple/few weeks. Ah, well, I look forward to being out of imposed isolation and running once again in time.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply toLiisaM

Hello again. Welcome into the slightly cleaner corner:)

Good news on the dental front! I am sure your dentist took every precaution for safety and with the vaccination you should be okay... Just do a Flow test and reassure your son!

If you are negative, no issue and you only need 7 days isolation if positive...( not a few weeks)!

The exercises will be there when you get the chance... until then?

Sitting and reading or just housework can be incorporated into your exercise routine. gentle knee squats whilst cleaning your teeth, washing up, waiting for the kettle to boil. Cleaning generally.

Whilst sitting down, toe stretches, up and down. knee raises, ankle rotation... toe creeping back and forth. When you get up or down, practice lowering and raising without holding on to the chair:)

Do that flow test and then you can get outside asap. You will get there!


There is a Mole in the's not me :)

UnfitNoMore profile image

I heard that despite missing Piglet, Pooh really loved his post run bacon sandwich.

This year is going way too fast, it needs to learn all about slow and steady!

Anyways… it’s good to be back on the forums, and I may have a post to drop in a few more days myself. Some days on my current missions seem to be a struggle and coming back here, where it all started, have put things into perspective… I can do C25k so I can do anything. It’s really exciting to read about people starting out on their journeys.

Tell your friends people. Happy running

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply toUnfitNoMore

Humph... that is NOT funny!Yes though, the year is defying the Time continuum and whizzing by. I cannot believe it is my ** Birthday tomorrow!!! But we just have to fill the days with all the good stuff, including the running!

You are making a great comeback and popping in here when you can is going to help. I know that it has put things in perspective for me and is really helping to keep me focused. Stopping overthinking and just really keeping it steady.

Thankfully, our numbers are rising and many folk are reaping the benefits of C25K. It is true, as you say, if you can do this and enjoy it, you can achieve anything that you wish to.

Pop in again.... any time , ( but leave Piglet alone.... ), we all know that Pooh only loves honey!

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate in reply toOldfloss


Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply toUnfitNoMore

30th ! ( Got to be realistic here 😉

Elfe5 profile image

Hi OF and all cushion/ beanbag sitters.😄I love that quote - well… the whole book really!

Thanks for all that gentle & relaxing advice - perfect!👍🏻😄

I have needed to take 10 days off running - caught a cold on top of still being weary after Covid- so well flattened. I shall return when ready! 💪🏻😄

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply toElfe5

Hello!Oh gosh, a cold on top of Covid recovery ! Not funny!

So glad that you eased back and took that time off running... listening to our body and giving it time to recover without any over thinking or any need to rush!

Feel better soon my friend... the days are stretching out and hopefully the warmth will do your body and your mind a lot of good :) x

Bluefly profile image

Morning Oldfloss and thanks for such an uplifting post. I also love Wind in the Willows. Have happy memories of it being read to me when I was very small.

This week a minor setback, took 4 rest days between R1 and 2 of W6 as developed a cold/cough but on the mend now and planning R3 for tomorrow.

Still feeling positive and it must be showing as husband is thinking of giving it a try.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply toBluefly

Huge well done to you and for hopefully, getting your husband to give it a go. Wow! You must be glowing with that positivity!We do have so many friends here running it with partners and it is a great way to share something so beneficial; especially after the last couple of years!

Taking those rest days is so important and when we do feel under par, even more so. But, when you do get out tomorrow you will enjoy it all the more:)

Looking forward to your running postx

I love the story.... still do... I have at least three different copies!

Frenc profile image

Hello OF! What a lovely post, I used to love Wind in the Willows. A magical book I read recently is The Runaways by Elizabeth Goudge. Nothing to do with running, but such a lovely read.

Well, having tested positive for you know what this morning, I’m afraid to say that my running is on hold for now. I’m happy that it doesn’t seem to have gone to my chest which I think would affect my first run back, so that’s a plus. It feels like a cold to be honest. It will give me time to spring clean my flat and also draw up some running plans! So I’m trying to think positive.

Have a lovely day OF! 😊😊😊

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply toFrenc

Oh goodness! Not good , but at least you are feeling better than you might be!

A spring clean could be done...but listen to your if need be, Maybe some reminiscing in some catch-up reading.

