I made it! I ran 25 min straight and Laura is so proud of me.
I am slowing down SIGNIFICANTLY, running much slower than I walk. I look like a cartoon character I'm sure. I've also been very blue the last few weeks so I don't think I've been hitting 3x a week. I could check my RunKeeper but I don't feel like it. I'm still really pleased with my progress.
I've been off work for a few months but I'm starting part time WFH in two weeks and have some creative deadlines coming up, so by Monday I'm going to start getting up at 8am so I can get my run done by 930, and go for a short walk between run days so the routine is more stable, and I can get used to checking in for work by 10am. Someday I'm going to have to get to my studio by 10 for these meetings.
ETA: I'm also breaking in new shoes this week, which is awful. My old shoes were so comfy, probably because they were practically socks. The guy at the store was not very helpful and I'm really worried they are too big and not supportive enough for my hypermobility. I'm hoping mightier insoles will solve the issue.