For the first five weeks of the programme I was terrified of the thought of running outside but found the long runs too boring on the treadmill. Now I love running outside. Came across this little family yesterday. You're never going to see this in a gym sorry it's a bit blurry but didn't stop for long (plus not sure why it's side on?)
Running outdoors: For the first five weeks of... - Couch to 5K
Running outdoors

Each to their own, but I can't understand why or how people can run on treadmills, unless they just don't have access to facilities or have phobia issues for example. Each time you go out you get something new from the natural world, even if its a pigeon dropping something on you from above. Don't get that on a treadmill.
It's one of those things. You either enjoy it or you don't. I never get bored running on the treadmill as I'm constantly adjusting challenges on the computer in front of me, watching TV, listening to music on Spotify, interacting with others. I'll never say one is better than the other, it's just one of those things. At the gym I can run an hour then fall right onto the weights or other cardio.
I suppose, and whatever suits, I guess if you are in a gym anyway , or are surrounded by other equipment then it makes sense, that's a good point. I find it more relaxing though getting away from machines. Everyone has different goals I guess.
Absolutely but don't get me wrong I can 100% appreciate the outdoors. I don't do it enough but one thing I'm doing right now is incline training. I suck at hills but I've been improving bit by bit. And after the weekend I've just had away in Torquay I need to get my act together again lol.
It is indeed each to their own. I think I would have given up by now if I was in the gym on the treadmill. I get such a sense of well being being out in the elements.
I'm clearly a maniac
Well maybe a glutton for punishment. 🏋🏻 I wear blinkers if I'm in the gym. Can't see any weights then....
You are right, and some of the forum family don't have any other choice...
The are running, and enjoying it.. That is what it's all about
Ah as always well said oldfloss😊it took me ages to pluck up the courage to run outside as too self conscious so ive overcome two obstacles 😊back out running & it now doesn't bother me what folk think!! I love the peace of running outside & last night got back to 20mins continuous run than ran /walk for 4.1k then 30mins later walked for 5.5km so feelung more positive il return to my 5k runs😂👍 Whatever is best for each individual is great at least they are off the couch!!! Im so glad to get back into it & forum so helps!!! Happy running everyone x


Beautiful ! Lucky you

Can I just stress.... This post was simply about sharing the joy I felt seeing a family of swans on a run outdoors and how happy I am to have plucked up the courage to run is not a criticism of anyone who wants to run on a treadmill!! Peeps you don't need to 'defend' your reasons!!! It's not right/wrong and which side are you on...