Heal well my friend...xx

Frenc profile image
FrencGraduate in reply toOldfloss

Thank you OF 😊.

nowster profile image

Waves from the couch and makes "Poop-poop" noises. 🤒

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply tonowster

Why on the Couch? Waving back and wondering if you have turned into Toad !

nowster profile image
nowsterGraduate in reply toOldfloss

It's COVID that's manifesting as a nasty cold. Buy shares in the company that makes Lemsip. 🤣

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply tonowster

Just read your post! I suppose it was inevitable that you would catch it...hydrate well and rest...I'm getting my strength up for a Plas Heli repeat :)Feel better soon!

FrankyC profile image

Starting Again after a 6 month break to Care for my mum. Sooooo looking forward to starting again 😃👍fingers crossed for the weather. It's been sunny ☀️, 🌨 snowing and rainy. So total mixed back this last few days. I'd take dry for my first few runs this week. Happy Weekend 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 😊

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply toFrankyC

Good to have you here and just what you need to get you moving again.So much positivity and support on here currently!

We had snowstorms and glorious sunshine yesterday... just the sunshine today though! I'm with you on the dry bit!

We are looking forward to watching your progress on your come back and reading your posts; please do share them with us:)

Well done you... slow and steady and on you go!

Mum22boys profile image

Hi Oldfloss 👋 what a lovely and uplifting post. I can feel your cheery springiness, it's very infectious.

I was feeling the cheeriness... did yoga Monday and Tuesday... feeling positive... but then Wednesday positive covid test 🤦‍♀️ successfully avoided for 2 whole years, grr so annoying. Smallest boy tested positive on Thursday, husband this morning, so the 5yr old is the last man standing!!!!

I'm hoping that positivity will still be there when the covid weariness has passed... I feel it will... I am feeling positive.

Have a run for me.. I want to be out there... 🏃‍♀️☀️🏞 xx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply toMum22boys

Blinking ink!!! You are really coming up against it! My heart goes out to you!BUT... and it's a good but...YOU DID YOGA and you were feeling good!

That is brilliant.

I am so sorry about the small one... are you feeling okay-ish???

Our small runner in training had her jab yesterday ...she is nearly 5 and a half... she tried in great style to do a runner....but was captured by Mama and had her injection:)

I am sure that you will, once you have given your body the chance to recover start to feel fine.

Stay positive, stay strong and I will run for you on Tuesday morning hopefully... or Wednesday in Wales. I ran this morning and on Monday I have small runner in training... that is my strength and stamina workout day ... full on ( As you very well know yourself) :)

Sending a virtual hug for you and a squdge for small one xxx

Mum22boys profile image
Mum22boysGraduate in reply toOldfloss

Happy birthday for yesterday, hope you had a lovely day 😊

I'm ok, biggest thing was weariness.. have felt better the last 2/3 days but tested today as it was my day 5 but still positive. Smallest one had a temperature for 24hrs and was quite unsettled over night for a few nights but seems a lot better now.

Have a super run tomorrow xx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply toMum22boys

I had a lovely day... thank you. With the family and a day spent with them being spoiled. If you count running races back and forth with small runner in training down their filed to the frog pond and back. I do count that... just she and I and the world around us... pure joy!She won too... she can run like the wind in her wellies... I can't!

I am glad that you are on the mend... just go with it. I have heard many folk say it is the weariness which is really draining ( and with a young family), so hard. If it helps I know of many folk who tested positive for quite a few days, ( up to 10) then suddenly negative! We still know so little about this particular variant!

I am really glad that the small one is feeling better, oh dear, what a horrid thing this is. Our small runner had her first vaccination on Friday.

Just go with it. You are still getting strength and stamina work in with your family. Life for you and them goes on, the runs will wait and when you do start to feel more like it, maybe start with some gentle yoga again to ease you back into things ?

There are quite a few short, recovery sessions.

But, very well done to you... you are staying strong and things are gradually looking brighter. Spring is on its way xxx

Mum22boys profile image
Mum22boysGraduate in reply toOldfloss

Oooo and just seen the new trainers. Fab 😍 love blue 💙 enjoy running in them xx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply toMum22boys

I had a little jogette yesterday, things conspired against a longer run! The blue shoes ( Ilove them) they work! x

CBDB profile image

Hello lovely 🥰😘☺️ 😊 , your posts are so magical: I think everyone feels you speak directly to them!

