So daughter is visiting with grandson and wants to go out for a gentle flat run as her achilles is still recovering. Elderly (66) father agrees saying pace will be around 6:30min/km. That’s all good she says. So off we go. Return home around 34 mins later to find I’ve done my third fastest 5k at 29:14 before we started cool down 🤔😊
When your daughter invites you to go for a gen... - Couch to 5K
When your daughter invites you to go for a gentle run
Is that what you call a gentle run😂😂congratulations on your 3rd fastest 5k.
Merry Christmas 🎅🎅
Now really NP, elderly father?! At 66 - that’s what I am and I refuse to be regarded as elderly! But it’s Christmas so I’ll let you off! And if he’s running the same as you, I reckon that puts him in the spring chicken group! Enjoy your time with the family- how lovely to be surrounded by runners!
Don’t really think myself elderly but try to get daughter to moderate pace a little when we go for run. She usually runs 5k at 5:30 pace pushing a running buggy.
Yep, great to have the runners visiting. Got a 10k to look forward to with my son on Saturday. He’ll have a bit of a wait mind. His 10k time is around 35 mins mine’s around 65 😊
Brilliant effort, and certainly not elderly at 66, you are in your prime. Luckily 4min/km son in law just back from his run so I'll be doing my 6:30 min/km myself tomorrow merry Christmas
Congratulations on that "gentle run, a sub 30 minute 5k is not a gentle run" excellent time for you, pretty fast I would say, happy running for 2020 and a very Happy Christmas to you and your family.
Happy Christmas to you and yours too.
Daughter considers any 5k outside of 25 minutes “gentle”. Could be worse son considers a 20 min 5k “very gentle”. 😬
Yes, your son and other runners who always get a sub 20 minute 5K would be disappointed if they run over 20 minutes, same goes for 25 minutes, a runner who always gets a sub 30 minute 5k would be very disappointed if he/she runs over that 30 minute time, in my case a 35 minutes or more 5K at a parkrun would be disappointing , so all those five minute numbers are important to us runners.