No motivation post graduating and dreading win... - Couch to 5K

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No motivation post graduating and dreading winter!

Becky8695 profile image
14 Replies

This is my first post on here, and it might be a long one!

Since graduating on 15th September I’ve had no real motivation to go out for a run, and have been coming up with any excuse not to go. I’ve only been on 2 runs since, and the last one on Sunday wasn’t great (I stopped a few times, when I didn’t really need to).

To be fair to myself I don’t think the darker mornings have helped, I’ve started to dread waking up in the dark to go out and run; I have to run before work, and I run along the canal which has no lighting. I tried using a head torch one morning but I found it quite disorientating. I live in quite a rural area so there aren’t many well-lit areas where I could run as an alternative.

I just feel a bit disappointed with myself and think if I’m feeling like this now when it’s only just started to get dark, I don’t how I’ll carry on through winter. I really don’t want to stop, and think if I did I probably would be demotivated to start again from the beginning.

I’m just wondering if anybody has experienced this post graduating and have any tips for finding motivation to run when you’re not feeling it and for running in the dark/ cold during winter.

I am considering getting a treadmill, to get me through the winter, especially on weekdays and then run outdoors on the weekend, weather permitting - does this sound like a good plan?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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Becky8695 profile image
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14 Replies
RunWillie profile image

Don’t stop Becky8695 👍🏻 Think it’s quite normal to lose some motivation post graduating but you’ve really only just begun. I kept to a strict run day routine after C25k of Monday’s, Wednesdays, and Friday’s and just did it even when I wasn’t feeling it. It takes time to build a habit. I’ve been running around 18months now and I love my running habit. Decide a routine that works for you and just get out there ❤️🏃‍♀️

DylanTheRabbit profile image

Getting a habit going really helped me.

In other words, going out regularly, without thinking about it, whether or not I was feeling it.

You don't *have* to run three times a week. I found twice a week without fail was better than three times a week-maybe (Now summer's over I'm thinking of upping it as there's less going on and I'm feeling more motivated). My preference is to run in the evenings, we all have different commitments and preferences.

I also quite enjoy running in the dark with a head torch, the thought of it is a bit scary, but once I'm out there I get to see the place in a new way, it can be magical. I've had to change my routes a bit though, away from rough grass and more onto paths and roads.

Regarding the weather, (I discovered this while cycle commuting) I find it's better not to decide whether to go out based on weather, it's rarely perfect, it's rarely as bad as you think it's going to be. It leads to procrastination/breaking your habit. I only consider not going if the met office have issued a severe weather warning.

It may be that you'll find the dark and the cold less troubling when you get used to it.

That said, if a running machine appeals more, go for it. Running is for you to enjoy, your way.

Happy running 👍🏼

Madge50 profile image

Hi Becky, it doesn’t matter if you walk, run, whatever, just that you get out. Don’t put yourself under any pressure. Sometimes I just say to myself, I’m going out x times this week, maybe i’ll run, maybe I won’t.....sometimes I go by time, sometimes distance

As for the head torch, I haven’t tried one yet, but I have carried a small torch and that was fine for me - in fact I was quite surprised at how ok it was....

Personally I hate the winter and hate the dark, but you’d be surprised how wonderful it can be, being out in all different weathers and sometimes having places completely to yourself

Hope you give it a go


I have a treadmill (dreadmill) it rarely gets used, because I have done practically all my running outside come rain or shine, I really struggle with it, but it’s there if I want to use it.....

I forgot to ask, do you have a parkrun event nearby? If you can get to it, that’s one outing a week......

IannodaTruffe profile image

Welcome to the forum and many congratulations on your graduation, fellow runner.

This guide to post C25k running may be helpful

To get your Graduate Badge leave a message at this month’s Graduation Badge Post, which you can find in the Pinned Posts here

The monthly Consolidation Club exists here because your situation is not at all uncommon, so pop in and let us try to work out the way forward for you.

Keep running, keep smiling.

Jogon19 profile image

I can relate to you. I felt the same so I invested in a treadmill last winter. I used it right through the winter and many times since. It just means you can run when you like regardless of conditions outside. You can still run outside but at least the option is there.

Becky8695 profile image
Becky8695 in reply to Jogon19

Thank you for replying! It’s nice to know that others have felt the same way. I think I will invest in a treadmill to get me through winter!

Instructor57 profile image

It is not unusual to loose motivation after graduating !This is one of the reasons we have the consolidation club , to chat about these things and to look at options going forward .

Take a look here .

And come and claim your Graduate badge here

You mention a treadmill !

Many people here use treadmills and if it keeps you running through the winter months then it may be a good option !

But it is also enjoyable to be out on a clear crisp winter morning for a run , it certainly wakes you up for the day ahead .

Either way , keep going , remember why you started the program !

And don't let that graduation go to waste !

Happy running !

Voldatort profile image

I started running mid winter so it's not come as a surprise, but stick to lit pavements if it's dark (London). I do like the cold and outside running best.

I agree with the 'routine' comments. I try to go every other day, and things like 'I'll only put the washing load on when I get back with my sweaty running gear to add' or 'I'll only wash my hair when I get back from my run' help to get you out that door!

Bladerunner2049 profile image

Yep, been there. The high of completing C25k, even if I didn’t quite get to 5km in 30min, is great, brilliant and fantastic. You achieved your goal. But now what? It can all be a bit of a let down. The dark weather doesn’t help.

Id suggest that you need a new goal. These were mine after graduating.

1. Run at least twice a week

2. Aim to complete 5k in 30mins

3. Do a parkrun.

These were my near term goals, I had ideas of 10ks and HM but that took a while to solidify as goals that I thought I could achieve.

It took me 3 months post graduation to run 5k in 30 mins. I did continue to run twice or three times a week. I even used the C25k nhs app for the next few months.

As for Parkrun? I just did my first one this morning, nearly 2 years after graduation.

Good luck!

Becky8695 profile image
Becky8695 in reply to Bladerunner2049

Thankyou for your reply! I think you’re right about setting myself a new goal. And it’s great to hear how well you’ve done since graduating!

OrkneyWillow profile image

Don't stop now. You've worked so hard. I think everyone must go through rough times, when they can't be bothered, even if you go out and walk half of the way - it's still getting out an exercising.I must confess, I do a lot of running on the treadmill, because I cannot always guarantee the weather will be on my side where I live. I also agree to keeping to a routine of regular days to run - then it just becomes habit and you don't even question it. You just put your kit on and off you go. Could you go for a run in your lunch break when it's lighter? Instead of before or after work?

Good luck and keep us updated!

Becky8695 profile image
Becky8695 in reply to OrkneyWillow

Thanks for your reply! I think you’re right, a lot of the time the hardest part is just starting. Once I’m ready, I’m fine, it’s just getting to that point sometimes! I think I will invest in a treadmill because the weather/ light will be one less barrier to getting started!

Becky8695 profile image

Thank you for all of your encouragement and suggestions! It’s nice to hear that others have felt the same way, and have persevered!

JoeyCoops profile image

Yes yes get a treadmill! I've done 6 weeks of the program indoors and it's a great alternative especially if you're feeling unsafe. Not worth it. Just make sure the treadmill is able to be inclined as it makes it feel closer to the real thing. I set mine on 2 (out of 10) ... not sure what the angle is but I can definitely feel the difference. I really hope you can get your running mojo back! And as you say, you can still run outside on weekends! Best of luck!

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