Well my last week ending in last Sunday went very well, completely to plan (2 runs, 5 rows, 2 yogas). But this week has not fared as well with work getting massively in the way. With my run tomorrow I will have ended up with 1 run, 3 rows, and 1 or 2 yoga sessions.

But this running lark has an up-and-down ebb-and-flow all on its own, and I’ve come to terms with that not every week will turn out perfect-to-plan. That is possibly half the fun and what keeps us going.

So I’m not too hard on myself.

But some new exciting things for me are:

- after being inspired by @roseabi I’m really falling in love with my daily diary writing, reflecting on my health and fitness journey. I’ve always been writing at least a bit on a daily basis, but this diary, dedicated to only health and fitness, let’s me track all my activities and thoughts and plans to do with fitness and I’m enjoying it immensely! (Empty pages have a magic all in their own!)

- I’ve discovered a new podcast rowing instruction series, developed by the makers of my indoor rowing machine, and they allow me to learn all the ins and outs of programming the PM5 monitor, which is the equivalent of what a Garmin watch is to runners. So I’m continuing to have fun with my rower.

-in a less happy side, my knee joints are beginning to be a bit sensitive again. I have a feeling I know why. I reintroduced cheese to my diet, after 3 years completely dairy free. Annoyingly that may have been it, which means I have to go back to 100% dairy free 😭😤😩. I’m already gluten free, alcohol free and sugar free, so it’s really frustrating.

But other than that I’m fine. I’ve just made a gf/SF/DF apple galette, so we’ll have a nice slice with our usual Sat afternoon board game!

Take care, don’t tidy too much in the garden and definitely enjoy the moments of spring sunshine!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply toCBDB

This is all sounding so positive in so many ways...:)

I am loving the fact that you are accepting that it cannot always happen and following a great week. a good week sounds fine to me!You are exercising and you are getting the runs started too.

We do what we are able :)

Your rowing sounds so much fun, I have this image of you ! I see you travelling the world in your mind as you row!

The diary? Simply fabulous idea!

I have a log and account of every one of my runs since I began in 2015 ( well almost everyone.. and all my rambles on here too! If I can get the right illustrator, my book is ready to go!

For me, the run is only a part of the running, the rest is everything that goes with it:) I lost sight of that in October 2020 but am back on it now!

It is fantastic in the darkest days of Winter, to open your diary and look at summer runs and sun-kissed days... the good the bad and the ... not so pretty runs... all play their part!

I hope those knees ease off !

Horrid knee pain... and you are already cutting everything back already. But that galette sounds delicious!! I love anything like that. I am making an apple turnover for Monday's dessert when small runner in training is here, she loves her fruit and it is very tasty with some lacto free cream !

Have a lovely rest of the day.... I only replanted a shrub today, finished the washing.. all dried in the sun... and tidied my studio again... ( Small one likes to take it over)!

Lovely to have you here with us !

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Hi Floss, 🙋‍♀️ puts down feather duster,

Thank you for another great post, and yes a fresh season, a fresh start is waiting!

March was taken up with us having Covid, having been careful for so long we came into contact with it at the end of Feb. It knocked us off our feet for a few days, thank goodness for home deliveries.

I have been for one runette to see where I was and was pleased that my breathing seems fine. I have been practising gentle yoga, and just started the YWA April calender Refresh (How did Adriene know 😊)

I hope to go running twice a week this month, but I'm not as brave as you and don't fancy the cold much!

A special day for you Sunday, I hope you get thoroughly spoiled and have a very happy birthday.

Picks up duster....😉


Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply toBluebirdrunner

Thank you and I am about to head off for my birthday treats! x

You are, after Covid, steadily getting back on track and I know that you do and will listen to your body!

Your yoga has been a real benefit to you and I do wonder how many folk have felt that benefit when they have been laid low ?

You will get those little runettes in.. and yes, the idea of cold is not a pleasant one, especially when I have to peel layers off after about 15 minutes!

The sunshine is lovely but the air is still so cold up here... only 3 degrees currently!

I hope you got that cleaning done...but if not there is still plenty of time and if the sunshine is beckoning, well, as Mole said, ""Bother!" and "O blow!" and also "Hang spring-cleaning".

Dexy5 profile image

Hello and Happy Birthday Oldfloss, I snook in to take a look at catch up corner and what a cosy place it is. I hope you don’t mind me peering in, because I am not doing c25k for the first time, or revisiting it from the couch, but I do thank the day I first set out on week 1 run 1. It has been so good for body, mind and soul, especially over the last 2 years.

