Finding week 9 really hard as have had too big a break between runs, should I keep up trying multiple 30mins or go back a couple of weeks? I know it’s all in my head but any motivation or advice?
Week 9 Mental Motivation : Finding week 9 really... - Couch to 5K
Week 9 Mental Motivation

What sort of break did you have? I am no expert only being 2 weeks post graduation, but I used to find I would promise myself I could stop after 20 mins if I really needed to, and when I got to 20, well keep going a bit more, because I know I was doing 25 two weeks ago, and then when I got there it’s only 5 mins to go! So kind of kidding myself into it. I guess it’s all in our heads.
You might just have had a bad day, and will have a great day next time. If I were you I would just try again before you go backwards. You are so close!

I would say that if you've only not run for a week or so, you should be fine to continue. Those week 9 runs can be a bit tough, but if you can keep it slow and steady and deal with the gremlins, there wouldn't be a need to go back a week.

I would just carry on unless your break between runs has been more than 2 weeks ?

Can you find a different route?
Only ask as a few weeks after graduation I had a bad run and sacked it off at 20 minutes. The next few runs I ended up stopping at the same point. Changed route and was back to 30 minutes plus. I think there’s a mental thing to it and certainly for me a change of route worked.
Great idea, thank you! I think I’m too familiar with the route and what minute I’m on at each stage 😀

I loved having music to listen to when I started but once the runs got longer I found I stopped listening to the music. And even found it a bit irritating. So I’ve switched to podcasts and find it so much better for taking my mind off the running and then it just happens a bit more easily.
Will definitely give this a try, love a podcast when cleaning the bathroom so might work with a long run 😀