I started couch25k after loads of medical tests couldn't find source of chest pain, Dr said absolutely not my heart so I started 9 weeks ago. I've been absolutely loving it, felt loads better, and generally doing okay. This week I'm running 30 minutes which I've managed to do twice but today my chest pains came back really bad and now I'm scared. I'm sad because I really want to run but I'm sure there's something not right ☹️ should I keep running and hope it doesn't happen again? Or should I stop running altogether?
Pain when running: I started couch25k after... - Couch to 5K
Pain when running

Hi, this forum can't give out medical advice. The safest thing to do is to consult your doctor who will be able to advise what's best. Whilst I'm new to running I think the general rule is if it hurts a lot then don't run as it could lead to injury.
Maybe take a cardio test or something? Can't a doctor / specialist test you while running on a treadmill for example? I would make sure it is nothing physical. Good luck!

I'd really hoped they would because all my tests and checks have been done after long trips in an ambulance or waiting in the hospital. I wanted to be tested whilst active but was told they don't do that anymore. Would love to hear from anyone in the UK who might have had this kind of test recently, then I know if it's worth pursuing.
That reply ("We don't do that anymore") looked a bit odd to me, so I did some Googling and found this page about ECGs on the NHS web site which I thought might be handy:nhs.uk/conditions/electroca...
I'm no cardiologist, but it seems logical to me that if you're having problems after running for 30 minutes, they should get you to run for 30 minutes and have another look. According to this page, 'Stress ECG' or 'Exercise ECG' is still done by the NHS, so worth asking again. It it's not the thing for you, at least they can explain why.
Thank you so much, that's really helpful and I have to agree with you, my chest pain has always been brought on by activity. I've had loads of ECG tests but never after exertion and they always look normal. I've been admitted to hospital three times (twice unconscious) and each time discharged with "non-cardiac chest pain". I've had a CT scan to check my lungs (but they won't do a lung function test because of Covid ☹️)I made sure my GP gave me the green light before starting couch25k and I let her know that the pains hadn't gone.
I'm just sad to have to stop running, but having just watched the news tonight I'm just feeling glad that I can still breathe ❤️
Thanks for the link xx
Hi, if the pain is a tightness of the chest it could be exercise asthma, worth checking it out with the Docter.

My GP has been brilliant and we've already gone down this route, unfortunately the inhaler hasn't made any difference at all🥺
Dear Joggyrunner,I'm so sorry to hear about your chest pain when running. Hope you can find the cause, get it sorted and get back to running 😊
With warm wishes 🌸