What has struck me is how many of my virtual friends have caught Covid over the last month, when it was rarely mentioned on the forum before. I wish you all well, and from the things I’ve read , just take things slowly until that weariness has disappeared.

Hubby and I are back to occasional volunteering stints at the vaccination centre tomorrow as the most vulnerable attend for boosters.

I really need to do some spring cleaning, so thank you for the reminder. 😉🌹🌷🌻🌼🌸🌺

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply toDexy5

Thanks Dexy! I am lucky, we have avoided the dreaded Covid to date, but as you say, so, so many are falling by the wayside currently! It is frightening and for some, the weariness you speak of goes on for a while!I know Bluebirdrunner will agree with you!

We have tested again today as we are heading down to Daughter and family for a treat lunch for me :)

Glad that you popped in to let folk know just how super this programme is and to share your experiences of it :)

Okay, maybe leave the Spring Cleaning and head into the sunshine today!

Lovely post Oldfloss. Love The Wind in the Willows. It conjures up images of primroses, catkins and water. Blinking COVID has struck and interrupted my appointments with the lovely consultant about my foot. First appointment completed and a MRI booked for next week, which I’ll now have to rearrange.

Still, your post has me imagining Spring, the sunshine is pouring into my bedroom and it looks lovely outside. I’m stuck indoors isolating now for a few days so I’ve thrown the windows open for the fresh air.

This stretch on the IC just seems to be getting longer and longer….

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to

NO!!! This is not happy news, except that you are on the right track and the sunshine and the warmth to come is just waiting for you...Oh goodness. It seems endless and the feeling of wanting to get the appointments sorted and an MRI done must be so frustrating.

Wind in the Willows is pure escapism for me.... as you say, conjures up such images for us all...rippling water and foliage so green it is almost impossible. There is a place in Wales which we know, that we have always referred to as our Wind in the Willows rivers!

Rest up my friend, soak up the fresh air and do give yourself time to recover. We are here any time and as you know... those runs... patience is their virtue! xx

Jackapoodle profile image

Oh Happy Birthday Oldfloss I hope you've been having a fabulous day 💐 I'm joggling on, trying to keep up with the changing weather (in a fit of positivity I'd tucked away my thermal leggings, they've been quickly retrieved brrr). Finished the March target for Race at Your Pace so have a lovely medal to look forward to 😊 Thank you for the advice for running up hills, those changes made a difference.

I've no excuse now for not getting on with cleaning out the kitchen cupboards 😱

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply toJackapoodle

I have had a lovely day thank you x.Yes..I retrieved my winter leggings from storage too! Brrrr.

Well done you on the March Race at Your Pace! A great run and bling too.. wow! Double win.

Glad the hills are feeling easier too! We keep coming up against little challenges don't we...but we get there!

Yes..the sunshine is welcome but it really does show up the jobs that need tackling after winter!

As long as we find time to get out there!

My Nan, used to tell me it takes no longer to wipe off three layers of dust than one!! :)

Oldgirlruns profile image

Thanks Oldfloss; lovely words as ever from you! I’d forgotten about the ‘bag of crisps’ hands- I’ll add that to the things I tell myself to do as I’m trotting along! It may be colder at the moment but it’s been glorious here on the south coast and, yes, it looks as though spring might actually be here! I think April might be a time for changing my usual running route a bit, ie go west along our seafront instead of east! How radical is that! Enjoy your spring cleaned runs everyone!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply toOldgirlruns

That crisp thing, has always stuck with me since I started running... maybe because I used to love potato crisps!

It is a great trick to relax hands and arms though, like shaking the arms out too. I often wonder what folk think if they see me do that.

It sounds as if you are having some lovely weather and some lovely runs too ! The change in route albeit reversing it is a great idea and amazing how different it will be. Like moving things to different shelves in the same cupboard?

How lucky to have that location right on your doorstep.

A new route can really add something to our runs, especially on different terrain also. We find more out about our running and ourselves too, maybe identifying areas we might wish to work on, but also finding new strengths.

Happy running to you my friend!

Indielass00 profile image

Hi Oldfloss . Just recently bought my daughter ‘Wind in the Willows’ book. A favourite of mine as a child so very much enjoyed this post.I can identify with Mole in some ways with the spring clean but more so with Rat. Making the most of the weather and enjoying the scenery as I drift along the riverbank. Or in my case running gently along the country lanes, taking in the glorious views!

