Can I really run for 20 mins already?! Very scared for week 5 run 3 tomorrow 😱
20 mins?????: Can I really run for 20 mins... - Couch to 5K
20 mins?????

You’ve done the training to get to this point Lynz. Can you do it? Hell yes!! Nice & steady, believe in yourself & the programme. You’ve got this👍🏻

There’s only one way to find out!
Actually, yes, you can... slow and steady, you’re ready... tell yourself that you can, over and over again. Trust the plan and believe in yourself... compare your last run to your first... impressed by yourself? You should be... believe and you can do anything.
Also, your last workout was 8 run, 5 brisk walk, 8 run... 23 minutes of heart rate up exercise, that’s how your legs, lungs and heart saw it... tomorrow it’s 20 minutes, almost a rest for them... it’s a mental challenge.

This is me soon... just back from run 1 of week 5 and a little bit bothered about 2x 8 mins if I’m honest, but every week I am surprising myself so my new mantra is ‘trust in the programme’ (from ‘just keep going’!). Good luck with it 👍

You can do it
Read this

You will do it and you'll feel amazing 😊
I'm doing that one tomorrow too. When I first saw the 20 minute run I felt a bit 😱 but I'm already doing more than I thought I could so there's no reason this one has to be any different.

I did it!!!!! Can’t believe it!!!! 😃😃😃