Any tips on running uphill or even up a gentle slope. I actually enjoyed the last 3 minute run on my W3r3 today and as it was downhill and a breeze in my face I kept going for an extra minute. But if I was running those 3 minutes uphill I struggle even though my jogging pace uphill is probably slower than my brisk walk
Running uphill? : Any tips on running uphill or... - Couch to 5K
Running uphill?

It's hard. Shorten your stride as much as you can. But it'll still be hard until you get used to it. Good luck with week 4!

Running downhill is actually harder on your joints. To run uphill, keep upright, shorten your stride and pump your arms. Let your glutes do the work, not your knees. And pump fists at the top 💪💪💪
Is humming the Rocky theme suggested while pumping fists? 🥊
Good advice above.
One other from Anniemurphyon a previous reply and it works,
But first Laura’s running form on your arms, 3 functions, forward thrust or power, your balance and what Laura calls coordination.
What is that , well the length of your arm swing at the side of your body determines the length of your stride, right. So short swing / short stride.🤔
So also when going up a hill try your arms bent at 45deg and think of them pushing you up the hill. Stand tall , short quick light steps and short swinging/ pumping arms🤔Also on lower gradients think about lifting your knees a little higher🤔.That needs to be practised.
Remember on the flat the go to angle for arms is 90deg.
Also google chicken wings/ zip line / gripping crisps.Basic Running form tips posted by Mentor IT.🤔👏👏

What helps me is to imagine I'm riding a tiny bycycle. I don't slow down, I just take much shorter steps
I love when someone explains something in such a way that you just GET it.
Tiny bicycle. I'll never forget!

Small steps, pump your arms, quick feet, rapid cadence. Hurts like a bitch to start with but it gets easier. And you'll get loads stronger.
Rocky-type stance at the top of the hill is key

Well... I'm gonna give some contrary advice. When faced with a short, less than 90 second hill, I tend to get very competitive with it and think WELL FU*!ING COME ON THEN! and lengthen my stride, power up it and slow at the top, taking g a little time to slow right down and then increase my speed. Long hills, I tip my hat and respect them, knowing that they may have hurt me in the past but I've conquered them numerous times and they haven't won yet. And they never will.
But that's just the mental side of things. Mainly: DONT PANIC.
You may want to panic if injury is through over striding.🙈🤔
We are all different but in general overstriding in any situation is not to be encouraged and carries higher risk.
Downhill comes with the greatest out of balance forces of all.
Take care of you.💥🏃♂️💥
Downhill slow, uphill fast. Works for me. Can't speak for anyone else.
Nor me,remember many many moons ago coming down the Ben Nevis tourist path , 3times a week very fast but basically with the same technique as going up.🙈😂😂
This is starting to remind me of a trip to Darjeeling from the lowlands of the Indo-Gangetic Plain many years ago.
Took about seven hours on the Toy Train to get up - about two of the most terrifying hours of our lives going back down on a rickety bus that apparently had no brakes and a very loose steering wheel LOL