Tried to complete Week 7 Run 2 today and couldn't finish! So far it's been a challenge but not had to stop a run since week 1 and I'm gutted! Anyone else had this?
Week 7 Run 2: Tried to complete Week 7 Run... - Couch to 5K
Week 7 Run 2
Don’t be so hard on yourself, week 7 isn’t easy but you’ve got this far, you really can do this, don’t let your head tell you otherwise. Just rest for a day or two and do this run again. At the end of the day a run is a run, just go slow and pace yourself, and believe in yourself.
I generally find the middle run the hardest - who knows why but it’s been a theme for me throughout.
Run 3 will probably feel less like hard graft if you’re anything like me. Good Luck with R3 😊
I am on my final week and I have several times felt like packing it in after 5 or 10 minutes or so. But I’ve made myself slow right down, shortening my steps and that has helped. Then when I’ve got beyond around 15 minutes I seem to have built up a good head of steam and it feels so much easier.
There could be lots of reasons for not completing the run Kat1e_. Poor hydration is often a factor. But no matter - chalk it up as a practice and forget it! Have another crack at it next time out and I’m sure you’ll be fine! Good luck!
Everything going on in our lives can impact on our performance as a runner. Restedness, hydration and nutrition are at the top of my list of variables that need to be optimised to enable enjoyable running.
Can you speak aloud, clear, ungasping sentences as you run?.........if not, you are going too fast.
Slowing down to the recommended easy conversational pace makes it more achievable and for most, more enjoyable.
Have you read the guide to the plan? it is full of tips.
Hi Kat1e_, I’m about to embark on WK9 R1, up to now I’ve had 2 runs where I didn’t make it to the end, I tried not to be too hard on myself and just repeated that run the next time out. It seems some days my body just isn’t up for it 😊 You will do it next time out I’m sure!
I had to stop this run part way through as I hurt my leg and felt gutted as it was the first one I hadn't completed. Really missing the opportunity to have another go at it but leg still not right so am trying not to push it and set myself back even more. At least you can have another shot soon and no doubt go from strength to strength and ultimately graduation. Good luck!🍀
Aww Kat1e_ I know how you feel about not completing a run, I did it on W8R1. I stopped about 3 mins from the end. I could have kicked myself once I got my breath back. I just had a days rest and W8R2 was absolutely fine. I think we punish ourselves too much when we don’t complete a run but it’s honestly not worth it. I’m sure you’ll be absolutely fine on your next run 😉