This was the reason we started C25k back in October - so dog could join the happy hounds of the Cani-fit runners who charge around our woodland trails... well, we’ve done our training and graduated today!! My graduation pressie is another pair of running shoes, dog’s pressie is booking on for a month of Cani-fit in January!!! Can’t wait!!!
For anyone just starting out on this incredible program, or for all those making their way through the weeks, WELL DONE for giving yourself this amazing gift!
I was always said I couldn’t run... got that wrong!!!
It doesn’t matter if you don’t manage it in 9 calendar weeks, it doesn’t matter if you have runs that don’t go to plan, tech failures, feet failures, health and weather interventions... you’re still doing it no matter how long it takes or how many practice runs you make....we’re all RUNNERS!!! So, wear your trainers with pride and enjoy every step👍😁👟👟