Now rearrange those words - You can do anything!
We're 10 days in to the new year and I hope there are many newbies who are on their own 5k journeys. Did you know the 19th is recognised as "quitters" day? All those new resolutions start to fall away, and excuses start to creep in.... Come on, we've all done it!
I'm too heavy
I'm not fast enough
This hurts, I'm still aching from last time
I can't do it
I'll just go tomorrow
I don't have time
I'm to slow
and so on...….
My only advice is ignore the voices. Ignore the self doubt. You can't ignore the aches & pains, but it does get better. Everyone on this forum is with you. Everyone on this forum has been where you are right now..... and every single one of them are glad they continued with it and didn't give up.
Some have gone on to run further and / or faster, there are many that have stayed at 30 minutes or 5k. But there is an even greater number of those that have given up, and wish they hadn't.
Life does get in the way, and the journey sometimes isn't easy. But it is definitely worth it. Please read some of the older posts from me and my virtual running buddies that will reply to this thread. You will see your struggle, but your journey is yours alone and it will be whatever you make it.
My only ask is that you don't give up, and just believe. Believe that you can, believe that you will, and believe in the training.
You will make it.
Happy New Year to all the newbies, oldies, those on the IC (and the lurkers) ❤