Has anyone done this on a treadmill
Treadmill: Has anyone done this on a treadmill - Couch to 5K

Welcome. Yes, lots have done this on the treadmill... you can too. Or you can beat this outdoors... either works, and both deliver all the health benefits. So... enjoy your journey to beating this challenge.

I am. 😀

I do. Apparently you should set the incline to 1 to replicate outdoor running but I haven't.
What speeds do you walk and run at? I feel I am going very slow 🤷♀️
I walk & do the warm up & cool down at around 5.3 & run at 7.9 😀
I walk at 3.5mph and run/jog at 4.5mph. With the increasingly long runs I sometimes slow down to 4mph. I don't think speed is important while you are completely c25k, it's more about building your endurance by running at a comfortable pace. After I graduate I would like to run at 5mph but I think that's going to take me a while. Good luck on your treadmill journey!

The last half of the programme I did on the treadmill, too cold outside. Think I run slower on the treadmill 6.0 to 6.5km but that's not a problem. Just as long as both are off the ground as you run is still running. Good luck and keep going.

Welcome to the forum.
This guide to the plan is essential reading healthunlocked.com/couchto5... and is full of tips, including the pace you should be running at.
Enjoy your journey.
Me too. Power supply permitting
My walking speed is 5-5.5 km/h, and I run around 6.5-7 km/h. I'm quite slow at running compared to many others here, but slow is good on this program 😁
Hi,done 3 weeks so far..I warm up at 5.6 and run at 7.0. I like knowing the constancy of the speed. Works for my brain. And yes, set incline at 1 is what I was told, too. Good luck

I am doing it on a treadmill! After a failed outdoors attempt ended this week in asthma attacks and a chest infection, I am doing it indoors instead.
Running for thirty minutes on a treadmill is still running for thirty minutes!
Good luck 🙂
Thank you, I tried this last year and failed miserably so thought the treadmill idea might be ok, I am currently walking at 2.5 mph and 3.5mph but this seems very slow! Should it be quicker?
I’ve done all mine on the treadmill. I think it’s harder in many ways but easier on the joints to start out as well as warmer (obviously! 😁). I keep promising myself I will run outside at the weekends but it hasn’t happened yet! Maybe on graduation from the plan!

Im a newbie too, that's doing it on a treadmill. Only on week 3 run 2 tonight. I walk at about 4.0 and run at 5.2. which is quite slow than others in here. I have never been a fast runner. Good luck.
I started outside but struggled with a few areas, ordered a treadmill n now im starting afresh
Using treadmill as a strength barrier and also easier with chest as the cold weather does affect some
As people say, its still completing the tasks
My brisk warm up is 35
Jogging at 45-48

I use the treadmill and completed c25k last November. It’s set at 1 deg incline and I walk briskly at 3.6mph and usually run (jog) at 4.3mph. And that suits me. I love having the treadmill for the times it is too easy to stay in due to bad weather.
You just need to find you’re own comfortable steady pace. Good luck with the programme!
Try not to get hung on what speed you "should" be doing. Treadmills are all different as has been seen by the replies here, some are in mph, some in kmh and ithers use a notiin number that doesn't mean anything.
As long as both feet are off the ground, you 're running and that's what counts.
Best of luck!
I use a treadmill. Luckily we have our own at home and I know I'd never do it if I had to go outside in this cold weather. It's difficult to know what speed to set it at, but If you're struggling reduce the speed a little until it's comfortable.

hi i did all my c25k on tredmill it took me a while to get outside but everyone on here kept telling to get outside and i did its fantastic running outside but dont forget to set the incline other wise you will find it abit harder when you get outside as the groud is not flat and you can tell the difference but take your time great advice slow and steady

I’ve always use the treadmill and set the incline to 1 to start and the down to 0.5. I walk at 6.8 km and run around 9.3 km but that’s increased over time. It the length of the run that’s important not the speed - I still have to remind myself of this now. Your doing fab - keep going!

I do all mine outside but with there being snow on the ground that hasnt gone and now -7 i wouldnt even risk running out there, so im really wishing i had a treadmill at home at times like these!

I have and still do but I found it difficult to run outside
Hi Im doing it on a treadmill one to get fit and avoid the weather and two my intention is when i have completed the whole 9 weeks is to start again running on the streets. So give it a go best of luck.
I am doing it on a treadmill and half way through week 4. I warm up and cool down at 6.5Km/ph and Jog/run at 10km/ph and all on a 2% incline 😊

Yep - and like you’ve found, I go slower too - but remember the treadmill is a constant speed and unless you programme in hills it’s flat whereas outside it varies and you can/do go faster and slower as you go. It’s also less scenic than outdoors so there’s a boredom factor - my hubby refers to it as my “plod” factor. The main thing is you’re doing it - speed really doesn’t matter....