This week I got W8 done and introduced some hills to my running.

I enjoyed a podcast as I ran and soaked up the beauty of spring.

Looking forward to the 30 min runs this week. My son is better, daughter got a negative PCR result today and loads better. My brood are happy and therefore so am I 🥰 xx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply toIndielass00

Oh wow and wow and wow!The book....just super. So many young folk are still missing out on some of the, (classic), stories out there. I am currently reading sections to our 5 and a half year old small runner in training! We read about Mr. Badger on Monday as we were doing a little project file on Badgers!

I have this image of you now, just running and absorbing every single sight and sound. Perfect , enjoyable running indeed. Spring Fever at its best.

The negative test, the little one recovering too, and a happy, awesome Mama?

This is such a positive, post, running and soaking up all the mental and physical well being that, that brings us. Well done you!

WhaleSongC profile image

Week 3 run 1 done! The first 3-minute run was hard, but the second I felt like I could keep on going. My husband started the American version when I started. He doesn’t seem nearly as motivated, I think cause he doesn’t have you lovely lot for accountability :p.

Over the weekend we went on a short but very steep hike with the kids, and it’s working!!! My knees didn’t hurt afterwards! Also, last time I did the hike I was ready to give up half way up the 125m ‘climb’. Pic below isn’t even the steep bit! The route down is more gentle, but plenty of muddy bums in the rain.

Rocky hiking trail
Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply toWhaleSongC

Whoa!!! Thought that was a photograph of a running route! Phew!! That looks fun, but steep and those trees look a tad precarious. Muddy bums are good!Great to be out with the children too.

Such good news that you felt not knee aches after too. that is really great. The knees are such a pain sometimes.

Just carry on taking it gently and you will suddenly find that things gradually , if you stay focused, but relaxed, you will find runs are feeling easier and more comfortable and. as you say, that feeling of something left in the tank is wonderful; ( we should always aim for having that little bit left) !

Huge well done to you...and husband :)

WhaleSongC profile image
WhaleSongCGraduate in reply toOldfloss

Something left in the tank - good goal for life really :).

Mummycav profile image

Hi Oldfloss …I always feel so much better reading your lovely ‘catch up corner’ posts…I had a lovely week last week running along with my VRB GoGo_JoJo on the canal, with a meal later on…a cuppa at my house with Dave & then a quick run before she left for Stockport…that did me the world of good…I am now calling her mojo-JoJo!!

I’ve decided that I’ve been too hard on myself…even Jo said I’m going to be kind…and chill out where my runnings concerned. I’m going to Crete on Tuesday so I’m looking forward to some quality time with my family…my running kit will still be the first thing I pack though xx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply toMummycav

This is all sounding so good...running with a VRB too... wow....and a holiday to boot!

Well.. you know that I agree with being kind to ourselves, hence my Birthday post on Bridge:)You just enjoy Crete, take a jogette if it feels right and come back refreshed and recharged:)

BarbieW profile image

Your posts make me feel sooo much better, thanks, and I am also a fan of WitW.

Funnily though, after my last post, that I enjoyed W5R3 so much I did it again a couple of times, I eventually finished W6 last week and thought the same, hey I can run for 25 minutes, I’ll do that again before moving onto W7.

Duh! At least I had the sense to check out W7 first! And I am happy to say I did Run1 this morning and although it was tough, I managed it, slow and steady as you say.

But I am still struggling with the admittedly slight uphill sections, which I used to barely notice, so I am going to have to find flat routes for a little longer!

“Onwards and upwards” takes on a whole new meaning when you struggle with hills alas!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply toBarbieW

We do it our way...and if you felt you wanted to repeat, that's fine .You did that run...well done you!

Hills....well yes. ..if we are able to avoid in the early days, that is great ,but sometimes we can't avoid them.

They do make us stronger...eventually.

I do smile still at what I used to think were inclines!

You will get there...keep it s and s...find some flat bits if you need them.

You're doing wonderfully!

misswobble profile image

Wonderful book OF 😍😀

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply tomisswobble

I love it...a go to, on a sleepless night xxx

misswobble profile image

I’ve quit drinking coffee in the evening because it’s keeping me awake. However, I started a good book last night and couldn’t put it down. So another late start this morning 🙄😀

Frederick Forsyth 🙂

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