After graduating before Christmas, I took a few days off for the holidays. I have had a few runs since and felt great. However, today's run felt horrible! I only managed 2.1 miles and felt sluggish and slow the entire time, quite possibly the worst run I've had in a long time. Any advice? I'm feeling very discouraged with myself...
Feeling discouraged: After graduating before... - Couch to 5K
Feeling discouraged

We all have off days so don’t beat yourself up about it. Give it a couple of days and get out again. Maybe try a new route. Happy running 🏃♀️
In agreement with tazzy wazzy, everyone has off days. Maybe ask yourself why your body might be tired/lacking energy? Rest up and try again, just because you felt sluggish once doesn’t mean you will next time. Let us know when you next go out too and tell us how you got on! X

Don’t be discouraged everyone has tough runs sometimes, i have had a couple since Christmas but hoping the next one will be good as i’m sure yours will
I think after graduation a lot of people have a bit of a ‘slump’. Don’t let it get the better of you. Get out there and just run! Doesn’t matter how far or how long for, just enjoy the freedom of graduation and your new found skill. Gradually, you’ll get longer runs in, but just take it easy and enjoy running for the sake of it. I hope you find your way again 🤞🏼

I think from what I've read here that everyone has good runs and bad runs and it isn't predictable. Look how far you've come and just keep going out regularly. You'll be back in the zone again soon. Congratulations on graduating! You have done brilliantly

Don’t be disheartened Sarah, you’ve graduated and have already run 30 minutes. I continued with the c25k podcast w9 for a few runs to continue the habit, which helped me.
Now is the time to try a few new things like a different routes, and maybe a slope or two if you are used to only running on the flat.
Also there is now a consolidation group where you can get support post graduation with one of our lovely mentors so do check it out in pinned posts and join your peers.

Runs like that are horrid, but they don't mean all other runs will be the same. Promise! Keep going, you'll feel worse if you give up. Well done for managing 2.1 miles feeling like that 😊

Ignore it and move on. Sounds hard, I know, but it can be done. Some runs are like that. Loads of possible reasons, and sometimes none. (Personally I always blame the weather somehow. 🤣) Really, you may never know why, but the main thing is not to let it get to you. Sleep, drink water, do something fun tomorrow. And I bet it all straightens itself out for the next run. 😊👍 Good luck.

I had that three runs after graduation, felt awful. I think part of it is expecting to be able to run easily after graduation and maybe going a bit too fast. I realised that I also hadn’t eaten or drunk that much so the conditions weren’t great. Some runs are just rubbish but hey you still run 2 miles! It will be better next time, relax and enjoy it

Have you read the guide to post C25k running?
To maintain fitness you need to keep up the same level of exercise.......use it or lose it.

Agree with everyone else. Chalk it up to experience and move on.
Remember, not all your runs have to be 30 minutes/5k now. I sometimes do short runs with intervals. 3 minutes slowly and 2 minutes as fast as I can (I hesitate to call it sprinting). It helps with overall performance, but it also just mixes things up a bit.
Good luck

They’re all quite right ! Another possibility is that you might be about to go down with a cold or something and your body is giving you early warning. Keep your fluids up, rest well and look after yourself. You’ll soon be back on track x

Hello sarahsmilesss, well done for getting out there again. I was worried about getting going again and used week 6 run 1 to help me. I didn’t feel up to a 30 min run so gave myself permission to walk if I wanted. Do you know what? I ran the whole lot, even the walking bits but somehow telling myself I didn’t have to, helped me to do it. Nike running club app is also a very good one to check out. It’s free and has lots of different kinds of guided runs with Coach support. Just keep putting those shoes on . Sometimes that’s the hardest part. Good luck with your next run.

Onwards to the next run. Just go out with no specific aim other than to relax and enjoy it. 🙂🏃♀️

Don't feel too dis-heartened. I picked up back at week 5 to kick myself back up. It is amazing how quick fitness drops when you stop for a while but if you achieved before you can again. Well done for even getting out there in the cold weather.