I completed the couch to 5k about a year ago. Since then, I'd made such good healthy habits and was exercising regularly. A few months back I fell and I've damaged my knee. I couldn't exercise without having to put my feet up for a day or two. Now, I've put the weight back on and have lost all my progress. It has really gotten me down. Yesterday though I started physio and I'm feeling so much more positive. I was wondering if anyone has any tips to get through an injury, more mentally than physically?
Injury has destroyed my progress: I completed... - Couch to 5K
Injury has destroyed my progress
It's tough and plenty of us have been injured so I'm sure you'll get lots of replies! I was not running for 6 months due to injury, plus pandemic related general lack of motivation.Prior to that I had been running regular 10ks and further. What drew me back to running after injury was that I rememberedhow much I loved it. If you were enjoying running, then stick with the physio and re-start when you are ready. Lots of people re-do cto5k. I didn't do that, but just gently ran/walked and then built up from there. I'm still not back to the distances I was running previously, but see running as a gift and as part of who I am.
Good luck and welcome back!
Well done for heading back here and welcome!
You are here and on track and because you were here before you know what it is all about an you know you can do this.
You will get back to where you want to be, you just have to, ( yes, I am still saying it) move slowly and steadily.
In October 2020 I had a real blip. I came out of that feeling I would never run or even walk far again. It took me a lot of weeks to pluck up courage ( and following medical advice to begin to try to run again. I started C25K again ( I had done bits before after injury), and I started out on 17th December 2020 and re-graduated on 4th June 2021!
Granted, the weather over the winter did not help, but it took me an age. So from running Half Marathons I was back at 5K and it felt wonderful!
I did a Race for Life in Wales, on 19th September ( 5K) and I knew I was on the way back
I only say this to give you hope. You can and you will get there
So; How can we help.
Do check out the pinned post on how to run C25K...just tor refresh your head
Do take your physiotherapists advice too.
Pop across to Strength and Flex Forum for loads of ideas to get your core strength and stamina back on form. Loads of ideas there, for exercise which will not impact on your knee.
Finally, please do come and join us in Catch up Corner... there are new runners, new graduates and some very seasoned graduates there all sharing what is happening with their running.
Many repeating bits or all of C25K again. Pop in and find support and motivation and encouragement there
The main motivation you are looking for is here already. It is YOU.
You are here, requesting support, because YOU want to do this.
" Believe you can and you are halfway there "
On you go x
Thank you for the words of encouragement. Already feeling better about it! I'll definitely look into the other groups for some more support ❤️
One thing that can help is to think of yourself as a runner (as opposed to someone who needs to go out for some exercise). Might also help to remember how it felt when you graduated and when you were running regularly.
If there's a local ParkRun, that can help because running with others helps and it can make running into a social event. If you're re-doing part of C25k, you could use ParkRun as one of your runs (plenty of people use a run / walk approach for it).
Great to hear that you're feeling more positive. By starting physio and posting on here, you've alteady started on your way back to being a runner.
Welcome back.
If you have done C25K, then you know it will work when you restart.
I lost the best part of a year to a non running knee injury but with careful physio I did get back to running. The physio told me that if I were not already a runner, that she would not advise me to start, but by keeping the physio progress very gentle, followed by very gentle running, we prevailed
Be patient and don't rush.
Be guided by your physio.
After my doubly sprained ankle, I suggested I might restart C25K and my physio said to start even more gently than that, with very short run/walk intervals (20s run, 40s walk).
There’s lots of encouraging replies and great advice to your posting! I’ve recently graduated but do find the runs tough, mentally. What helps me is reading some of the postings of others just before I’m planning to go running. Reading their stories and how they’ve overcome tough times helps me to mentally prepare and finish my runs. Good luck and keep going!
I graduated in 2020, got horrible shin splints and couldn't run for 6 months. Had stuttering attempts to re-start C25K during last spring; I just couldn't motivate myself as I think I was just plain worried that I'd hurt myself again. So, new shoes, reading lots of supportive posts on here, ok from the physio, and out I went, running every third day (or more if I felt I needed it). The first few weeks were tough but I came home smiling, after remembering why I was doing this. Follow your physio's advice and then just have a go. I bet you'll soon be running back to where you were 😊
I find when it's tough, I really take time to look around me - and smile! Possibly I look like a grinning loon but hey ho!!