Does Couch to 5K work on my iPod which has no 3 or 4g
Mobile phone or iPod : Does Couch to 5K work on... - Couch to 5K
Mobile phone or iPod

If you download the podcasts ( not the App), they should work on an Ipod. Here is the link

Don’t see why not, though a phone is easier to carry. Why not try it and see ? Let us know how it goes.
Hi BCK. I could not reply to your own post you sent about 2 hours ago regarding your week 2 second run which you could not complete , both on my Smartphone and laptop a message came up "overload error reload" with a nasty little face portraining some guy that also could not complete a run,😂 anyway, regarding your run, just take it slow and steady and you will still be on course for doing week 2 only 3 times 😊

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This guide to the plan is essential reading and answers your question and many more.
Enjoy your journey.