I am on week 2 day 2, and i find it difficult just running for 1 min and welcome the chance to stop and walk, i feel so unfit!! I am concerned that as it gets harder and more running/less walking is neccessary then I wont be able to do it, are there any other beginners on here who felt the same, will i get past this does it get easier, also i suffer from Athsma, though i have it under control, can this affect it?
Week 2-Does it get easier: I am on week 2 day... - Couch to 5K
Week 2-Does it get easier

Hello. Here comes a pep talk!!
I think you should trust the program. Banish any negative thoughts IMMEDIATELY from your head and take each run - one at a time. If need be, you can always repeat a week but I found that progressing through the WEEKS, one at a time, my fitness levels just increased amazingly. I was like you with regard to whether I could do it.
I was desperately unfit, 50, overweight by a stone and couldn't run 30 secs let alone a minute.......BUT THAT WAS 6 WEEKS AGO.
I am currently on Week 7 and am astounded at how my body has decided that it can now run for 25 mins straight with no walking gaps. My brain still says "Oh Goddddd, I'll never do this!" but I always do it. Slow and steady is the key. Slow and steady....
So look after your asthma, cos I don;t know much about that, but I would imagine if you have it under control then your body will tell you if all is well. If in ANY doubt though, see your GP and tell him/her to check you out.
Good luck! It DOES get easier, but you gotta put in the work. If you do that, Laura will take you by the hand and lead you through runs you never dreamed you could have done before you started this program!!!

You will be fine, take it from this 74 year old ,do what Laura said take it really slow and try to enjoy . Pat

I second all if that above ^ - I never found any week easy, but each new challenge was (just) doable. And now I've graduated! I have asthma, and it does make me have to run slow but I can make it to the end. Now I'll keep on plodding on in the hope speed will come. Just keep it slow, and you should be fine. Even if you run slower than you walk!
Great advise, thank you all, I am really enjoying it and look forward to each run so that is good, will keep at it for sure and I can't wait for the day I run 5k!!

Each week is hard, some very hard, and I would never have believed I could do it but I 'ran' for 27 mins last Saturday. Although I am still verrrry sllllooow I can keep going, just follow the programme and it will work for you. I suppose if I went back to week 2 it would now seem much easier but at the time I couldn't believe that I would ever manage it.
I am on week 5, do run 2 tomorrow, cant believe I can run for 5 mins without falling over or throwing up, I haven't needed to repeat any weeks yet, I am still pushing myself forward, it is hard especially for a fat and seriously unfit old bird like myself, but it is doable!

It will get easier, I promise, but no week is easy. Each builds on the one before to push you a bit further. For my money week 1 is definitely the worst! Make sure your asthma is under good control and if you need to use your inhaler before a run do. Try your best on each run but if you need to repeat a run or even a whole week before moving on do. It's not a race and 9 weeks is not a magic number -just a guide. It took me about 3 months to get to week 9 but I did and I'd never even done any serious exercise of any kind let alone running. I did my first 10k on Sunday and it was fantastic! If you're enjoying it at this stage you are 90% of the way there. Trust Laura and stick to the programme and let us know how you are getting on every now and again. And have Fun!
As others have said, trust the programme. What I'm finding is that each progression is a challenge, it pushes me that bit further each time. So I'm not finding it feels easier each week because there's always that progression, but as I'm on week4 I'd find the weeks before easy if I ran them again now. I agree with Pingle; week one was the worst so far.
I am also on week 2 and feel much the same as you. I previously thought I was quite fit because I am a fast walker and regularly walk my dog at a fast past for several miles. Running was a whole different story, and like you I welcome the opportunity to walk. However, I think the gradual progression means that it will get easier and we will both achieve the desired outcome. Good luck! Will be good to hear how you progress.