Can anyone tell me if it's ok to leave more than a day between each run? I just can't run every other day as life is so hectic. i have completed week 1 and ran Mon, Tues, Fri. On week 2 (this week) I did run 1 on Tues but can't do run 2 until tomorrow and run 3 until Sunday. Is it imperative to keep to every other day?
Days between runs: Can anyone tell me if it's ok... - Couch to 5K
Days between runs

Not really, but try for three time a week, it means your fitness will build steadily.

Welcome to the forum and well done on getting started
This guide to the plan is essential reading and will answer most of your questions.
You are in control and as long as you have at least one rest day between runs, then an extra day every now and then is no problem at all.
Enjoy your journey.

As others have said. The goal is 3 times a week. I generally run Tuesday, Friday and Sunday. Life has a habit of getting in the way of things so I wouldn't worry too much. Good luck with it all.
Thanks for taking the time to reply, i’m paranoid i’m doing it all wrong!

What is important is to have AT LEAST one rest day between runs to reduce the risk of injury. When you say Monday Tuesday Friday, the two day gap between Tuesday and Friday is absolutely fine. Not having a day off between Monday and Tuesday was risky for a new runner though. Best not to run on consecutive days until you’ve been running six months to a year.
Ok thanks for your advice. It was a tad knackering doing two in a row!