Doing the couch to 5k and wishing it had a built in map, it’s brilliant and free so can’t complain though!! 😀 But can anyone recommend a decent free running app to track my distance while doing the programme?? Can you run the couch to 5k app while also using a running app and playing your music?? I’m an iPhone user btw 👍 If I have to pay a monthly subscription for a running all what do you recommend? Thanks
Running App: Doing the couch to 5k and wishing... - Couch to 5K
Running App

I have used Android versions of Endomondo, Runkeeper and Strava and they will all do what you need, each having their own strengths.
Runkeeper tops my list of free run trackers as you can programme your own intervals into it.
You should not have any problems running the apps at the same time.

I've only ever used Strava, the free version has plenty for what you need and its iPhone and android friendly.
Yes you can run your app, music and c25k although from memory its best to start c25k last, get your music going, then tracker then c25k 👍🏻

Nike Run Club and Runkeeper are the two I used. Have a go with several to see which gives you the data you want.
When I started I had 3 running to try them out 🙈
Yes you can run c25k, music and running app together

The only problem I find using Strava (and it's my problem really, not the app) is that I got very caught up in the stats. I wanted every run to be faster than the last and kept trying to do PBs on segments. When I started to take this running thing seriously (about week five) I started reading up on running without injuries and I immediately slowed up. Although my runs trended slower for a week or so, I'm now starting to speed up again just from being fitter.
I really like Strava, but beware if you have a competitive streak!

I use the C25K app, Mapmyrun (free version) & my own music all simultaneously on my elderly iPhone.
The free version of Mapmyrun works fine for me most of the time (it has occasional hiccoughs) & gives map, distance, your pace over a km , ( or half km depending on how you set it) altitude etc

I use Strava and the version I use is free and ram along side my music and c25k no problems 😊😊
Hi there
I also have an I phone and use Strava to track my distance and use amazon music and couch to 5k app all at the same time. Hope this helps. X