Does this ever get easier?: Okay does this ever... - Couch to 5K

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Does this ever get easier?

TotalNewbie1 profile image
23 Replies

Okay does this ever get any easier? I am running 5k in about 34 minutes but I still struggle to do it. I have done 8 now but the 4th kilometre i find hard and the last not so bad. I had hoped by this stage I would be running with some sort of ease but I am not.

I find it quite demoralising that I am still struggling to do 5k. Am I expecting too much of myself at this stage. Any words of wisdom / techniques that I could try. Had hoped to build up to 10k but just can’t see me ever managing that 🙁

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TotalNewbie1 profile image
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23 Replies
Lula375 profile image

I keep wondering this too!!

TotalNewbie1 profile image
TotalNewbie1Graduate in reply to Lula375

Oh good, glad it isn’t just me 😂

Oldfloss profile image

Well done you... but time to be kind to yourself now:)

You are still a fairly new Graduate and C25K was just the beginning !

Time to give the legs and the rest of your body, a chance to relax and see what they can do. Have you done some varied runs? Some short sweet runs, some 30 minute runs and perhaps more importantly some lovely longer, slow and relaxed, see where you get to, runs.

The slow, longer runs are the ones that build everything up. Stamina, distance and yes... speed.

You need your strength and your stamina for distance and speed .

Have you upped your strength and stamina work on some of your rest days also?

You need to try to make sure that the rest of your running body keeps up with your legs:)

You are stronger and fitter than when you began to run... think how far you came, and think how far you will go.

So pull back a little, shake up those routes and let things evolve :) Keep us posted please:)

TotalNewbie1 profile image
TotalNewbie1Graduate in reply to Oldfloss

Thank you for this, it was just the boost I needed. I work long hours and find I am quite tired so exercise seems to take a backseat. Plan now to do something short and simple on the days I am not running.

IannodaTruffe profile image

You are still a very, very new runner and only actually have a few hours of running on your legs.

If you want to see how far you have progressed, go out and redo Week 1 of will find it easy. Likewise once you can run 10k you will find that 5k is far less of a challenge........if you keep your pace down..........if you push too fast, then any distance is tough, even for an elite runner.

There is no magic conferred with graduation from C25k and to become an experienced runner you need experience. C25k builds the very basics, but we all start from different places, fitness wise, so you just have to continue to build yourself into an experienced runner by getting more miles on your legs.

In the guide to post C25k running, I suggest setting weekly might like to try run by run keep things moving on, but these do not have to be performance based.

If you are still struggling with 5k then maybe don't do 5k on every run. Mix it up and do some shorter, possibly faster runs and make sure that your 5k is at a nice easy conversational pace, as it is your long run, at the moment. Continue with consolidating around 5k, until it becomes comfortable, before moving on.

If you need further advice or help look in on the Consolidation Club where there is always at least one member of the admin team to help formulate plans and offer support.

TotalNewbie1 profile image
TotalNewbie1Graduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

You are so right, I literally couldn’t run for a minute when I started. I need not to mentally beat myself up. These posts are just so good to remind me of where I came from.

Tinytears60 profile image

Nothing worthwhile comes easy...!That’s the best I can do and you are way ahead of me but let’s take a minute!!! ...

You are smashing it!!!

Seriously - you have done 8 ✅

I think my 5k will start with a 4 or perhaps even a 5... 🐌 🐢 snails and tortoise will get the opportunity to lap me... but I will still be super chuffed! And so should you!

You’re getting fitter, doing amazing and I’m sure the finessing and ease with which you run will come..

if I think back to week 1 I was woefully bad- could have given up on the spot! 60 seconds running sounded a doddle... but omg I was so bad... 20 seconds in I was like ‘HOW is this SO hard!’

But I’m on week 7 now and delighted!

I’m sure you will do it!... don’t be demoralised!.. you are awesome!!

TotalNewbie1 profile image
TotalNewbie1Graduate in reply to Tinytears60

Thank you for your words of encouragement, so easy to focus on the negative.

Happy running and look forward to seeing you graduate 😃

Dtay1978 profile image

Totally agree with the above, if it was easy, everyone would be doing it. Your body will get used to it gradually, you’ll find a ice that suits and you be able to go as far as you want over time 😊

TotalNewbie1 profile image
TotalNewbie1Graduate in reply to Dtay1978

Perhaps instant gratification just doesn’t happen with running. You are so right I need to accept it is gradual improvement that I need to focus on!

Equilux profile image

I’m so with you! I’ve done about a dozen consolidation runs now, the first few saw me finally reach the 5k mark, albeit nowhere near 30mins, but since then I’m finding it really difficult. Usually, I can still manage my 5k but, today, I had to stop after 30mins, having only managed my slowest pace since May. I feel like I’m going backwards, not progressing at all.

I guess the plus points from this are 1) there seems to be quite a few of us experiencing this, so it must be fairly ‘normal’, 2) other runners who have achieved way more than me must, at some point, have struggled like you and I are struggling but must have found a way through it and 3) I’m looking forward to seeing all the wise advice from people who understand these things, so we can both get past this disheartening and frustrating stage.

Chin up! We’ll find a way through it and, when we do, we’ll be able to enjoy it all again!

