Been running in the gym since the weather has turned colder but am joining a running group in January and will be running outside. Could anyone advise me on the clothing I will need? Thanks.
Running in the great outdoors.: Been running in... - Couch to 5K
Running in the great outdoors.

You will be surprised how warm you get, a light layer that you can tie around your waist.
Hat and gloves though I usually end up stuffing them down my leggings.
Long leggings and good socks.
Enjoy the running club I love mine
Outdoors is brilliant! I love it. So far I am comfortable with just a long sleeve running top and even then I roll the sleeves up once I get going. I believe doing a good warm up routine before you start really helps too. Even 5 mins up and down on the bottom step of the stairs can get your temp and heartbeat up before you set off and before long you are loving the cold fresh air!

Thanks for the advice. I am a little worried about joining the club because I am REALLY slow but hoping running with others will help me increase my speed.
Lol I managed to get my 12 year old to come out with me. She rides a bike to school and back daily and, not obese like me, is way fitter than me. I must say the 'competition' did make me find both extra speed and stamina than on my normal solo runs! I think the club will definitely get you to push yourself and speed up the advancement your looking for!