Hi everyone,, I’m struggling and hoping you guys may have some advice,, I’ve gotten to w4 and just can’t get through the sessions. I was doing ok up to end of w3 they were a push but achievable and I felt I’d got it by the end of the 3 runs,, but I’ve done 4 w4 runs and if I manage to run the first set of 3 and 5 mins I’m doing well. My breathing is fine I’m not desperately gasping and energy wise I feel like I have enough to get through but it’s like my legs seize up and I just can’t keep running. They go really tight. I’ve had my gait analysis done and brought the trainers suggested, and stretch after every session.. any advice much appreciated I really want to complete this and I can’t see how I can progress and further ☹️
Stuck on week 4: Hi everyone,, I’m struggling... - Couch to 5K
Stuck on week 4

I was similar but slow down , maybe it’s a psychological block at this stage for you too , sometimes I counted backways like I’ve a minute done now I’ve a 4 minute run !! And to be honest the longer runs get easier as you go on as you get more relaxed with your running. I thought I’d never run for 5 minutes , take a break for an extra day or 2 and head out again , read some posts here and believe in yourself and the program..... my running at this stage was slower than my walk just keep the motion of running going and good luck let us know how you do

It sounds like you are doing most of the right things, but slowing down from the start is always an option.
Is your hydration adequate? Do you drink 2-3 litres of fluids each and every day?

Well done !
If you are breathing easily and not struggling then you are not going too fast... so.. keep it slow and steady.
Just wondering... How much non impact work are you doing on some of your rest days?
Your stamina and strength are part of the plan...they need to build up alongside your running... maybe take a look at the Strength and Flex site here...lots of ideas and advice there.
You can swim, walk ... cycle, do yoga or Pilates...all helping as the runs get longer...a day in the garden, a blitz on housework .. even things like that help
There are also, plenty of specific leg exercises too.. and it may be worth sorting out a little regime to focus on your legs.

Hi sdcr2017 sad to hear you’re struggling but it sounds like you have the determination it takes to do this. I actually repeated the wk3 run 9 times before moving on so don’t worry about repeating runs when you need to. You’ve already had some great advice, mine is to relax, don’t over-think it and believe in yourself. Good luck.

Full marks for perseverance! Agree with the others here on slowing down - even if you think you’re running slowly already, you could probably slow some more. I run using this technique m.youtube.com/watch?v=9L2b2... It’s low impact and was really useful to me as the durations increased. I came across it in W6 & wish I’d seen it earlier. I still run this way! Hope it helps.
I'm also stuck on week 4 so came here looking for advice. I really thought I couldn't run any slower but I watched this video and found it so helpful!! I had attempted the week 4 run twice and not been able to complete the last 5 minutes. I tried again yesterday with this in mind and did it!! Thanks for posting
Awesome! I make a point of NOT looking ahead to see what I will need to be running so I don’t scare myself 😆 I did Week 4 run 2 this morning, actually found the second 5 mins easier than the first. I can’t believe I’m ‘running’ (more like a shuffle) for 5 mins either, it’s amazing isn’t it? Well done us! 😂