Woke Mrs LeeU up this morning, it was cold and a little frosty in places, we discussed where we were going to run, I like the canal and Mrs LeeU wanted to run around the village where we live, so we ended up down the canal.
Mrs LeeU found the tow path a little too slippery and just after 10 minutes into the run we stopped, she's had enough injuries recently and, knowing her, if she slipped she wouldn't be able to just twist an ankle, she'd break it. The picture is the canal from this morning.
So we headed home. Having only covered .75 of a mile neither of us felt like we'd been out for a run so we decided to head out in my lunch break. Unfortunately Mrs LeeU couldn't join me so I opted for some HIIT intervals on the treadmill.
I raised the running bed as high as it would go, 15% or degrees whatever it is, and had the obligatory 5 minute warm up walk, straight after that it was into running at 80%+ for 30 seconds, jumping onto the sides for 60 seconds, and repeat for 15 minutes, so 10 sprints. And then the 5 minute warm down walk.
After each sprint I noted my heart rate, roughly 160 bpm and then noted it again at the end of the 60 second rest, roughly 130 bpm.
If I'm doing less of an incline I'll sprint for a minute but on a high incline I'll usually do 30 seconds.
I now feel like I've run, it's not the same feeling as a long slow run but it's scratched the itch, for now, going out this weekend, I may try for 7k to keep try to keep up with Ju Ju's magic plan. I know I didn't quite make 6k last week but I wanted to be there when Mrs LeeU finished her first 5k and I know another 120 meters would have been easy enough to do.
Happy running everyone