Today's run was just awful. At 0.5k I didn't even want to start. Head forward, shoulders hunched and a scowl on my face that would have made a toddler cry. But when I got told I'd walked 500 meters, I upped my pace and began running. And resented every step. The toxic ten was more like a toxic twenty. My lungs burned, my calves weren't talking to me by the time that I hit 2k and I wanted to quit and go home. But, I plowed on, speaking to myself and begging my legs to make like Meh'lindi (if anyone gets that reference without checking I'll be astonished) and keep going. In the end I managed 5k, and in approximately 35 minutes, so a new personal best, but a very painful one. Hated every step, but for he most part I've spent the day in my chair, reading. I've been doing things 'later'. When it came to it, I did it and I don't regret it, but Christ it hurt like hell. I'm hoping Tuesdays run will be better, cos I'm getting in a solid 6k regardless of what my legs say.
I knew it was gonna be tough but...: Today's run... - Couch to 5K
I knew it was gonna be tough but...

'Character building' I think they call it. It happens every so often, have never been able to nail down a cause. But you did your 5k, and in a good time - chapeau!

Jundal you’re a fighter and a determined one at that. Whatever distance you decide to run you’ll smash it. Your legs may grizzle, the gremlins may swarm, but will you cave? Not on your nelly. You’ll dig deep, furrow your brow and nail your run.
Every time. 💪🏻
I'll be honest, I went out mainly because I 'felt I should' but not through any real want to. Having said that, I'll keep plugging away and maybe get some different routes, perhaps go back original one and tack a steep hill on the end after some to-ing and fro-ing to keep the distance up. I think I'll build a new playlist too, the one I've got just isn't cutting it. I'm thinking a theme of 80's pop. A bit of journey, some eye of the tiger, maybe some top gun sound track. As long as it's not too close to my pace speed I'll be fine.
I think a lot of us often go because we think we should and is a sign that running is, or is getting, ingrained 👍. Changing routes and music is a good plan, keep it fresh and you will keep going out. Enter a race or two, virtual ones are a great option if you don’t want the pressure of an actual. Just shake it up a bit, keep body and mind guessing. 😉😄
Going for a colour run in a few weeks, but my son who wanted to do it dropped out on me today to play with a friend, might end up doing it alone. 😢
Kids eh!
It’s not so bad. I do all my runs alone (proper Billy No Mates) although by choice. If you end up doing the event on your own, you will still have loads of people to speak with - that’s been my experience anyway.
Sounds like you’re going too fast for comfort. Slow things down and it won’t be such a grind
It was scorching today bear in mind which made everything seem like an effort 😤

I felt exactly the same on Wednesday. Planned to do 6.5km, but was struggling by 3km. Found myself checking my watch for distance every 0.2 km (even wondered if I'd somehow changed the setting from km to miles without realising!) and eventually had to give up at 5km - the breathing was OK but the legs were hardly moving.
When I checked my stats when I got home I found I'd knocked 3 minutes off my pb for 5km (still painfully slow at 39 minutes, but progress all the same). Turns out speed is painful!
Good luck on your next run, and I'm just off to Google "make like Meh'lindi" !


Hey Jundal!! You seem to be having a bit of a challenge at the moment. And a reset button would be a great thing!! In short, you’re a runner who didn’t have your best run.
Well, we know you have the gift of being able to run. You even ran with your young whipper of a son recently and you gave him a good challenge! 😉
You might be frustrated because you’ve enjoyed so many runs and we want to have that feeling every time we go out. It’s a big ask for every single time you go out there. Some runs are great and some not so great. Put the run in the not so great pile, but remember it’s now history!! Have a proper rest day. No assessment of performance and when you go back out there, go with only today in mind. Running in the present moment! Big hugs!! 😍❤️
Will do, fabby. Next time I think it's going to be back to the old route through the woods, and crossing it every so often, to add distance. I'll come out of the top and then go towards the pub and re-enter in a different location and just 'mess about' for a while. Just take a nice ambly route after making sure I've taken my inhalers all day today and in the morning! I also think going just after the school run will help me get focused and have something to look forward to.