Does it get any easier? : I love the thought of... - Couch to 5K

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Does it get any easier?

21 Replies

I love the thought of running and get a boost when I’ve finished. It’s just the actual run that I find difficult 😂🤔 Managed week 7 run 2 today and had to push myself all the way through. I could have given up at any point, but didn’t! Proud of myself but wondered if it gets any more enjoyable? X

21 Replies
Buddy34 profile image

You said you could have given up but you didn't great as for getting easier I'm not sure think the more you run the more your body gets used to it 😊

IannodaTruffe profile image

Once you graduate we recommend that you consolidate for a few weeks at roughly the 30 minute duration of runs. This will be the first time that you have not had the demands on your body increasing every week and hopefully you will be able to relax into the runs and it will indeed feel easier.

I know that I found the last three weeks quite a slog, but you can always make it physically easier by slowing down and psychologically easier by finding distractions, so that you are not thinking about the actual running.

So, yes, it does get easier.

Well done for pushing through when it was tough.

SlowLoris profile image

Yes it does get easier and more enjoyable but at the moment you are making massive improvements each week so more satisfying than fun for a while.

Glitterjav profile image

Hi, I’m on the same run as you and I’m still getting used to the longer runs being a totally different kettle of fish to those in the first few weeks! I find that the first half is worst for me then towards the end I seem to find my rhythm. Having said that, the last 5 mins always seem hard too (!), but I generally feel I need the time to really get into it. I think like Iannoda said that finding distractions help. I’ve stopped even thinking about the time and how long I have left, and just think about all sorts on my way round! I think if you make it this far you are definitely physically capable of the rest, it’s more of a battle with your own mind that’s the trick. You can do it! 💪🏻

in reply to Glitterjav

Thank you and well done to you as well 😋

Harleysfield profile image

No different for me. I did W7R2 yesterday at the second attempt and had to push myself throughout. Although it did feel easier than the previous 25min runs, it was still a massive challenge. I still think my problem is I need to slow down, but I just can’t, averaging just faster than 6 mins per km. However, I feel great once finished and look forward to the next run...

in reply to Harleysfield

I feel amazing when I’ve finished. Glad I’m not the only one!

micey2 profile image

Hi, it does, but you should only push yourself to actually do it, don’t worry about speed, iannodatruffe is right try and think about something other than how hard it is, in the end it’s about enjoying it, I actually enjoyed my first 5k ever at Parkrun this morning, I never thought I say that. Just keep going,be kind to yourself and remember it’s not a competition good luck on the road to graduation, you’re nearly there

in reply to micey2

Thank you and congratulations on your park run!

micey2 profile image
micey2Graduate in reply to

I wouldn’t have done it without the C25K app and all the lovely inspiring people on this group looking forward to seeing your graduation badge.

Irish-John profile image

"easier"? Lol - every time I start running I wonder if I'm going to collapse within a hundred yards :)

"Enjoyable"? - yes :)

Body screams "You're HURTIN' me man! What the hell!!!?"

Mind whispers "THIS makes us feel alive :)

I did my fourth ever ten mile run yesterday, first (and maybe last, too monotonous) on a Treadmill. The last mile was an ordeal... I just wanted it to be OVER 😜

Still - it's prepping me for my first HM attempt in April so that's good. :)

And theirs the fun :)

I used to think when I started the programme that it would be absolutely awesome if some far-off day I could reach the 3/10ths of a mile marker at the local park. :)

Now the bizarreness of paying just under $100 to try a HM, and the hope I can do it in 2:30 :)

It's the most reliable and continuous enjoyment I've ever had in my life, this Running lark :)

And - a huge advantage - I know for a fact that I will never be a "competitor" because of age, asthma, screwed footbones etc I don't get hung up too much on "great performance" at the expense of "I'm doing wonderfully - for me!"

Wishing you many happy miles in your future 😊

in reply to Irish-John

Thanks for that! Hilarious but so right! Good luck on your HM! 😜

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate in reply to

Thank you :)

Norfolkmummy profile image

To me (who did week 1 run 1 and nearly died) you are doing awesome! But I know that keeping things going is tough. Particularly when you are in the middle or nearer the end, yet it seems a long way off. I have had to learn (when I did my nursing degree while being a single mum of 3 under 5’s) that you can only think about the now. That applies to running too I guess. You did it, you completed it, now don’t be thinking about the next one until it is time. Then take each section as it comes. Every minute, every second that passes is one step closer to your goal. You are awesome 😎

in reply to Norfolkmummy

Thank you but oh wow! I think you’re the awesome one! 😊🤛

Jay66UK profile image

Reinforcing other comments, this is the “sharp end” of the programme.

You will find your body gets more and more comfortable running for 30 mins once you’ve done this for a few weeks after graduating - the 9 week programme is just the start. It’s a bit like passing your driving test versus how confident you feel driving a couple of years later.

I’m 9 months post-graduating and I can now go run 5k or 10k pretty much at will. For 5k it took a few months, for 10k that’s only really been since around Christmas.

Once you feel more confident and comfortable you will start enjoying the runs more. Enjoy the next run x

in reply to Jay66UK

Thanks and I hope so 😊

Dexy5 profile image

I can promise you that it gets easier and more enjoyable the more you run. I went through c25k last year not enjoying the running much but loving the feeling of accomplishment at the end of each one. I now love it and have achieved 10ks. Listen to the post grad advice and a whole new world opens up to you.

in reply to Dexy5

Thanks 😋

kattou profile image

I feel like I hate it now, my hubby is the only person who keeps me going with this. I’m supposed to be on week 8 run 1 tomorrow but feel like quitting...

in reply to kattou

I’m hoping that we both come out the other side and start enjoying it! Reading the replies it seems like this is not unusual at this stage, so I’ll keep plodding on and hope you will too x

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