I graduated in January having kept up with all the runs despite the weather. I then ran a 5k race in 44 mins. including the warm up walk. Since then I seem to have definitely slipped back , letting the weather which has been awful since then put me off running. I have a 5 K run on Saturday which I am convinced will go worse than the first one. What's the matter with me? I suppose if I went out to run without the run the endorphns would make me feel better at least.
Discouraged : I graduated in January having kept... - Couch to 5K

You know you can do it and time isn't too important at this stage. Have you been running regularly? Might it be worth doing a couple of 30 minute runs this week? Start today and forget about weather-postponed runs; you can't do anything about them.
Let us know how you get on. Good luck 😊

If you don't maintain the exercise level your body will revert to that of a couch potato. You only improve by keeping up the habit.
unfortunately it is a case of use it or lose it, but why not just enter the race with the attitude that you’ll walk when you need to. Then you’ll get an idea of where your natural fitness levels are now, and then you can pick up again. The weather is a real drag at times, but the other thing is in actual fact it is often easier for your bod to run in Winter, as your body isn’t having to cope with the extra exertion of cooling you down in the sun. Sounds counterintuitive but I always found my ‘dread’ of going out in the cold and rain was far worse than the reality.
But I did give myself a treat after each Winter run, I had a very posh shower gel that I am only allowed to use if I did the Winter runs...
Have a go but don’t put yourself under the pressure to beat or be better than your natural fitness will allow.
I think it was Irishprincess that says it takes a year to get your running legs in, I also think it can take that length of time to make the running so habitual, it just becomes part of who you are, rather than an add-on.
Good luck for your run/walk on Saturday - best wishes for that.

The thing with weather is that it's just what it is. If you can't change it, join it.
Also, once you've reached the stage where you will be competing for gold and the sponsors are harassing your management to sign lucrative deals, then you can start stressing about times and conditions. That l would understand.
You've graduated and can run 5k? That's respect for you in my book.
I can run some neat times (in my opinion) for my age (mid fifties) but l also read that some guys here can wipe the floor with me. Do l care? Am l concerned? Guess once.
All l can tell is that with constant running my distances have extended and the times still vary like a length of a rope. I'm away travelling at the moment and for god knows what reason my 10k time yesterday was much better than before with far less effort. I simply ran where l had never run before and cared even less than l would normally do.
Just switch off, enjoy the moment and cherish your runs. Your body and mind will thank you.
All the best!
At least you made me smile and I've just been out for a run. It's not 5k but I hadn't run a 5K beforethe first official race I did, Yes it makes me feel proud of myself whatever time or length I run. I asked for a kick up the proverbial and I got it !
Well done you - I did 10k yesterday and 9 today, I thought today I was faster and it hurt less, but my time was significantly worse. Just shows you never can tell. How warm is it your side of the Adriatic - here we got 17 degrees at 11am, Lucifer mark 2 is on his way...

Hi. It's quite mild here but it's been foggy in South London. I'll go for another run tomorrow. On Friday a much more experienced runner and friend has offered to accompany me on a run even though she's been running for 14 years not 4 months! Then on Saturday is my 5k run!
Good luck for that one, sure you’ll be fine!
24c along the coast today, carried water just in case but didn't need it. At my elite level we can afford to be above the laws of nature
Today's run was only 8K but felt easier again, must be the air quality/rest/hydration/relaxed state of mind (no idea). I have two more runs pencilled in (wed/thu) before it's 'hello Stansted' again.
You may be right, early signs are indeed pointing at L2, snakes and lizards are out in force.
Oh it’s warmer your side than mine ... but still 17/18 is okay. I just need to sort out the water issues, not bein as elite as you....👍🏋🏻♀️🏃🏼
Good luck with yours am due to do a mini 6k today and tomorrow rest yay

Firstly, don't count your 5 minute warm-up walk in your run time. You ran 5k in 39 mins.
Secondly, you have started running during some of the lousiest weather we have experienced in many a winter. In spite of that you perservered and graduated.
Now, you've hit a bit of a lull. We all have that. You need to recalibrate your focus and get yourself a new goal to aim for.
The worst case scenario is that you let your gremlins win and don't run - and all your hard work goes to waste as you return to the couch to reflect on that 2-3 months over Xmas when you were a runner for a bit.