Yes I'm doing treadmill too. Figure moving on anything is better than not moving at all so don't get hung up on what you run on or how fast. I do fancy the idea of an outside run but going to increase confidence first. W5r1 here I come!
I joined a local gym last September and started on the treadmill walking about 2km at a speed of 5-6km. (I also used the bike and rowing machine). As I got fitter, I started jogging and increasing my distance. I've lost a stone in weight and can now do 5k in under 30 mins.
I have joined Parkrun... Just waiting for the weather to warm up a bit.

I mostly did it on the treadmill with just a few road runs when I couldn’t make it to the gym.

Hi Tezzie, I bought a treadmill after suffering a few light injuries, knees, achilles, etc., thought it might be easier on the joints etc., and it was. I Also have a balance problem so going out on frosted surfaces is out of the question, as they don't grit our roads. When it is fine I go outside and frosty or muddy conditions I do the treadmill. It also helps me do my own type of interval training, using the gradients, speed (which I set to MPH) etc., before graduation I set it to 3.8mph for the warm up and warm down then gradually increased my run speed from 4mph to 4.3 then 4.5mph then towards the end of the course, which incidentally took me 27 weeks! I tried to do the last 5mins at 5mph, but not always successfully😂 the gradient was between 1- 3%. I have now done two park runs🤗
I hope I get to the stage where I can complete park runs 😁
I'm so pleased to see so many treadmill lovers 🤝

I run on the treadmill (no incline). It means I can run with my partner who is fitter and faster than me. I hope by the summer we will be able to run outside together. I am fairly slow - walk 4.5-5and run 5.5/6. I have completed week5 which means I ran for 20 minutes!!!! I never dreamed I could do that. I am deliberately going slow to avoid injury and feel I am achieving. Each run I will do from now (today is w6r3) will be a long one so I have plenty of time to build up speed once the stamina is sorted. You should walk/run at the pace that is right for you. If I can do this any one can. Oh, and have faith in the programme - it really does work 😀
I run on treadmill but maybe I’m a bit slow I walk at 4 and run at 5 incline 1 I enjoy running
Yes I have 2 runs left 😁

I did the entire C25K on a treadmill and graduated this time last year.Since then I have continued to run only on a treadmill but the health benefits are still enormous.I warm up at 7KPH and then run at around 8.5 but I have been running for over a year now.Nowadays I run every day but only for about 15 mins (excluding warm ups) I find this suits my lifestyle.Once you graduate it is about finding a routine that suits you but I would never give up the treadmill now.I am 65 years old so age makes no difference either.How we choose to run and where we run is just individual choice but sticking with it is the main goal. Good luck.

I got a treadmill at the beginning of 2018 as my husband didn't like me running in the park on my own in the darker mornings. At that time I was walking at 5kph and running at 6.8kpm on the treadmill, unfortunately I had to stop the program as I had an injury (caused by walking to the shops would you believe!) and I started the program again. This time though I found when I run outside I run slower than the treadmill as I'm enjoying the fresh air and scenery so my husband timed me and we've set our treadmill to 5kph for warm up walk and 6.3kph for a light jog. As a few have said the best thing is to try it out to find your own walking and jogging speed, especially in the first weeks, you can always increase speed when you can comfortably do the time easily at your present speed.

I also run on the treadmill - currently in week 6. I initially didn't know what speed to go at and searched the forums to see what other people were doing but now I really wish I hadn't read those posts. The advice I wish I'd gotten/heeded is DO NOT READ OTHER PEOPLE'S SPEEDS/TIMES and just go at a pace that suits you where you're able to complete each run without collapsing!! I vary it run by run, go a bit faster if I'm feeling good and slow right down if it's becoming a struggle. No shame in going slow, I'm aiming to complete the programme at any speed and then work on speeding up once I'm comfortably running for 30 mins. Good luck!
Being 68 years old I'm not trying to conquer the World ! For years I walk no slower than 4.5mph no faster than 6.6 mph . My goal between 2.5 fun miles in 30 minutes - or serious 3.00 miles in 30 minutes ...PS ..I usually go the " fun miles" ...LOL ...!!!!
I’m doing it on the treadmill. I walk at 3.8km and jog at 4.2 with 0.5 incline

I am doing it on the treadmill. W4 R2 completed tonight. I walk at 4.8 km and run at 5.8, as I want to take it slow and steady. ,Pace will come once I know I can run for longer periods of time. And it's faster than walking! Good luck
Hi Tezzie. I'm using treadmill. I am very unfit with bmi over 40. I am at week 3 run 3. I repeat weeks twice, so I have actually been going for 6 weeks now. I set the incline for 1.5 or 2. I walk at 4.5km and jog at 5.8km - 6km. My advice would be to completely ignore what everyone else is doing at the gym if you go there and go your own pace. Repeat weeks if necessary. Good luck 😊
Yes I replaced my Christmas tree with a treadmill! I warm up and cool down between 5.5 and 6k and run between 7.3 and 7.5k I’ve just done my last run of wk4 this morning..... I can’t imgine running outdoors were people will see me
Yes I use the treadmill, I quite like it, as I don't feel people are looking at me as much.
also makes run faster if you are at the gym and they have food programmes on!!!! LoL!!
must say I have slacked this week as I was away at the weekend so must get back on it this week.