W9 calls for some strategic time-tabling! - Couch to 5K

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W9 calls for some strategic time-tabling!

Amerynthe profile image
18 Replies

Here's the thing. I want/need to complete the programme no later than Thursday, so that I can have Friday as a rest day before the Park/Grudge Run with my brother on Saturday 22nd. In my head, as I cross the finishing line, my amazed brother will ask, 'Have you been training for this?' and I can flash my W9R3 screen on my app at him and say, 'Yes! I am a C25K graduate!' Cue tears (his) of pride and mine, a mix of pride and smugness and delight at making him cry - a feat I have not been able to achieve since I was 11 and he was 9, when I accidentally tore a muscle in his neck (sibling play-strangulation gone a little too far ...) That was over 45 years ago, so I've been waiting a long time!

So, today, Saturday, the forecast shows 100% chance of rain all day. I've been out twice - vet and shopping - and it's correct. Chucking it down. I don't mind cold, I don't mind drizzle, but torrential is another matter. Tomorrow there is due to be a sunny window of opportunity around 9am, so I shall aim for that. Next runs, therefore, have to be Tuesday and Thursday. Tuesday I have a Big Important Meeting in London (I am Big, but I am not Important, I'm only going to run a powerpoint presentation and take some minutes :-) ). I have to catch the 10am train from Southampton, in smart suit and preferably normal-coloured face (NOT still beetroot!) and I won't be back until about 9pm, which means .... EEEK .... getting up early and running before I catch the train! Never done a 7am run before but needs must! Thursday should be fine, working until 7pm so out and running by about 7.30. (LOLOL as I type this, the song, 'Run Baby Run' by the New Beats is on the radio, from 1971, the year I accidentally strangled my brother! Spooky!)

So there you have it. Sorry to use this place as a thinking-and-planning-aloud session, but I don't want to blog or facebook it in case said brother finds out that I'm training! After graduation/ParkRun, I shall 'out' myself as a newbie runner on social media but until then, folks, I'm afraid you're all bearing the brunt! :-) I appreciate everyone's advice, support and inspiration. It's been marvellous to read about people who started out unable to complete those first 8 individual running minutes, and who are now regularly running for 30 minutes and more, and enjoying it. I never thought I would ever be one of those strange, lycra-clad people pounding around the park for fun but actually I am!

And to anyone running in Southampton today in this rain - good on ya! :-)

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Amerynthe profile image
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18 Replies
UnfitNoMore profile image

My weather app says 30% chance of rain at 7 tonight for Southampton and none again after... but windy 8 & 9. Don’t know if that’s any help.

Amerynthe profile image
AmeryntheGraduate in reply to UnfitNoMore

BBC weather says 76% chance of rain :-( and I'm now a glass of wine into my Christmas card writing ... but actually your app seems to be more right than the BBC because it's calmed down a lot out there now!

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate in reply to Amerynthe

I’m sure they all just make it up and change the current conditions constantly

Amerynthe profile image
AmeryntheGraduate in reply to UnfitNoMore

You're probably right! :-)

Millsie-J profile image

Its a good plan!

If you could get to run today, Monday, Wednesday, it would mean an extra rest day before your parkrun...... which might also be good to plan in. Whatever you do, enjoy! Your badge awaits you as does the podium🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️

Amerynthe profile image
AmeryntheGraduate in reply to Millsie-J

Thanks, I'll keep an eye on the weather today!

cheekychipmunks profile image

You sound as though you have your week well organised - but wow that’s some schedule, especially Tuesday. Kudos to you for being so good at multitasking! 👍

I bet you can’t wait to graduate and see your brother’s expression! Looking forward to hearing all about it! 😀

Have a good week Amerynthe! 👍👍

Amerynthe profile image
AmeryntheGraduate in reply to cheekychipmunks

Thanks, I'll keep you posted and hopefully get a picture of his face when I break into a jog instead of a walk!

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate in reply to Amerynthe

Priceless! 😀

SarahBrown profile image

I wanted to run today as I plan my runs around my work, but the Isle of Wight is nothing but heavy rain and strong winds all day. I did week 9 run 2 in these conditions a few weeks back, but in the process I water damaged my phone and it became quite a costly run for me although I did complete it and was dead proud of myself!! Ive decided to wait until tomorrow in the hope that everything has calmed down a little.

Amerynthe profile image
AmeryntheGraduate in reply to SarahBrown

Sky is totally black and cloudy over the island from here - I admire you for doing a run in stormy conditions! <note to self: cling film 'phone if going out in this kind of weather!>

SarahBrown profile image
SarahBrownGraduate in reply to Amerynthe

I never ever thought of the cling film. What a brilliant idea. Thank you. Just ran from Sandown to Shanklin and back this morning. Perfect weather conditions today for a change!

Amerynthe profile image
AmeryntheGraduate in reply to SarahBrown

Love the idea of running by the sea! I have a beach hut so in the summer I might run along the cliff top before having a cooling dip in the sea.

ItstheMarchHare profile image

I’ve only just graduated and yes, I was one of those people who couldn’t do the first run! I normally run at 6am and love it - hope you enjoy your early morning 😊

ArthurJG profile image

If the timetable doesn’t quite work you always have the option of making the parkrun itself your graduation run. You don’t need to have the app running during it as it’s a continuous run.

Amerynthe profile image
AmeryntheGraduate in reply to ArthurJG

Thanks, that's a good idea as a back-up plan if I can't make the early Tuesday run.

seaspaniel profile image

I love it when a plan comes together.

Any chance of running during your lunch break on Thursday? Doesn't work for all but I'm lucky my offices have showers and when at home I can shower too.

Alternatively save the graduating run for the park run so that your brother gets to be in on that as well.

If it is a bit tricky to get out do you have access to a treadmill?

Are you going to turn up at the park run looking scruffy and unathletic, then just before the start you strip off to reveal the super lean athlete in day-glo Lycra and the "you won't see me for dust/mud" running shoes?

I have mentioned before that I set up my Playlist for Spandau Ballet's "Gold" to play just before I expect to finish.

Remember to take cash for the coffee and cake afterwards!

Amerynthe profile image
AmeryntheGraduate in reply to seaspaniel

Thanks SeaSpaniel, that's a good idea. I could run at lunchtime because we do have showers - I would need to plan a route that avoids the hills near the office but that's no problem.

I love the idea of 'stripping off to reveal a super lean athlete' and maybe after another couple of years at Slimming World I will :-) In the meantime, I will turn up looking like a sausage stuffed into a too-small skin (royal blue lycra with yellow flash down the legs!) but that will prompt my brother to roll his eyes and start complaining, 'you get these enthusiasms and buy all the kit just for one or two occasions and then it's all been a waste of money ...' and then I won't hear the rest because I will have dashed off, leaving him at the starting line!

Good idea about cash for coffee and cake afterwards - I shall demand my brother buy me the biggest hot chocolate and slice of cake they have on the menu!

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