TotalNewbie1 profile image
TotalNewbie1Graduate in reply to Equilux

You are so right. When I started I thought I would never achieve a 5k, let alone in the time I can do it. Still can’t imagine running it in 30 minutes but am going to start trying to mix it up and do it a little slower aand see if I enjoy it more that way.

I just want to run and not feel exhausted from it.

Will be looking out to see how you are getting on 😃

Equilux profile image
EquiluxGraduate in reply to TotalNewbie1

I agree that mixing it up might be a good way forward. I’m thinking of either longer, much slower runs of a full 5k (or more? she said, hopefully!), or runs where I have a mixture of really fast (for me) sections interspersed with short recovery periods, maybe 10 seconds, slow jogging or even fast walking if need be. I’ve no idea which, if either, option might be effective for me, but I’m willing to try them both if it will help me start making progress once again.

Perhaps we should look back at how far we’ve come, and understand that we’ve overcome similar challenges before and, with determination and the support of the lovely people on here, we will do it again!!

TotalNewbie1 profile image
TotalNewbie1Graduate in reply to Equilux

Plan to try to do a shorter run once a week and then two 5k and see how I get on. Hoping this will give me the enthusiasm I need. So true I really couldn’t run for a minute when I started!

What is your goal, or do you not have one in mind yet?

Equilux profile image
EquiluxGraduate in reply to TotalNewbie1

That sounds a good option too. Today I walked a possible new route, it’s much flatter and completely different to my normal route. More out in the open, so not so good if it’s hot and sunny, but there doesn’t look to be any chance of that this week. I’m hoping that the change of scene might kick start it for me again.

At the moment, I have two goals. Ideally, there’s someone I’d like to run with, but he’s much, much faster than me so it just doesn’t work for either of us at the moment. If I could find a way of speeding up a bit, I think he’d be happy to slow down for the runs he does with me, and we’d both be happy with that. The other goal is just for myself, and it’s that, as yet, elusive, comfortable 5k in, ideally, less than 7mins/km initially. I’m currently averaging 7min20/km. Ultimately, I’m still hoping I can achieve 6mins/km at some point, but that’s still a long way off.

If you like using the separate chats, we can update each other on our progress, both the good and not so good days (hopefully fewer of those as time goes by!).

Good luck with the new running routine!🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

Tinytears60 profile image
Tinytears60Graduate in reply to Equilux

a lovely uplifting post but you missed number 4 out.... and that is ... you are BOTH way ahead of Tiny tears 60 :-)

I can't give you any advice ...for that very reason.. but i can give you a few giggles along the way ... I see some of the more experienced people have given you some top tips!...

You are both amazing!... keep smiling ... you're still on the journey of running, building stamina, pace and distance... (Ha..listen to my week 7 runners professional advice!)


Equilux profile image
EquiluxGraduate in reply to Tinytears60

Oh, bless you, that’s so kind. We’re not so far ahead of you, and you’ll very soon be catching us up and running across that C25K finish line. Can’t wait to see what you have to say about that run!😀

My sensible brain knows you are absolutely right, but the little demons in my head need to be silenced! I think I understood that there would always be some runs that are better than others, but they’d be easier to accept if they didn’t all come along one after the other! You see? I could really use a podcast of fun from you so I can remember we’re all in this together and, together, we can conquer it all!

Keep at it TotalNewbie1 and Tinytears60! What doesn’t kill us will make us stronger!

TotalNewbie1 profile image
TotalNewbie1Graduate in reply to Tinytears60

This is so lovely of you. I am sure you will be there before you know it. Hope you are enjoying your running.

Tinytears60 profile image
Tinytears60Graduate in reply to TotalNewbie1

Loving it!... it’s SO addictive!

Love to read everyone’s posts- so hopeful and inspiring 👏👏

Midgeymoo17 profile image

Like others have said you are still a very very new runner - and that time is actually quite good.

On the 10K point- there do exist 5K to 10K plans that work on time (building from 30mins to 1hr) with run walk intervals. The same as you have done with C25K. Week 1 is for most I have seen : 5 mins Walk; 4x10min Run with 1 minute walk break; 5 minutes cooldown.

You would be ready to start one of these time based plans- building slightly longer runs using it will help make the 5K seem easier.

TotalNewbie1 profile image

Thank you for this, I am now getting things back in to perspective and realise I can run 5k , no it’s not easy but nor was 1 minute when I started. Now I run for 1 minute without a second thought. On a bad day just focussed on the negatives but today feeling better about it all. This forum does really help me!

Buzzybeeze profile image

Wow! 8 x 5k! 5k in 34 minutes! Those are wonderful achievements! Could you imagine when you started on this journey that would would be able to do that. I think that people at our stage of the running adventure are still only starting out, so it’s important to move forward steadily, and celebrate all of the little wins along the way. We can do this 👍🏃🏻‍♂️😎! Good luck and happy running 😁

AlysP profile image

I was wondering the same!! I graduated about 4 weeks ago and have continued to love it. I did manage a 5.75k run about 2 weeks ago but felt I was ‘cheating’ as I just ran more slowly than normal!! I know that is what you are clearly supposed to do but it didn’t get me excited. I am doing about 3 runs a week with one at 5k. I have noticed I have got a little faster- 2 mins quicker on a 5k now and down to 33 mins so similar to you but they are no easier. My problem is my competitive streak makes me want to improve my 5k time every week!! Totally stupid as the weather could be very different!!

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