As a follow on from my shall I / shan't I over Parkrun, I decided to listen to my body and take a bit more rest so didn't go running on Saturday. By Sunday I was back out running and did an easy 30 minutes. Today I managed my first 5k so feeling really pleased. At just over 43 minutes, I won't be breaking any records soon, but aged 58, 5'4" and a complete non-runner 4 months ago, I am feeling proud of myself. whoop whoop!
Ran 5k for the first time: As a follow on from... - Couch to 5K
Ran 5k for the first time

Well done!! Sounds like me. I'm 58, and I started C25K at the end of January, my first concerted effort at running in my life. Keep going, and you'll go faster and further!

Congrats on your first 5k, it's the magic number isn't it! And a long way to run I think. lets hope it's the first of many, takes a lot of dedication to get there. Big pat on the back to you!🏃🏻👌
Well done on the 5k, it's a great feeling when you achieve it! Don't be frightened of the parkruns as I think you will enjoy them I know I did when I went to my first one a month ago. This Sat will be my forth Havant parkrun and I'm looking forward to going again. You needn't worry about speed there are all levels of runners attending parkruns, the thing is to enjoy your run through pleasant surroundings. Happy running. 😊

Well done Coddfish, 5K under your belt! Try the parkrun, I'm sure you'll get the bug.
YAY well done ,5K TICK your times will improve stick at it
don't worry about your age etc , increase running times and distance gradually 10% a week rule etc
take care and enjoy your running
Couch to 5 k ! You've done it ! Fantastic !

I am 5'2" and 59 and am only up to 4k in 31 minutes. My pace must be similar to yours.

And so you should! Well done

That's fantastic, well done! Give parkrun a go, I love mine and it has lead to so many other running events x

Well done! First of many I'm sure!

Well done I did my first 5k last Saturday in 44 minutes so you beat me!

Hi Codfish. Well done! I managed my first 5k this morning and I feel that its such a break through. Now that I've got this far I might try a Park Run but am a bit apprehensive on running with others etc. I'm 56 and like you I was a complete non runner before Couch to 5k. I feel so pleased with myself that I've actually achieved this. Well done us and all the others too of course!
Don’t delay doing a parkrun - they are such fun and the volunteers clap everyone and shout encouragement as you slowly jog (or walk) past. Once you have done one you will look forwards to Saturdays at 9am!
I graduated on 1/1/19 doing 4K in 30 minutes and managed 5k a week later. I have run 18 x 5ks since of which 5 were at a parkrun. I still chuckle when I think of myself a runner because I’m 61 and had never run in my life prior to C25K!
Wow - you are testimony to the long term benefits of the programme!
You give us recent, more “mature”, graduates some hope for the future 😁