Fractured : So I've just been to have an x-ray... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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GreenGirl89 profile image
31 Replies

So I've just been to have an x-ray and I've fractured both sides of my toe. They said recovery is 6-9 weeks.

I'm not allowed to run at all, I'm so gutted.... 1wk off graduating and I go and do something stupid. 😭 😭 😭

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GreenGirl89 profile image
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31 Replies
Oldfloss profile image

Oh dear....!

Iamfree100 profile image

It’s rubbish...just put the running on hold for now...I’d be gutted too. 😘

GreenGirl89 profile image
GreenGirl89 in reply to Iamfree100

I want to cry

Iamfree100 profile image
Iamfree100 in reply to GreenGirl89

I can imagine... you obviously love running and will be determined to go back to it when you’s hard I know tho because I missed a few with illness and ice and I was gutted then...

Roadrunner30 profile image

Oh no! That is terrible. Hope you get better soon.

Pianism profile image

Oh, my heart goes out to you! Chin up... keep visiting us and laughing at our mistakes and keep yourself buoyant until you can pick up again. It will all still be here.

Wimborne profile image

Oh GreenGirl that’s tough news to hear. I hope you had a good cry to get out all those feelings .... It won’t feel like it now but You will come back stronger than before. Heal well and head up. You are a runner and will stay a runner.

TheGoodWillOut profile image

Did my back in when I was previously on week 8. Like you, was gutted as i was at the fittest I’d been for years but rest and when you’re healed, go again.

Couchpotato2 profile image

Oh no, that is crap. So sorry for you. You will graduate though as soon as you are back and you'll no doubt zoom past us as well. take care xx

GreenGirl89 profile image
GreenGirl89 in reply to Couchpotato2


Granspeed profile image

Oh so sad. We’ve been right in there together. 😢 Really fed up for you!!! Keep checking in and let us know how it goes as you recover.

Fitwannabe profile image

Oh no that's so frustrating. ☹️ Try to be patient, you'll be back running before you know it. And hopefully the weather will be better by then as well!

Runners profile image

Oh no, gutted for you. Take care of that toe and just think of the lovely weather you’ll be running in when you get back out there.

Jell6 profile image

That is tough, be assured that you won't lose all your fitness in that time, even if you decide to redo the programme you will fly through it, probably you can pick it up around week 4 or 5, see how you feel.

Try not to get upset about it, the runs will wait for you 😊

Chris141 profile image

Ohhhh no! That is gutting and no words are going to help! All I will say is you know u can do it, so as soon as you are fit get back out there and graduate! In the meantime find something else to do that’s not going to affect your foot! X

GreenGirl89 profile image

Thanks everyone x

Kasi42 profile image

Oh no. That’s rubbish. Just try n keep your stamina and fitness up in other ways; maybe swimming? Cycling? (Check with doc what’s allowed). Then you should be able to slot back into your running at a higher week, rather than starting from scratch x

MelsieJay profile image

I’m so sorry for you. I had similar last year. A few weeks after graduation I broke my leg and had 4 months out. Can you go swimming? That would keep up your fitness at least? It’s sonhard when you are motivated and achieving something and then it’s taken away suddenly. Sorry!

theoldfellow profile image

Sorry to hear about the injury, it must be so frustrating.

Here is what to do while you are waiting to finish C25K... Start some strength and flexibilty exercises. What you need to do, to be able to restart at, say, week 7, is to maintain your muscles - especially the glutes and the quads, but even more so, you heart/lung tone. Ask the nurse what you CAN do.


That is such a shame, I was doing wk8 r2 last night and pulled my calf muscle like you gutted. We must be patient take care all the best.

Scobs profile image

Pooh. That’s a bummer. But don’t be so hard on yourself. I know it’s not nice , but take the nine weeks recovery. Make a full recovery then because you love running so much. Start again on week two or three. You’ll soon work your way back up 😊

purplewalker profile image

Oh no!!! That’s tough but you achieved so much and will do so again . Stay positive.

Amicie profile image

Have a good cry then plan an exercise regime based around all the things you still can do (yoga? Weights?) to prepare for that return to running. Trying to find the positive ☺️Xx

micey2 profile image

That’s a blow and so disappointing for you, but you’ll be back and running again soon. You’ve come this far so you know you can do it. Here’s to you’re recovery and the lighter, warmer days you’ll be back running in

Oh no, that is gutting. I hope it mends soon. You’ve done brilliantly though to get to wk8- you are a RUNNER! 👏👏 - and you’ve achieved it in this horrible weather. Think how great it will be running in the summer, you can push your baby out with you. Best of luck. 💐💐

ladyofcastile profile image

Oh, dear... !!! This kind of set back always seem to happen in the worst moment! Personally, when I have a race approaching, I put a big note on the front door and another in the room where I do the rest of the stuff like yoga and weights saying: DO NOT "ACCIDENTALLY" INJURE YOURSELF, because I know that I tend to when I am scared!! How dumb is that! Ok, practical stuff:

When life send us a set back, is often offering and opportunity. I sustained an ankle injury in a triathlon and it turned into the best experience. I grew so much through it. I had a cast for several weeks and the first thing I researched was: yoga with a cast. Running is not only running. You need flexibility, you need core strength, you need mental strength. Perhaps you are being given the chance to stop and work on those aspects, so when you hit the road again, you are unstoppable. There is so much you can do without putting pressure on that toe. After my last op, I came back so much more stronger and focused. 2 months after the last operation, at Halloween, I was doing a 5K in the dark, a month later, a 10K. Then January: Dark Moors 10 Miler, February: London Winter Run 10K and Richmond Half Marathon. Now, preparing for the grueling but wonderful Larmer Tree Half, which in a couple of weeks time. Use this time to your advantage. And for all of those suffering a stress fracture, hey, I rather have it in training than for it to show up on race day. I am 54, btw, with big bum and big legs- thank you, mum, for the lipedema- and I only started running 3 years ago. I hope that toe is as good as new in no time.

LC16 profile image

So from week 4 you can start getting into a pool, swimming,walking,jogging etc. From week6 start getting your fitness back and testing it on a treadmill, walking,walking fast, bringing in inclines etc before you actually start the pounding. You'll get there, good luck!

Blue-runner profile image

Hi, I feel your pain. I was up to wk8, run 3 and I hurt my foot. I have been for an x Ray Incase it was a stress fracture which it isn’t. I’m now waiting for physio. So all in all I know exactly how you feel.

Lavender1962 profile image

That’s too bad! Good luck with your recovery!

Fauvemarin profile image

Sad, but injuries/injuries will sideline you again if you keep with running. This is a good time to learn about cross training. Consider finding a gym and doing things that your Dr approves of (pedaling or rowing perhaps). Main thing is to try and keep that cardiovascular fitness you have developed from your running to date, plus work on strengthening your core. You can come out of this a better, more fit runner if you play your cards right.

Katnap profile image

You'll be back!

If you can, and you have access to a gym, try a bit of cycling. It'll keep your heart and breathing rates up, is non-impact, and will keep your legs and knees in good shape for your return.

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