Having spent £120 on a gait analysis and new shoes, I was dismayed to suffer from achy calves, back and knees for the first time in 9 weeks of doing the challenge. I assume it’s because I am using different parts of my legs/muscles now that my pronation has been rectified. Has anyone else found a similar thing?
New shoes: Having spent £120 on a gait analysis... - Couch to 5K
New shoes

Hi J-M - I had new shoes recently (first proper running shoes and with mild support), I have found it’s taken 3 or 4 runs to really get used to them and I’ve had some niggly aches in feet and legs but it seems to be getting better.

Yeah I’ve had mine almost 4 weeks and still feel I’m breaking them in (or perhaps they’re breaking me in!)

So sorry Julie! I have to say from the minute I put on my new trainers after gait analysis, I have never had a minutes problem. However I was told to use L and R runners socks too. They may help??

New shoes support you differently which is why I always alternate shoes, so that your legs and your shoes are gradually broken in.
There is always the possibility that you have been given inappropriate shoes, but only time will tell.

Do go back to the shop that sold them if you are having problems.
I had those aches too, slowly eased up and now 2 weeks later I’m fine. Hopefully you’ll get the same!