Since I began running it's really negatively affected my quality of sleep. I'm tossing and turning all night. The unexpected thing I found is that my mind is more relaxed and can think clearly. I can best describe my experience as permanently feeling a little high. I would appreciate hearing from anyone with a similar experience?
Sleeping: Since I began running it's really... - Couch to 5K
If you are running in the evening, try switching to mornings & capitalise on the high. I achieve more after a run than I do on a rest day! I would never be able to sleep if I ran at night!
This question pops up every now and then. I seem to remember that as well as morning running, hydration might be the issue. Make sure you drink plenty every day. I think too that when you start running, it can take a while for your body to adjust. When I started C25K, I found myself dropping off in the afternoon. After a few weeks this passed. So keep going and enjoy the relaxed mind; hopefully your body will soon catch up!
Hi Helen. Thanks for the hidration tip. That may be an issue since I live in a tropical climate
Hi. I followed the hydration tip and my sleep quality has improved. Thanks!
I run/walked my first marathon a couple of months ago - took me over 6 hours - I was exhausted afterwards but had the strength ( just) to later walk to a restaurant 500 metres away for dinner , had a big meal and a few wines. Walked back to our hotel and collapsed into the comfortable bed - where I lay awake looking at the ceiling all night!!!!!
I definitely find it hard to sleep after a long run. I find my legs are restless which is the opposite of what I expect! My mind is relaxed, but legs not! I hadn't seen anything linking hydration so it's good to be aware of that. Thanks Hidden
It seems that most people sleep better after a run and having always been a light sleeper, prone to sleeplessness, I too had high hopes that running would improve my sleep patterns, but like you, the effect was negative. I have always been a morning runner.
I have never heard of the link with hydration and sleep, but over six years I have not seen any improvement, despite adequate hydration.
The guide to the plan recommends 2 to 3 litres of fluids each and every day.
I found my sleep is either really good and deep or really bad. My exercise tracker however has implied my deep sleep is better/for longer periods. My eyes however are far more tired. That however can be thyroid or depression related. I can however relate