Did run 2 week 9. When I finished my calves so painful. Could hardly walk next day. waited 6 days until I felt I could run again but only managed 15 mins before pain stopped me. So disappointed to have got this far for this to happen. Any ideas why ??
What’s happened ????: Did run 2 week 9. When I... - Couch to 5K
What’s happened ????

I experienced a recurring calf pain (one calf only) when I started the regular longer runs in week 7. I took a couple of weeks off and restarted at the start of week 5. It felt bad going back but in the end it worked. I have no more calf trouble. I made other changes too though. Proper running shoes to suit my gait, lots of hydration, running socks which don’t grip my legs or ankles, calf raises and leg stretches on non run days. No idea what did the trick but have stuck to the formula!! Hope you solve your problem soon.
After 2 weeks of no running at all because of calf pain it’s finally nearly gone. Going to give it another week then go back to week 5 and build up again. I hope the break hasn’t set me back too far !
I found that going back to week 5 suited me really well. If the calf is fixed I think you should be ok. If it hurts again, maybe time for some professional help. I have just been asking for guidance for pains I have been experiencing after a recent 9k run. It is just a feature of running that these problems pop up for all of us at any time. Happily all of my problems to date have responded to rest and appropriate exercises, and not being afraid to go back in the programme -although it felt awful having to go back, it worked for me. Fingers crossed for you.🙂
Thank you ! I really hope so. I still can’t understand why it happened but probably just one of them things. At least now I can say I have had a sports injury! Never thought I would be able to say that ! Will let you know how it goes. 😀
Listen to Laura's advice and take it really slowly.
Well 2 weeks of no running at all, then a week on holiday and I used a treadmill. Have managed two twenty minute runs outside again but at a slower pace. Legs only a bit sore. Feeling better that I can run again . Just need to keep building it back up again. So I can complete run 3 week 9 !
Excellent stuff! Great to hear that you are back on track. Sounds as though you just need to keep the pace under control and you will soon be celebrating. Just had a period off myself with a horrible chest cold. I am following my own advice and rebuilding carefully. Annoying when I had got to 9k but on the comeback trail and my legs are feeling stronger thanks to some between run exercises!Will expect your “I did it” post in due course! 👏👏
Hope so! I’ve just noticed your profile picture- bearded collie. We had one-Bailey- lost him 3 years ago, lovely breed of dog .
Molly is an Old English, but she is often mistaken for a beardie; I think it is the eye patches and the fact that we keep her clipped fairly short. She is a crazy six year old puppy!! Loves people and still likes to play with every dog on the beach. One of her mates is a beardie; they are a lovely breed too.
Hello I just wanted to say that I totally empathise with you 💛 I was just about to start Week 8 this week when my knee ‘niggle’ turned into a very sore knee. I’ve been recommended to go back to Week 5 as well. Must admit I had a bit of a cry as I was close to finishing. But now I’m so sure it’s the right thing...go back go gently and build strength. You’ve done all the right things in resting and you WILL finish this. Keep the faith lovely 💛