Hi there and thanks for this great forum. Just wanted to share my Week 1 experience with you in the hope I can prevent others doing something similar. I started Couch to 5k a few weeks back, using a treadmill. I'd bought new runners so I'd finally run out of excuses! The day after Run 1, I felt no soreness so I skipped the rest day and went straight into Run 2. Next day, same thing so I'm right back on that treadmill for Run 3 ..... except I felt so fit that instead of brisk walking between runs, I slow-jogged. So by the end of Run 3, I was telling myself I'd managed to run for 20 minutes non-stop! So what does a 55 year old woman who hasn't done much running for the last 20 years do? She signs up for Parkrun in 2 days time! Coz I must be ready, right?
It was SOOOO much harder than I expected (duh) but I figured it was because treadmill running is easier than hitting the pavement. I pushed myself to run much much further than I wanted to .... because that would speed up my fitness, right?
WRONG! The rest of that day I spent hardly moving. Or speaking. Or doing much of anything. Next day I knew I had to move, if only to loosen up my sore legs. At the end of a 3.5km walk I tried a very slow jog, just to see how it felt. Bad pain in both hips. Like right inside the joints. Oh great, I've done it now.
Next day I got back on the treadmill to attempt Week 2 Run 1. The pain in one of my hip joints was still there so I abandoned the run. Rested the whole week and then most of the following week. When I got back on yesterday, I felt like I was starting from scratch again.
Moral of the story? The experts who devised Couch to 5k know what they're doing. So when they say rest in between run days, it's for a very good reason. And even if you're 55 on the outside and 23 on the inside like I am, painful as it might be to tell yourself this ..... your body ain't what it used to be!
My time for the 5k Parkrun you all ask??? 35:50. I won't be getting anywhere near that for many weeks! Not worth getting injured!
Thanks for listening and apologies for long post. Happy running (and resting) to you all!!!