Today was the start of my Couch to 5k journey (sorry, I promise I won’t use the ‘J’ word again!).
Back in the summer, and at my heaviest weight ever, I gave myself a good stern talking to and decided I needed to buck my ideas up. I am incredibly fortunate in the fact that, despite giving my body dogs abuse for it’s first half century, other than the mildest dose of blood pressure tablets, it’s come out remarkably unscathed.
After clearing the decks of all major social events, I started on the 1:1 Cambridge diet on 29th September and have so far lost just under 2.1/2 stone (just had my twixmas weigh in and only put in 0.3kg 😃😇). I joined the local gym in October but had to start gently as I was still on Total Dietry Replacement, which meant no cardio. As I’ve introduced food back into my diet then I have increased my output and the treadmill is my new best mate (never thought I’d hear that sentence come out of my mouth/head!). I have a degree of hyper mobility in my joints so running has never been something that I’d considered, especially at the weight I was, but over the last couple of weeks or so, I increased the speed to bring me to a steady jog/shuffle at intervals, then decided yesterday that I needed a goal - hence Couch to 5k.
I feel chuffed to bits and very motivated at the moment and am praying that this stays, although I do realise there will be dips. I now feel, however, that I have the tools to navigate them, and even though my route to 5k may be a bit slower than some, I’m determined that as I travel through my second half century, I will give my body the respect it deserves.