Went out at 6am this morning! Had my route planned out in my head. Did the usual 5 min brisk walk to warm / wake me up!
I’d forgotten how great it is just to be out on your own. Yes it was difficult at some points but not too much so.
The wind was a menace!! Not really ran when it’s been windy before. Wow! Boy oh boy does it knacker you out. I may as well have been running on the spot! 😂
It beats my last run - went out at 5am in pitch black and for about 10 mins I could hear a beeping. Silly me just thought it was the music. Oh no it was my head torch telling me it was about to die 🙄.
Onwards and upwards I say!!
What else will be thrown at me. Who knows. I’m sure I will drag my self through it.
That’s all folks.