W13R1 - short one with medium speed: My plan was... - Couch to 5K

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W13R1 - short one with medium speed

IgaT profile image
16 Replies

My plan was totally different. My route was supposed to be difficult, my speed was to be slow. But life through different curve balls. So other dogs (where so many of them;came form???), my hyperactive dog, other people, darkness, all of it made adjustments to my plan. I ended up with 16 minutes run o moderate speed, in the beginning too fast, but it was compromise, as my dog wanted at least triple speed of what we have done. I coveres nearly the same milage than during last 20 min (2.4km vs 2.7km).

My stomach was off probably due to too ate too big snack (salad) and too much coffee (couldn't sleep at night).

Happy to go out. Although my dog was probably way happier than me :D

lusmo , next run together on Wednesday? I may go alone and try to do a proper longer run this time.

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16 Replies
UnfitNoMore profile image

😂. Planning is one thing, but just going with the flow is great! Nice running.

IgaT profile image
IgaTGraduate in reply to UnfitNoMore

Thank you :) Whenever I'm with her, I always need to go with her flow :P otherwise it is just huge tug of war :D

Wolvesmad profile image

All that matters is you're out and not caring about anything else whilst you're running

I drink far too much coffee also 🍵🍵

IgaT profile image
IgaTGraduate in reply to Wolvesmad

Normally, I'm good with 1 coffee a day. Today, I had 3 and felt it's not enough :/

I want not to care about anything, hence planned Wednesday lonely run ;)

lusmo profile image

Great! Big congratulations! Slow is good! 👍

YES! Definitly! Absolutely! I'm ready for Wednesday! I look forward to! We win! 👍

PS: It's enough for me to meet one single dog and it completely eliminates me. 😬

So big congratulations again for great run! 👍

IgaT profile image
IgaTGraduate in reply to lusmo

It wasn't slow :P my dog was speeding and I was kind of speeding behind her (well, my way of speeding, app said 7min/km = 8.5km/h as average).

I lost count of how many dogs we encountered, and when my 🐕 sees small dogs and she is on the lead she acts a bit crazy / aggressive. So she manages to partially destroy new hand-free bungee lead I got, after ahe anihilate the previous one when she saw a cat quite close to us.

I love to run with he when she is off lead as she behaves so so sooo mich better, but our canal route is dark with no lights :( and I didn't find any other safe off lead route.

lusmo profile image
lusmoGraduate in reply to IgaT

I am sorry,I read badly... (another aha moment for me today).

Do you have a headlamp?

The morning is light, but it's cold.

I do not know what is better.

IgaT profile image
IgaTGraduate in reply to lusmo

My morning is dark as well :P I do have a headlamp and I will use it (for the first time) during my solo Wednesday run. I am not sure if I can manage with all of it with my dog.

PS. Don't worry about reading correctly. I am so happy that you (or anyone, in fact) are reading it at all ;)

IgaT profile image
IgaTGraduate in reply to lusmo

You made me excited for a moment for my Wednesday run :D Maybe I will do some fun run (30-20-10 or random fartlek) :P

lusmo profile image
lusmoGraduate in reply to IgaT

Great, I'm also looking forward.

I feel much more motivated now :-)

But I have to have discipline so I can run on Friday too.

Slowly and persistently .. you know it :-)

Hills are treacherous 🤨

IgaT profile image
IgaTGraduate in reply to lusmo

I think I need to go back to my discipline of Mon-Wed-Fri, as otherwise it is too easy to slip and stay on the couch.

After holidays, I also want to have a solid plan and goal to keep me motivated. But it will be only around Xmas.

lusmo profile image
lusmoGraduate in reply to IgaT

I know it very well, so I'm not trying to stop running.

I want to stop at every run! I know I can not. Beginning again would be so difficult. Even impossible.

Winter, cold, snow, rain ... these are all enemies waiting for me to stop running. I do not know how long I can keep it, so I'm trying ..

IgaT profile image
IgaTGraduate in reply to lusmo

We can keep it. We will power through winter, snow, wind, rain... As long as it is safe, we will keep going. Even if we will be made to stop, it will be only a short pause, and then we will lift each other, and go back to the track. Like you lifted me when I had a bad week, or rather two, and I was starting to get too comfortable on my sofa.

I know from the experience, that the second time around it is easier - just in case you would have some illness accident.

But for now, we will keep going Monday, Wednesday, Friday... I will do my run before the flight on next Wednesday, and on Friday after another flight (11-hour flight during whole Thursday + several hours in car + airport waiting). At least, I hope I will go and run ;)

We can and we WILL do it! We ARE DOING it! :D

lusmo profile image
lusmoGraduate in reply to IgaT

Deal! Agree! 👍👍👍

lusmo profile image
lusmoGraduate in reply to IgaT

PS: Happy flying! :-)

IgaT profile image
IgaTGraduate in reply to lusmo

Thank you :)

Two more run before my travels ;)

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