I tried this run this morning after much procrastination (did W5 run 1 three times and run 2 twice although the second time I increased from 8 minute runs to a 10 min and a 9 min with the 5 minutes walk in between). I was fairly sure I couldn't get to 20 mins on the first attempt so was pleased to make it to 15 mins at which point I was seriously out of breath. My lungs aren't my strong point but I'm hoping they'll improve with more exercise. I guess I need to keep trying to increase by one or two minutes each time until I get to 20. I know it's a mental challenge but it feels very physical! Did other people take a while to complete this one? Especially if they're the wrong side of 60?! I found Iannoda Truffe's article on week 5 very useful by the way.
Week 5 Run 3 - not completed!: I tried this run... - Couch to 5K
Week 5 Run 3 - not completed!

Maybe give yourself a few days off and don't beat yourself up. I am sure you have heard "Go slower" but try to stick to a flattish route. You are still running and all that practice will surely help you get to that 20 minutes. It is a bit of a mental thing too. That "Non -stop" idea is definitely a psychological barrier.We all have our gremlins. For example. I did a 30 minute run today. I started off and I felt brilliant. Halfway through I had to slow down and thought it would not be a good run and might not finish. At the end I was able to pick up my pace and did 3.62K which is my second best distance for 30 minutes. You just have to put one foot in front of the other. If you can get this far, you can do this. It's your Christmas Present to yourself. (Or maybe Boxing Day!)

"at which point I was seriously out of breath"
That's a big flashing red warning sign right there!
You're going waaaaaayyyyy too fast.
At ALL times in your run (JOG!) you should be going at what we call a 'conversational pace', i.e. one at where you can comfortably talk throughout - a 'chatty' pace if you like.
It's a pace at which you feel like you could carry on for hours and hours if you had to - it's feels very easy and it's a pace which everyone has, but beginners find it very difficult to find. One reason for that is they have an idea of what 'running' should look and feel like. Simply put, you should be 'jogging' - nice and easy and very slow. It should NOT feel like a workout, with you ending bent over double, in a sweaty mess and completely knackered - absolutely not.
Unless you've got a medical condition that you've not specified, then it really isn't your lungs fault.
Watch this video carefully - it should help you.
Thanks John_W, that's very helpful. I feel like I'm running really slowly but I've watched the video and maybe I could make it even slower. I was diagnosed years ago with mild asthma and given an inhaler in case I ever needed it. I've never had to use it and it feels counter-intuitive to have to take medication in order to be able to do something aimed at making me fitter. But maybe I need to review that. I do look like I've run a marathon after these sessions!However, I'm really pleased to have got this far. I've got to week 5 after 8 weeks and taking it steadily. I'm reluctant to give up at this stage.
I'm not asthmatic but I can say that there are lots of folks here who are and you probably know that there are quite a few elite athletes, Olympic champions etc who are as well.
If you are running on your own, like the vast majority here do, then finding *that* pace is quite difficult at first, but it *is* there. Even with your asthma, there'll be a pace that you'll find is much more comfortable than it it now.
Good luck!
I went out this morning after an enforced 6 day Christmas break, slowed it right down and managed to complete 20 minutes - and felt much better at the end of it than I have for most previous runs! I could even have held a conversation at the end which is quite a novelty. You and Dr Tanaka were right! Many thanks for the advice, I now feel much more confident that I can complete this...😀

The cold air doesn’t always help so even more reason to find your inner snail!